
the demon kings last servant

after the the defeat of the demon king all the way back of the ages, the world was at peace for many years as the main four races helped keep it at track, however there was said to be a human race as well forgotten to time, as a man wakes up from a pod, only to find they have released the deadliest subordinate of the demon king onto the world, one that wishes to revive what should have stayed dead

specimen2 · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

chapter 1 Waking Up In A Cold Bed

<p>once apon a time the world was covered on what we know them as, "the great warriors" a race seemingly made for battles as they are bipedal creatures with two legs and arms, and while seeming to have no exoskeleton, nor power, they are known for their abilities of making weapons of destruction unlike any other, however such abilities have a price<br/><br/>as for them their world ended three times, seeminly caused by members of the demon kings council wreaking havoc to the world, however, while they where setting up for the world's fouth end, multiple heroes have arrived to stop them<br/><br/>they were so grand in their abilities that they even defeated the demons members one by one, even ending the their top 3 warlords of tarr, beast and death, tarr by getting them after the holy battle after the heroes weapon only for her love to be killed in the crossfire, making them strike themselves with the weapon they tried to reach, beast who was wiped away from the world by a heroes sacrifice, and finally death<br/><br/>the most powerful under the demon king as they kept the heroes on the ropes for their entirety of the journey, and their final fight showing the amount of damage they would be able to do if not destroyed, as ultimately it took defeating it's mental state, to end its rampage, as it's failure cuased the demon king to seal them away in order to destroy the heroes themself and to keep death from growing more powerful from the heroes demise, however the demon king was slaughtered by the heroes as-<br/><br/>a man gasps awake as if they awoke from a nightmare even with it just being a tale as they look around not knowing what has happened to them, making them confused on their whereabouts as they put their fingers on their forehead to take out an incoming headache as they see what the room they are inside of, as it seems to be a freezing area of sorts from the leftover ice, along with the nuclear battery nearby seeming out of fuel, that, is definitely not a good sign as they get up from what they now clearly see as a cryogenic chamber that was to its side to be laid down like a bed seemingly remembering something as the man looks around, their scraggly black beard, the mess of hair, their brown coat, red shirt, and blue jeans as they look over the room their in seeing a door outside as they go toward it while also stretching their joints to probably check if they still work after so long<br/><br/>now let me give a general look at who the hell this guy actually is cuase he will be somewhat important for something I will say later, so, this guy was basically the general war veteran at the time of the demon king war not much i remember about him though, oh, and was sealed in ice with several others in order to revive to pass old lessons to the future, though you will see what would have happened to the others, so, why was he confused, well when your stuck asleep for lets say ten thousand years when your supposed to be frozen for two thousand only to find everything completely fell apart, you would be disoriented too for a bit <br/><br/>anyway, the guy makes it to the door with a weirdly determined look like why? it's a door, or maybe the things behind it?<br/><br/>as the open the door the guy, or I'll correct myself shouta, opens the door to see the absolutely wrecked facility as other doors that would have lead to his comrades and the end of the hallway leading to a giant cell that wasn't there last time as they clearly ignored it to instead check on their comrads the panic clear on their face as they go through the doors trying to find them, only finding the shattered, rotten, or dried up corpses of their mates and fellows, ah, their tears are lovely, sadly I couldn't collect them yet, darn cage and need for first impressions<br/><br/>either way, seeing as their is no one left of his past group and they got tired letting away precious water from his tears they look over to my- I mean the strange cage in front of him looking to be a giant black airtight box, might aswell be a giant rock blocking away from what should be the only escape from this room, luckily for him, it isn't that hard to unlock, though they don't now that, as as they walk up to it as the block begins to glow in front of him causing him to stop to look over it again<br/><br/>as they go over to take a closer look, they see that it seems to have a locking mechanism that requires a human hand to open, though they don't know what's about to happen <br/><br/>as wires pop open when he gets just a bit too close as my voice is heard from the box, time to introduce myself<br/><br/>" Well, look here, someone has finally gotten close for me to try this little trick, so dear general shouta, you are very lucky,"<br/><br/>he struggles against the wires wrapping around his hand and his legs, forcing his hand to realize the locks and how freeing it is! as the box opens op leaving a way through that is blocked by my body as a mass of black slime sticky yet solid like living black cement as there is always a piece of it in view that looks like a white smile, hey don't gudge I haven't gotten my bearings fully after being sealed so long<br/><br/>" The hell! who are you!?"