
Pro Gamer/ Taking Action!?

After he was satisfied with the kiss he let go.. whoa!! Shin Yu carried her in a bridal style as he walked to the large bed..

He placed Violet on the bed as he then kiss her forehead head.. I love you. He said out his affection he have for her..

I love you too. She gave him her honest reply as she also then placed a light kiss on his lip to show him..

Shin Yu wasn't ready to part from her but Violet shuu him away to go get his bath.. he finally listened to her as he quickly headed to the bathroom....

Violet smiled at his childish behavior.. she hope that this happy moments will last forever.. she smiled as she thought of it..


Nan nan was busy pressing his phone inside his room when the room door opened up..

It was Ji Min.. he was holding a leather on his hand..

Hey big bro.. Nan nan kept his phone aside as he greeted his big bro.. he was about asking him why he was here when Ji Min passed the leather to him.  

It's your favorite.. Ji Min slightly smiled as he said before turning his back and went out of the room..

Nan nan:-_-?? His favorite?? He hurriedly opened the leather to see what was inside..

No way!! He actually got this for me??.. Ji Nan said in disbelief as he stared at the Sesame chicken that was inside a fancy rubber plate...

I don't know what got over you big bro but I love it!! Nan nan excitedly said as he begins stuffing the Sesame chicken inside his mouth..

So good!! Nan nan complimented as he was still salivating over the chicken....


Morning time came...

"Yawns".. with her eyes still closed, Violet used her hand to search for Shin Yu body on the bed but ended up finding an empty bed with no person on it ..

Where did he go to this early?? Violet said out as her eyes was finally opened seeing no one was on the bed except her..


Did you find their where about?? Shin Yu asked the person that was on the other end of the phone call..

Yes Boss.. Min Feng answered.. but there is another problem.. Yi Yuan got out.. Min Feng informed Shin Yu..

This made his face drew dark.. round the men.. he said before hanging up the call...


Any problem?? Violet asked her hubby that seemed really focused on something else.. she had earlier searched the whole room for him but no sign of him only to see him walking about outside the room as if he was perhaps safe guarding it..

Yeah.. just an urgent business to attend to.. he replied to her as he kissed her cheek before entering back to the room..

"Sighed". Sure business.. she murmured. She was sure something was going on but she didn't want to invade his personal matters unless he decided to tell her himself....


Shin Yu bath really quickly, after that he came out to wear his shirt. A nice planed trouser matching it with a white singlet with suit on top. He didn't bother to even wear a tie..

Aren't you going to eat before going.. I could make you something quickly.. Violet assured him..

It's ok. He said and was about to leave but came back..  make sure you don't go out of the hotel ok. He said to her with a serious and worried voice..

Mm.. Violet nodded her head just to make him happy and satisfied...

I love you. He kissed her on her lip before heading out..

Love you too.. she said with a low tone, Shin Yu had already left the room...

I will make sure I kill you my self. Angered Shin Yu raged on his way out of the hotel.. He will make sure to finish what his grandfather couldn't finish.. by torturing and killing that Yi Yuan himself..

He entered his car and drove out of the hotel premises..


You're up sis V?? Chang Li asked Violet that lay flat on the living room sofa..

Yeah.. woke up about an hour ago.. she said lowly as she still feeling sleepy.... But how could she fall asleep when she feel something seems really off with Shin Yu? She was just worried sick about him..

Cheer up sis V.. your face sure look boring than your usual face expression.. Any problem?? Chang Li asked..

Nope.. I just feel a little dizzy..

Come on.. let's go get rid of this dizzy of yours.. she said as she dragged up Violet to stand on her feet..

How about going out to have a little fun. Violet was about running out with Chang Li but remembered Shin Yu word of her not going out from the hotel..

How about we just play game?? I love the feeling of being a gamer.. Violet was really excited and looking forward to the thing she love doing..

Yeah.. but you play sis V? Chang Li asked..

Leave that to me.. I'm a pro in this kind of stuff.. we just need to download the game through my laptop.. "Sighed"..

What's wrong V.. Chang Li asked Violet that stopped her talking..

We'll need a game pad to play it.. em.. my game stuffs got lost in an accident some time ago..  Thanks to the Mafia brother of yours.. Violet thought in her head...


Knock knock.. Nan nan hit the apartment door. Get in Nan nan.. you know the door is opened. Violet to him from inside their apartment..

Tada.. Nan nan entered their apartment smiling more than ever..

What's with you?? You seem so happy than your usual self.. what up?? Violet asked as she suspected his suspicious behavior...

Nah.. just had a great night yesterday. He said as he still continued his smiling..

Well thank goodness you're here.. we were about playing some video games but don't have a game pad.. how about you be sweet and go get it for us.. Violet smiled as she asked him.. she just doesn't wanted to come out of the apartment because of Shin Yu word to her earlier of not coming..

