
The Devil King

Suddenly, a 27 yr.old neet named Xildon Clear has been sent into the abyss while on the way back from the convenience store . With the biggest crisis of his life being sent out of nowhere, and with no sign of the one who summoned him, things become even crazier when he met the 6 lords of hell within the abyss. But when he is about to go on an panic attack, Xildon found out that the lords of hell are not what they seem to be.

DarkLordXildon · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs


"Where am I?" I looked around and all I found is endless darkness. I thought, I was blinded or something but nothing is wrong with my body.

After an hour of confusion I began walking straight in this endless abyss.

Funny part is, I don't know if I am walking straight since I tried walking in a different direction but it feels the same direction. It's like I'm moving the same time I am not.

A few days later I found out that I'm not getting hungry or anything. Also I tried killing myself two days ago.

It seems I can't die. After walking for so long, feels like one, two or five years of walking or even more.

But as time goes by I adapted to the endless darkness I could see now, I don't even know the logic or the science behind this. It seems all of my senses improved or heightened well it doesn't matter, as long as it can help me escape from this abyss.

A few hundred days, months or years later I'm still stuck here. I went mad at one time and laugh like a maniac. A few years ago, I heard growls, roar and a buzz of a fly sometimes giggles of a woman.

I am probably losing my sanity now. When all hope was lost and I finally admitted that I will be probably be stuck here for all eternity I looked up and there I saw six thrones.

Six colossal thrones which its sheer size I cannot guess, It's too big, bigger than a mountain even Mount Everest is nothing compared to the sizes of these thrones.

Six titan sized creatures just sit on their thrones looking at me, like I'm the most amusing thing they have ever seen, all I can say is what.....the.....f?

The first creature looks like a demon it has two horns pointing upwards adorned with gold, its body is also covered with exquisite gold and jewelleries and its throne is different from the other five because it's made of gold.

The creature just looked at me full of enjoyment, I want to panic right now but after going insane and crazy in the past few years I'm quite happy seeing another living creature besides myself.

I looked at the second throne, the throne looks like a living creature it has a head of a black serpent but shaped like a chair?, I don't know what's the best picture for this it looks weird, The one sitting on this throne is a beautiful woman/man? this person has two more additional heads on its shoulder which looks creepy.

It looked at me like, I was the reason it was defeated in a bet.

"I told you he will find us between 9,000,000,000 - 10,000,000,000 years"

"Grrrrrrr. ok you won." The creature throw something on the gold demon and I was right the creature lost to a bet.

I stared at the third creature, or should I say a dragon? the upper body is of that of a woman while the lower half is of that of a dragon her horns are those like of a bull. She looks like pissed at me, or is it her normal face? she just coils her lower dragon half on a pole like throne.

The fourth one on the other hand has a futuristic feel to it reminds me of the mobius chair? the one sitting on it is actually a big boobed loli.....or a colossal big boobed loli with twintails with sleepy eyes, she has ram like horns to boot....is it right to call her a loli? Oh god what the hell is wrong with me?

The fifth one on the other hand...as I go near it the supposed to be throne is actually a head.

"WHAT THE F?!" I managed to curse loudly because the thing I saw wasn't a throne rather a head, a big freaking head of a serpent but on its forehead is actually an upper body of a woman. The size of this colossal serpent is ridiculously big I can't even see the tip of her tail all I can think is.

Is she related to the world serpent Jörmungandr?, The woman was an alluring beauty blue hair with seashells for a bra, now come to think of it all five of them has big boobs, So I presume all of them are women?

Lastly the sixth one, as I stare at her I saw another loli but she's not colossal size like the other five rather her size is that of a 14 yr old girl. A giant fly is actually sitting on the throne while this loli is sitting on its head with a luxurious looking chair.

I looked at the loli and complained a little inside my head, that she is flat as a chopping board.

When I thought of that the flies swirling the giant fly came attacking me.

I panicked and run as fast as I can. The other five on the other hand began laughing.

"Come on Beel you are still growing....pfff...HAHAHAHAHAH!" The gold adorned creature laugh at the loli named Beel.

"Shut it Mammo...or you want me to rip that useless fat on your chest right now?!"

"Come on you two stop fighting it's been eons since we have seen a human right?"

"Levia is right, why is this mortal here in the abyssal heart of chaos? Belphe do you know the answer since you are the smartass around here."

".....I don't know probably because he is just unlucky Saty, how about you Asmo?"

"Unlucky? the human cost me a legion coin! I want to rape him to kingdom come!"

The hell did I just hear? I was running for my life being chased by this hideous human sized fly, I managed to learn about their names Mamo, Asmo, Belphe, Levia, Saty and Beel.

I thought that they have weird names and also raped to kingdom come? wtf is wrong with these people!