
Min Feng and Zhang ll...

Aha! Found it! Definitely knew I am right all along. He said out loud to Zhang hearings. [Honestly speaking, Min Feng didn't actually even listen to a word that Zhang was saying-_-**. His all focus was only in the screen]. [And seeing that he was right all along now, make him really satisfied now].

Whoa! I never did underestimate you Min.. I surely never did. [Min Feng: -_-*? You really got to be kidding me now. He thought after hearing what Zhang said out to him now]. Zhang said out loud to Min Feng that already found out the big deal now, through the CCTV. It wasn't Mr Ling at all that tried hitting on her, but just another random stranger... Just as Zhang called it.

[The both now watched the CCTV footage from the beginning to see what really happened and there it is.. the answers to their questions and doubts, right in front of them.

[Here it really goes.. A random guy was seen now approaching little Miss V.. seems like it that he is trying to hit on her, but Violet didn't even give any face to him.. but the dude was still persistent in still hitting on her.. they all watched as the guy jerked up all of a sudden. Why is that? The both thought. Min Feng and Zhang could only watch all the video scene but they didn't get to hear the voices of the people inside the screen now.

This was when Mr Ling entered.. seems like it that he was trying to just offer little Miss V a helping hand. The guy that was hitting on little Miss Violet, suddenly bowed down to Mr Ling before running away immediately. [Now this surely, is really strange to them now.. seems like this Mr Ling isn't some kind of any ordinary person. That's what both of them are thinking now. He doesn't even look like an ordinary person from the start.. seems like they didn't get to notice it on time]

Now they are back to the scene that they both first assumed that Mr Ling was actually the b*stard that their Boss ordered them to find out about and report back to him. Now they have seen who that it. They just have to report this to Shin Yu firstly and await for his next orders. 

Now Min Feng and Zhang have already gotten the answers to the order that Shin Yu ordered them to first out about, they went out of the room seeing that their work here, is already done and accomplished

"Phew!". The other guys inside the room sigh in great relief after seeing the DEMON Boss personal bodyguards are now gone out from the room. [This really was closed for them.. they actually did thought that they were all in some kind of trouble, that really made their heart almost skipped and stop to beat all this moment].

[But now seeing for them selves that the both were already gone, they sighed in relief and started back with interacting with them selves just like then earlier before that two showed up making them as quiet as possible, you name it].


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[Author Tina nwuba: Hope you guys like my story. Don't forget to tell me what you think about it. See you all in my next update]

© Copyright Tina Nwuba.

Facebook page: Author Tina-nwuba

Love you all my amazing readers 💞🌌💞. See you in my next update 😚🌌💞. Read my other books

Ongoing-"The cold prince stubborn wife".

Ongoing-"Reborn of the Demon Empress". By Tina Nwuba. Love you all💞.
