
Chapter 11

Leon walked the class to the Throne room. Janaru had to pull Aoi along because she tried

to take pictures of every little detail. The crowned walls, Mahogany floor boards, the gold

detailings along the wall frames and handrails, she didn't want to miss any of it.

"Aoi, can't you take the pictures after we get settled in? We will have time before the

party begins. I'm not trying to get lost for you." Aoi sighed lightly. She put her camera on her


"Alright. I just didn't want to miss anything." Aoi hurried along with the group. Leon

stopped before two large wooden doors. The handles were golden crusted and the wood was

extravagant in its detailed working.

"Your Majesty, Queen Soraio Shinjitsu Kurusuchi of the Northern Isles of Latai," he said

as the doors opened. The Queen wore a bright blue and purple gown and was covered in a white

fur. She looked as if she had not aged since she was 35. Her face was stern. She looked into the

peering class. Everyone kneeled before her. She stood up.

"Leon," her voice was clear and strong. Leon came before her.

"Your Majesty?"

"Where is he? That foolish grandson of mine?"

"I hope you don't mean me." Kuro said as he walked over to his grandmother. He stood

in front of her. "Good afternoon," he bowed, "Your majesty." The class was looking at the

encounter. The Queen sighed.

"You foolish child you," she said while pinching his cheek. He winced.

"Grandma, ow ow, that really hurts you know, ow."

"You leave of your own accord and then you don't call or send me letters? How could

you do that to me? I was so worried about you. And your brother. Don't you even get me started

on that one."

"Grandma i'm losing feeling in my cheek. Please let go."

"We have so much to do in such a short period of time," she said as she let go of his face.

"Wait, this is my vacation time. I just wanna hang out this week, and where is my brother

by the way? Still holed up in his room I presume?"

"Listen I have a whole list of ladies that I need you to go through that are coming to

tonight's party. And we need to have your garments sized properly, maybe a nice haircut as


"Wait wait wait, a list of girls for what? Are we getting new servants or something?" The

Queen looked at him questionably.

"No, for the princess that you are going to marry when you become king my dear. Why

would you ask such a silly question." Aoi looked up at them for a moment. She quickly looked down at the floor. Seems like he doesn't need to be so persistent about me then. Kurohyou

stopped his grandmother from rambling on.

"Grandma, first off, you are being rude." She looked at him confused. He stepped to the

side so that she could see his classmates still kneeling before her. She stood up straight.

"I do apologize, you may rise." Everyone started to stand up. Some wobbling due to

some losing feeling in their legs. "Thank you all for visiting my home. I ensure you that your

stay will be one you will never forget. I am so happy that my grandson wanted to share some of

his life with me." She looked over to her side where her grandson was standing and was no

longer. She looked around for him.

"And second of all," Kurohyou grabbed Aoi's hand and pulled her in front of the class.

Aoi's face was blank.

"What are you-"

"This girl, will be my princess." The hall was awkwardly silent. The Queen was holding

her hands in front of her.

"Now is not the time for games. Leon,"

"Yes, your majesty."

"Grandma, I told you I was going to find a princess."

"And she a princess? From where?" Aoi was looking back at Janaru. Janaru could tell

that Aoi was getting frustrated. Kurohyou sighed.

"Well, she isn't from royalty if that's what you're asking me."

"So you haven't found a princess have you? Leon, please escort this class to where they

will be staying for the trip. The party begins at 7 P.M. sharp. I hope none of you will be late as it

is a royal engagement." Leon started to usher the class out of the throne room. Kurohyou looked

over at Aoi. She was boiling. He stepped back.

"Hey I'm sorry about that. I know-"

"So when did the whole friend thing go out of the window for you?"

"No it hasn't, I just-"

"Kurohyou, we need to get ready for tonight. I will not be late due to your jokes. Come

now." The Queen started to head out of the throne room as well. Kurohyou followed after her

and mouthed to Aoi.

"I promise I will talk to you about this later. Just wait for me in your room at 6:30." He

and the Queen disappeared out the door to the side. Aoi shook her head to try to get back to


"How did it come to this?"

* * * * *

Aoi ended up having to ask a couple of the servants where she was staying being that she

lost the group. When she finally got to the East wing she almost forgot about the previous situation. There were several doors leading to the rooms and one large living space that

connected all of the rooms together. Tables and pillows and a fireplace. It was very luxurious.

