
Xiu ya is vomiting blood...

Hmph! You'll soon be in that critical condition my bestie!. A mischievous smirk was clearly visible on her face when she said this.

"She just can't wait to meet with Xiu ya her bestie already". How would their meeting be like?. Hehehehe. It surely would be interesting!.


Immediately Hui qing got inside of her room, she started with her packings. She took only a few clothes with her before carrying the hand bag and then came out from her room again.

[She was ready to embark on her journey. The journey of love!].

Mom, Dad. It's time. Xiu ya is vomiting blood... And I'm afraid I can't waste a second here. She said. And as usual... She expressed a pitiful face.

"Gosh!. I can't believe that I'm becoming such a liar because of Xiu ya. It's all her fault".

"Her Mom deeply sighed". Too bad for a good girl. Why don't you call her?. Let me talk to her. It's rude of me not to ask her about her health. Mrs Hui admitted to Hui qing that suddenly became stiff. It's like her Mom words pierced through her heart after she said that.

Em... I don't think so Mom. Xiu ya is not feeling well to answer your phone call now. She's at the emergency room in the hospital. So... She can't really answer. Infact... Cellphones isn't allowed inside the emergency room.

Well then... Don't forget to send out my greetings to her. And wish her well for me. She said. "Since she can't call her, then it's proper to send a live message over there to her".

Sure Mom. Bye. Hui qing hugged them both one last time before running off to catch a cab and luckily then, drive to the airport.

"She just hopes that she's not being crazy with this idea of hers. Her idea should be a Masterpiece!".


Taxi!. What a lucky coincidence for Hui qing. Immediately she came out from the house, she spotted a taxi car... After which she immediately called on it.

To the airport. Hui qing said out to him after settling inside the back seat of the taxi. "They should arrive to the airport in no time".

The taxi driver took acknowledgement of where they're heading to now before then, he drove off... Now driving straight to the airport. "She indeed is executing her plans just like she said". 

What a lady of her words!.

"Here I come bestie. I'm definitely going to scare the hell out of you!". Hmph. 

Speaking of which... Hui qing then brought out her cellphone to check on Xiu ya. She remembered that Xiu ya once marked in her phone map, the location of her family house. "In that case it shouldn't be hard for her at all. Hehehe".

It would be like a piece of cake for her. No need to ask for directions from anyone since she have her precious phone map with her.

Hui qing was satisfied when she saw the location of where Xiu ya was now. "What a long flight ahead of me". Gosh!. What we do for love!. She thought.

But it definitely would be worth it. Hui qing encouraged herself because at this rate she knew that there was no turning back. More like she wasn't ready at all to turn her back.


It seems like fate was on Hui qing side today because there was not a single traffic stop on their way. It didn't take long for them to arrive at the nearest airport. 

She paid the taxi driver before then running off inside the airport. Since she didn't make any appointment... It surely might be difficult for her to book a flight ticket to Texas City.

Well... She just hoped on her fate today!.


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© Copyright Tina Nwuba.