Yeah.. will you Nan?? Chang Li also asked.. she was looking really forward to also playing the video game. At least to use it to pass out some time...

Sure.. if it'll make you guys happy.. he said as he then head out of the apartment...

Wow!! What's with his mood today?? I like it!!

You sure do sis V. Chang Li tap on her left shoulder as she said to Violet...


Boss!! The men in black paid their respects to Shin Yu...

Welcome boss. Min Feng said to Shin Yu.. they're all here as you ordered..

Thanks Min Feng.. 

My pleasure boss..

Now lead me to them.. he said as he face was now serious...

Sure boss.. Min Feng collected the keys from Shin Yu as he then got in and sat on the driver seat of the car...

Shin Yu majestically entered the back seat of the car as Min Feng then started the car to where they "Chan Yun and Ja di" are.... they tried to kill his Wifey.. he sure won't let them off that easily..

The bodyguards in black all followed after Min Feng lead.... Several black flawless and expensive cars could be seen driving on the road in order formation..

Boss.. the report said that Yi Yuan got out just some days ago. And when investigating about the situation last night about the two runaway.. I also happened to see trace of Yi Yuan there.. Min Feng report to Shin Yu trying to equal the equation..

So that old wrecked soul dare me?? 

Yes boss.. in my investigation, I'm pretty really sure he knew about the two locked up ladies "Chan Yun and Ja di" so he waited for the actual perfect moment to strike..

"Wickedly smirked"..

I wanted to confirm this myself, so I had earlier called the police to confirm this information myself and was told he escaped and they were still on search for him..

Pathetic.. "He sighed as he said". I will have to finish this myself. He said with a dark face.. They sure will witness hell.... His face could show his rage his was trying to keep in..

"Gulped". Min Feng was envy of Violet.. what a caring hubby his little wifey.. he had wanted to tease Shin Yu if only he wasn't in this mood...



Hey guys I'm back.. Nan nan said as he entered their apartment..

So quickly?? Are you a wizard or do you perhaps have any supernatural powers?? Violet that was suspecting him asked with her curious face..

Yeah.. I flew in the sky to go get it fast so you could be happy.. he teased..

Hahaha.. how funny. Hmph. Violet snatched away the game pad he was holding..

She torn opened the carton that the pad was in... Nice!!

Huh?? You're back so quick Ji Nan? Chang Li that was coming from balcony asked..


Whoa.. so I get to play video games. Violet, set it.. can't wait to try out.. Chang Li said excitedly..

Sure sis Chang Li... It will be my pleasure.. Violet said as she then begin to set up the video game..

All set!!  She said as she then sat on the sofa facing the large TV that she had set the game to...

How about trying out Sonic the hedgehog first.. Violet said as she then set it.. rules.. first person to pass the levels in the game.. she said as she then cracked her neck with her hand.. she was really ready to have this game.. of course, she is the game lord.. 


Inside the abandoned house....

Boys.. here is the plan. We strike when she's alone. You put her in your crime van and bring her here to me.. Do I make my self clear??

Yes boss.. so long you pay us well, no worries. The leader of the thugs said as he busied himself with the cigarette he held in his hand..

"Smirked" that bitch is in for a surprise..  Chan Yun said joined with a wicked smile.... She was less concerned of the untidy clothes she was wearing.. she was just focused on dealing with that bitch that came along and ruined her perfect live of hers....

Outside the abandoned house..

Min Feng drive slowly through the house as he then stopped the car at the bush side of the house to avoid being noticed..

Shin Yu bodyguards got off from the car as one of them helped open up the car door of where Shin Yu was seated..

He arranged his silent gun as he was really serious of finishing the business himself...

His bodyguards too brought out their guns as they followed Shin Yu into the house.. 

Min Feng leaded Shin Yu to the house.. he was Shin Yu personal assistant and also his personal bodyguard and close trusted friend....


Inside the abandoned house...

We're going to strike tomorrow.. Yi Yuan announced..

Ha!! It's about time. Finally!! Chan Yun said satisfied as she snatched the cigarette from Ja di hand..

Finally going to get hold of that bitch tommorow.. he said out loud..

Shin Yu that was behind the window of the house heard with that old wretched man called his sweet little wifey.  He was more than pissed off than ever. He just aimed his gun on Yi Yuan as he then shot..

"Pak!!".. Yi Yuan body dropped dead on the floor..

Ahh!! The both girls shouted as they bend down to take cover...

The thugs were alert now.. they all brought out their guns 


[Author Tina nwuba: More updates daily 💁. Please review and rate the Demon CEO little wife.]

See ya in tomorrow update.. bye💁. Author Tina nwuba.