Most of the classmates had already gone about touring the castle. Some were still in their rooms

putting their clothes and personal items away. And a few of them were in the living space just

talking. Or they were talking, until Aoi appeared. She got cold stares and she knew it was

coming so she shrugged them off, although they felt a little more colder than she thought. Janaru,

Leei, and Tanashee came out of their room and saw Aoi. She walked over to them.

"So my day just keeps getting worse. Not only did he announce something completely

ridiculous, I'm gonna get cold stares the whole trip, and not to mention my dress for tonight. I

think I am just going to stay in for tonight. I will just try again tomorrow."

"Girl, bye. We are all going to the party tonight. And you are going to have to get over

the stares. You are going to get it the whole trip regardless if he said something or not."

"Wait, why would I? If he didn't say anything then they wouldn't think he's only paying

attention to me right now." Aoi grabbed her head, "I just wanna lay down, did they get my

stuff?" Aoi went towards the door where her friends were staying. Janaru stopped her.

"They got your stuff, but it's not in there. You might wanna look to your left." Aoi

paused and did as she was told. When she looked over she saw a servant standing at the door.

This same door had an gold nameplate with Aoi's name on it. Aoi could hear the whispering

behind her.

"Who does she think she is?" a girl said to her friend.

"What does she have that we don't?" Aoi was getting annoyed. She walked up to the

servant and smiled at her. The servant handed Aoi the key to the room and bowed. Aoi looked at

the key and then spoke loud enough for her peanut gallery to hear her.

"What do I have that you don't you ask?" The girls were startled that she could hear

them. Aoi put the key in the keyhole and unlocked the door. "I have history," she said as she

opened the door to her suite. As she walked into her room the warm breeze hit her face. She had

one queen sized bed on the right side of the room with a satin canopy above her bed. Across

from the bed was a vanity that was lit up with lights with a plush stool for her to sit at. There was

a door to the left of the vanity that led to her own personal bathroom that was all porcelain from

the floor and the walls to the giant tub that looked as if it could fit at least four people. The linen

was red and smelled like roses. The door to the right of the vanity was a walk in closet. It had its

own sections for shoes, jewelry, bags, and then the rotating rack for clothes. There was a glass

case in which her dress that she had purchased was hanging on the door. She sighed as she

looked at the dress. She walked out of the closet and walked over to where the warm breeze was

coming from. Outside of the double doors was a small balcony with two chairs and a table. She

could see almost the whole island from her view. It was breathtaking. Janaru sat on the bed.

"Well I'm a little jealous." she said sighing. Aoi laughed it off.

"I will say that it's really nice."

"Really nice? This is gorgeous."

"But I'm sure all the rooms are nice too"

"Actually, his Highness asked to specifically have this room remodeled before your

arrival, Miss Hakiko." The servant said. Aoi turned to her. He looked at the brown pigtail haired,

blue eyed servant.

"What's your name?" she asked her.

"It's Momo, Miss Hakiko. I am requested to aid you during your stay," she said before

curtsying to Aoi. Aoi shook her head.

"Well you won't have to do that, so please stand up." Momo did as she was told. Aoi

reached her hand out to shake her hand. "And it's fine if you call me Aoi." Momo's face got a

little red.

"Absolutely, Aoi. Well you have an hour and a half until the celebration. Shall I run you

a bath?" Aoi looked at her friends. They shrugged their shoulders.

"No, I ca-"

"No, no, no. Surely I can do that much. Please, allow me." Momo went into the luxurious

bathroom to run Aoi a bath. Aoi took a deep breath. Leei, Tanashee, and Janaru started to leave

the room.

"I suppose we will go and get ready as well. See you in a little bit, princess." Leei said

mocking Aoi. Aoi rolled her eyes.

"Whatever. You guys." Aoi shut the door behind them and turned around to look at her

room once more. Then she remembered she had forgotten something. She took out her phone

and went to call someone. He picked up.

"Hello?" his voice sounded deep and sleepy on the phone.

"Hey Aurora."

"Aoi? Hey sorry I was just taking a quick nap," She could hear the energy in his voice

revive. "How are you? Was the ride there okay? Has he done anything to you?"

"Whoa whoa whoa there. Calm down, I'm fine okay? It's really beautiful here. I'll make

sure to take lots of pictures. But how about you? Did you get there safely?"

"Yeah we all made it. It's really pretty here too so I'll take some pics if i remember for

you. I mean, if you want."

"Yeah sure, that would mean a lot to me Aurora." When she spoke his name this time his

heart skipped a couple beats. He cleared his throat.

"So where are you guys staying?" He already knew the answer to that. But, he asked anyway.