<br/><br/>" Oh just a certain being named smile, and apologies cuase I just know how confusing this will be for you small one"<br/><br/>ah he is already backing away, if their gums wasn't already crushed by my prison i would guess he would have pulled them out already, poor him, anyway, now with my freedom back I have some fellow beings to meet as the man speaks<br/><br/>" smile huh?* they say as they are backing away from me with their eyes showing their thoughts on how to survive this. Well, lucky you! I don't plan to kill you, yet* so what is this some, kind of, genie lamp thing?"<br/><br/>I couldn't help but laugh at that as I can tell my voice sounds as if I was a radio show host strange I swore I had a different voice, maybe I'm just hearing things, anyway, this clearly made they man back up more starting to have their fists up to guard, they now they can't do nothing about it but it was something<br/><br/>" More like pandoras box"<br/><br/>his eyes turn more into a glaring look, accepting death already, aren't you<br/><br/>" Lucky for you, I'm feeling kind. Besides, you making it outside will be a sort of punishment as well, I'll leave you be, see you on the t~o~p!"<br/><br/>as my black cement like body goes up so I can do my thing to get some structure back, it is very needed for future intimidation as I make it out let's swap the view to this guy shall we? besides, I need some privacy<br/><br/>_<br/><br/>when the being left I was left alone in the room as the new exit is infront of him to the outside, I still have some tears for my comrades that have left me alone to face, whatever the hell that thing was, but time to get my head back on straight<br/><br/>" Whatever the hell it means from escaping is a punishment, and how bad is it to be like a pandoras box?"<br/><br/>sadly it isn't like I could have shot, whatever it is, maybe an unknown gracioun if so this will probably be bad, most of the good ones perished from the war, and from how it described itself, it ain't the nicest, as I get my bearing back I walk over to the exit to see what the outside brings as when I go past the beings prison to the gate that is already open as the dirt seeming to have covered the vault was burst out as beings as I start hearing sirens outside<br/><br/>and when I make it their, I see things?<br/><br/>I could recognize them plenty the creations of the demons council, the antpeople very well looking like bipedal ants as they have advanced weaponry on my and working as a group, the bluefin blue people with fish like charecteristics like webbed hands and scales along with their sharp fins as they are covered in great armor with enchantments and axes preparing for whenever i move, the poltermists beings that phase from physicalto intangible as they have their books of spells ready for action, and the florals beings of vine that has their vines cover their armor as their legs have taken root to control any plant to come up under me whenever I even move I lost as the beings around me clearly look confused?<br/><br/>as immediately after one of the antfolk looks over somewhere as they swap weapons and before I could react, a floral keeps me still so the shot could hit knocking me out cold<br/><br/>_ <br/><br/>hello yet again I finished my business and oh, poor ole shuota is knocked out by the new dominant races of the world and ill explain on a later date so you don't stay out of the loop for too long<br/><br/>when he eventually wakes up instead of what he sees usually as an interrogation room seems to be one covered in security to keep him inside and them out as the only grace he has is that pieces of the wall are transparent to see the outside as he looks around seeing the poltermists, and antfolk patrolling this cell, they do this when it comes to unknowns, and for them this species is o.e built especially for battle, and was supposed to be extinct, so the security is for just in case as the guards are reporting that shouto is awake as they will send a small envoy over now let me swap you to his pov so you can hear his feelings<br/><br/>_<br/><br/>when I wake up from the massive pain in my head, I see the things no. I guess people that have trapped me here, and not a single person around, if anything I'm the alien here, though still didn't make that hurt being equivalently crushed by a floral and shot and by the time I have fully waken up I didn't even get a chance to put my thoughts together till a blue fin in a kind of robes knocks the door</p>