
Let me be a dear by assisting you.

Oh my!. Why is my day always getting ruined!. He thought to himself.


Nan nan came out from his room... After that he stiff all of a sudden after seeing his pain in the ass. Why did she always have to show up where ever he is or even goes to?. What have he done to her for him to deserve this?.

Did he perhaps offended her in the past life?. If that was the case here then she should just pardon him. He's really sorry about that.

W.. what are you doing here?. Oh gosh!. Why did I ask her such a dumb question?. Nan nan thought to himself. 

He jerked up after he saw the way that Xi Feng was staring at him like he was come kind of animal below her.

Well I shouldn't mind her. I'll just be on my way then. Nan nan decided to ignore Xi Feng and go on his way because he wouldn't want to get anymore injuries from her. 

Aaah!!. Nan nan yelled out before falling on the floor. Gosh!. That hurt like hell!. "Waah! Waah!" Why me!?. What have I done?. But wait here... He didn't fall accidentally but it was purposely!. Nan nan turned his head only to find Xi Feng leg set on the way. She was the one that made him fall.

Oops... My bad. She simply said to him.

But what did he do to her now that made her actually do this to him?.

Nan nan quickly got back on his feet. He was about asking her why did she do that but with the way Xi Feng was staring at him only made him to swallow in his words.

Who knows whether she might hit him on the face next if he perhaps say a word to her?. Ignoring her again is the best and only option for him at this moment.

Nan nan gave her the ignoring attitude and was about to leave when suddenly she held back his hand.

This made him dumbstruck. What is she about doing to him this time around?. Would she hit him?. Oh no!.

Nan nan was waiting for the worst to happen when he suddenly heard Xi Feng voice.

Where are you heading to?. Let me be a dear by assisting you. She wore a smirk on her face after she had said this.

Huh!?. Wait what!?. Nan nan was in great disbelief of what Xi Feng just said to him. Her assisting him?. That'll only make his say worst like hell itself!.


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© Copyright Tina Nwuba.