"We are staying in the castle. We met the Queen and she is so beautiful. She's strict

though, yet she welcomed us into her home. So that makes me like it all the more. I would hate

to be a burden."

"Yeah I know, that's so like you Ai."

"And you don't have to worry. I've got my own room." Oh bad move Aoi. That's just going to make him worry more.

"You aren't sharing a room with your friends?"

"No… I have a key though so no one else can get in. I'll have Janaru and them come over if I need them too. They are one room over."

"Aoi, I've finished your bath. Is there anything else you need me to take care of before

the celebration tonight?" She looked over at Momo who was waiting for a reply. Aurora was

getting a little uneasy.

"Ai, celebration? You are going to a party? And who is that?"

"No thank you Momo. That will be all." Momo nodded and left the room. Aoi knew that

Aurora was getting worried. She had an idea.

"Aurora, I'm getting ready to take a bath. It's really hot here and I'm all sweaty. Do you

want to hang up and I'll call you after to tell you the entirety of my day or do you mind staying

on the phone?" Aurora's heart starting beating fast again. Aoi could tell. Sorry Aurora. There's a

lot going on right now and I don't know how to explain it to you right now so it will have to wait.

"Yeah, I'll stay on the phone if you don't mind."

Aoi did a silent victory dance. "Okay then. I'm gonna get in the tub. But can I just tell

you about how pretty it is here?" Aurora wasn't really paying attention. His mouth was in

autopilot while his mind drifted off. He could hear the sound of the water splashing around. He

imagined Aoi sitting in the tub washing her arms, her legs. Aoi could tell he wasn't really paying

attention. She got out of the tub and wrapped herself up in a towel. She told Aurora she was

getting out and he just replied, "uh-huh…" Aoi was giggling to herself. He's kind of cute when

he's like this. Aoi walked straight into the closet to get the dress she was going to wear. It was no

longer hanging in front of the glass case. Aoi dropped her phone. Aurora could hear a little thud

as the phone bounced on the rug inside of the closet. "Where did it go? Did someone get in

here?" Aurora could hear her speaking.

"Ai, is everything okay?" There was silence. "Hey can you hear me?" Unfortunately, she

couldn't hear him. She must have put the phone down to look for whatever she lost. He waited for

her to come back to the phone. Aoi was looking through all of her clothes. It was gone.

"Where in the world did it go?"

"What are you looking for?" Aoi turned around quickly to find Kurohyou standing in the

doorway of the closet. He was wearing his royal garments for the evening. She almost couldn't

recognize him. He looked at himself to try to understand why she was looking at him

inquisitively. "Oh, yeah, It's because of my outfit? Yeah Grandma has been waiting to dress me

up. So here I am, I hope it doesn't look to weird on me though," he said scratching his head.

"I mean it doesn't look too bad…" her words escaped her lips without realizing.

Kurohyou smirked.

"Thanks, you don't look half bad yourself. Did you enjoy your bath?" Aoi paused, then

realized the situation she was in.


"You thought you were the 'only one' with the key?" Kuro laughed. "Relax, I'm actually

here to save the day.

"Kuro, unless you know who took my dress I would like for you to leave my room."

"I had Momo take the dress." Aoi stared at him.

"Why would you do that? I don't have anything else to wear for the party."

"You didn't really want that dress." Aoi was quiet. She rolled her eyes.

"Listen, it doesn't matter. Can I please just have the dress back."

"It matters to me," He started to walk closer to her. There was no place for her to run. She

just grabbed her towel. "And I could tell you were unhappy with the dress. So," He continued to

step closer to her. "I had my servants go pick something out of my mother's closet."

"You did what? Is that even okay?"

"Why wouldn't it be? I want you to enjoy your stay. And I need you to look and feel your

best. So do you want to see the dress before you completely say no?" He stopped within arms

distance. Aoi looked away.

"Well, If you won't give me my dress back I suppose I will."

"Great. I'll have Momo help you get ready and then we can talk in fifteen minutes?

Unless, you want me to help you-"

"Just send Momo in already." Aoi said pushing Kuro out of the closet. Momo scurried in

with the dress and accessories that came with it. Aoi shut the door and locked it. "Please tell me

he doesn't have a key to the closet too. Momo laughed.

"Of course not. Now, let's get you ready Aoi."

* * * * *

Kurohyou was sitting on the bed waiting for Aoi to come out. It was taking a little longer

than he expected. They had ten minutes to be at the party. Someone was knocking on the door.

Kuro walked over to answer the door.

"Aoi! We are gonna be late let's go…" Janaru had stopped speaking when she saw that

Kurohyou was the one to answer the door.

"Yeah, she's taking a little longer than I anticipated. You guys should go. She will be

there soon, we need to talk before she goes to the party." Janaru looked at Tanashee and Leei.

They all had "that" look on their faces.

"Mhmmm you take care of my girl now. Have a nice 'talk'." She said laughing as they

left the doorway. Kurohyou shut the door.

"For God's sake how long does it take for women to get ready?"

"I don't think 20 minutes was too long." Kurohyou turned around. He saw Aoi walking

out of the closet. Momo was right behind her holding her accent scarf. Kurohyou was gazing at

her. Aoi was wearing a blue sparkling sweetheart neckline, corset, fitted to the middle of her

thighs, and then the bottom was sheer tulle dress in which you could see her legs and the silver

heels that had straps that wrapped up her legs right under her knees. She also had on the

matching blue and silver gloves and accent scarf. The blue was the same color of the flowers that

were native to the isle. Some of Aoi's hair was tied back. She looked unhappy with it.

"I don't like my hair being tied back. Though. And the heels took a while to put on. I did

spin a couple times in the mirror." She spun around one more time. Her flowing tulle flowed in

the wind of her spin. You could see every sparkle in the light. "I do love this dress. I absolutely

love it. Thank yo-" Aoi looked up at Kuro. She could see that he was looking at her in awe. She

started to blush.

"Kuro!? Earth to Kuro!" Kurohyou snapped out of his trance.

"Right. I'm sorry. You look… Just…I don't even know where to begin… You look

incredible in that." There was an awkward silence for a moment. Kurohyou shook his head.

"Well, Like I said I wanted to talk to you about earlier."

"Mhmmm, I've been waiting."

"I haven't forgotten about us trying to work it out as friends. I also did not know that my

grandmother was going to try to spring this on me, trying to quickly find me a princess for

marriage. So if you don't mind, could you pretend to be my potential princess." Aoi felt like this

was a trap. She also felt like he was being sincere. That he doesn't want to bend to the will of his

grandmother. Doing this would also put a lot more targets on her back.

"What's in it for me?" Kurohyou paused. What could he offer Aoi that she would be

willing to do this for him? A light went off in his head.

"I'll pay for all of the activities you and your friends embark on during this trip." He

could tell that it was working. But it wasn't enough, he needed something more. He saw how she

was still glowing. "And, I'll let you keep that dress and pick out one more from my mother's

closet." Aoi's eyes lit up.

"Are you serious? Oh wait, I really shouldn't. It belonged to your mother."

"She won't be wearing them again Aoi," he kneeled before Aoi and took ahold of her left

hand. "It's the least I can do for my dear friend," he said before kissing the back of her hand. Aoi

looked down at him as he looked up at her. "So do we have a deal?"

"I will only do it in front of the Queen. That's it"

"I'll take it," he said as he stood up. He went over to the bed and picked up a box. He

went over to Aoi. "And I specifically asked Momo to pull some of your back so it would look

great when I put this on you." Kuro carefully put a silver tiara on Aoi's head. Momo and Kuro

stepped back to look at her. It completed the look. Aoi was the one in awe now.

"Where is my phone I want to take a pic-" Aoi stopped speaking. Her face was frozen.

"Aoi what's the matter?" Momo asked. Aoi turned and went back into the closet and saw

that she had dropped her phone on the floor and forgot about it. She picked up the phone and saw

that Aurora had been on the phone the whole time. She took a deep breath. He is about to kill me.

How much did he hear?


"...Aoi?" Shoot. He's still there. He couldn't have heard the conversation we had in the

other room, but he knows Kurohyou was here after I got out of the bathroom. What do I say to

him? As Aoi was thinking about her next move her phone was taken out of her hand. Kuro had

grabbed it as soon as he realized what was going on. "No wait Kurohyou let me speak to him!"

"Yo Aurora, what's up?'

" …"

"Oh I see, fox got your tongue I suppose. Well I just wanted to let you know that we are a

little late to my coming back celebration so this will be very short. But don't worry, Aoi will be

in perfect hands all night." Aoi was blushing.

"Don't say stuff like that! He's gonna get the wrong idea!"

"Don't stay up too late for her. We will be out for a while. Bye bye fox boy." Kurohyou

hung up the call, turned off Aoi's phone, and put it in his pocket. Aoi was pouting.

"Come on why would you do that?"

"Because, we made a deal," he brought Aoi's hand to his face. "And I expect you to keep

up your end. So that means for the rest of tonight," he kissed her hand again, "you're mine, my
