
Idea/Worried Hubby..

Yeah.. we write and submit them I immediately will hack the computer system and then change our answers.. hehehe.. so Brilliant!!

Why answers sis V? Chang Li asked her..

Because it they happen to mark it fail and I then change the answers, they sure might really know..

Or I have a much better idea than this one.. Violet said out.. you guys should just trust me on this one ok..


I don't know that brat of your daughter is up to.. if only we had disciplined her well.. this sure won't be happening now.. the middle aged man rage in anger as he walk up and down in their bedroom..

He had earlier came back from his small business company when his wife told him about their daughter...

Honey.. calm down. She's just not in her right mind yet..

That's what you keep telling me. Huh!! How dare she offend some like Mr Shin Yu?? Does she even know who she's dealing with!!?? He was still raging..

Calm down Chan Yun father.. don't you know am also worried of what our daughter got herself into?? We had better go plead on her behalf.

And you think he will listen, to you Woman!? You're just inviting him to come find her himself.. Chan Yun father said out loudly...

Then what do you suggest we do?? We can't possibly lose our only child.. she said now shedding tear..

We treated her so well just because she's our only child, and now look what it has brought upon us.. if anything is to happen to my hard earned company because of her, I won't hesitate to go find her whereabout my self.. he was so annoyed and angered, he slammed the door on his way out...

Oh dear Chan Yun.. what have you gotten yourself into... She said sadly as tear was still rolling down her cheek..


It's about time.. you guys finally made it.. Yi Yuan smiled wickedly as he said to his thugs...

Yes boss.. we in for the money.. the head of the thugs said..

Of course.. and you'll all get it when you do the job perfectly.

Of course boss.. we never make mistakes.. The head thugs that held a cigarette said..

Good.. now the plan.. he said as he lead them all into the room of the house..

Chan Yun: "Wickedly smirked". You're sure in for a shock bitch.. 

Ja di aren't you going call your Dad or perhaps your mom.. Chan Yun mockingly said..

You know Chan Yun that u hate them both.. I just stay with them for the money.. Ja di said .. and they can never control me about my whereabout..

Ever since her mom died she was in huge pain and to think that her dad betrayed her mom by marrying another woman just a week she died.. she hated her father so much with that his bitch Mistress..

Oh.. I perhaps forgot.. she laughs out...

I just can't wait to get hold of that bitch.. she said as she fold in her hand into a tight fist..

I bet you do Chan Yun.. here you go.. have done cigarettes to calm down a bit.. Ja di said before passing her the cigarette she had just lit on..


Search through girls, they couldn't have gotten far from here. Xi Feng ordered her girls.. it's been some days that the girls "Chan Yun and Ja di" had escaped from them..

They search almost every inch but no signs of the them.. I see footprints.. one of the girls reported to Xi Feng..

Xi Feng followed her to where the footprints was.. it leaded to the forest but the footprints was no longer visible because of the forest grasses that had covered it..

Oh dear.. I guess we have to report this to Shin Yu. We don't know what that two got under their sleeves.. Xi Feng said as she brought out her phone to inform Shin Yu about the situation..


Shin Yu was in his large office when his phone ring..

He face grew dark when he listened to Xi Feng.. without wasting much time he head out of his office..   Take care of everything. He ordered Min Feng.

What the hell happened to Boss.. he seem so off. Min Feng said.. he was sure that Shin Yu came to the office today with a happy face but now?? He just couldn't help but think about it..


Guys this plan is sure to work.. just leave it all to me. Violet said as she boosted..

Of course sis V. We sure trust you ok.. Chang Li said stretching her hand. She had seated for so long listening to all of Violet amazing plans.

Great work V. Nan nan complimented.

Violet:-_-?? Violet was surprised hearing a compliment from Nan nan instead of his usual teasing on her..

Don't be so surprised. I'm a changed spirit. He touched his chest as he said, he was trying his best not to laugh out now..

Ok ok.. I hear you, changed spirit. She said jokingly..

Yeah.. I better be on my way. To my apartment of course. He joked..

Ok then.. wow!! I didn't know it's that late.. Violet exclaimed as she checked the time in her phone. It was already 6pm.

Yeah. You forgot probably because you talked for a long time. Nan nan said as he got up from the sofa.. he stretched his hand, crakes could be heard..

Yeah I sure did.. she awkwardly smiled a little as she scratch her head..

Nighty night Nan nan. Violet waved her hand at him as he was about opening the door..

Sleep tight, ok. Chang Li said.

Sure.. good night too. Also to you V. He said before going out.


Violet followed Chang Li.. Hey wait sis V. Aren't you going to sleep in the other room.. she long her words as she asked Violet that was about entering the room with her..

Oh. Totally forgot "Sighed". Well goodnight sis Chang Li, muah. She said as she then kissed Chang Li on her cheek before going to the other room...

Ah.. so tired. Violet murmured as she then pulled her clothes and headed to the bathroom..

She turned on the shower.. oo!! So cold. She shivered under the shower...

She was about getting soap to rub on her body when the bathroom door suddenly swung open..

Ah!! Violet screamed out only to see that it was Shin Yu.. she was still so shy and embarrassed seeing her naked body...

Shuu.. go away. But he didn't move an inch. What he did next made Violet really surprised.. he hugged her as if he was perhaps going to lose her..

Are you ok. She calmed her voice down as she worriedly ask him..

Mm.. Just stay still ok.. he said to her as he still continued to hug her desperately..

Violet couldn't understand what he was feeling now so she just stayed like that in the position. She also wrapped her hands on his large back as she tried to smooth him from behind..

He stayed in the position for about a minute and before letting go..

Violet looked in his eyes and could see the fear in it. But why?? She thought..

Are you hurt.. the sudden question from Shin Yu made Violet really confused now..

Nope.. am perfectly fine.. she said showing him no sign of injure in her body. She stopped when she realized that she wasn't wearing any clothes on..

Shin Yu was relieved now.. he smiled seeing his little wifey childish behavior..

Shuu.. you can go out now. Violet said pleadingly...

And what if I want to stay.. he said as he looked at her hungrily... Violet:-_-??

That's done it.. Violet didn't care, she used both hands to push out Shin Yu from the bathroom before shutting it up from the inside..  Good heavens. Violet said as she then continued taking her bath...

Shin Yu stopped smiling now as he was now focused on what to do..

He brought out his phone to call Min Feng..


Min Feng was about rounding up when his phone ring.. Yes Boss..

They escaped. After hearing what his boss said, Min Feng understood who he was referring to...

Rest assured.. I'll investigate and find them. Min Feng assured him cuz he could tell from the look of his voice he was worried for his wife..

The door of the bathroom opened....

I'll call you later.. got urgent things to do. He lied cuz he didn't want Min Feng to know his real intention..

After saying this, he hung up the call..

Min Feng just smiled at his boss.. he could tell when Shin Yu was lying because he had been close to him for some years now..

He was sure that it was because of his little miss Violet that he rapidly hung up the call.. "laughs out loud" on thinking this..

Inside the room...

Violet looked at Shin Yu with her suspicious eyes.. he was acting kinda weird now..

What are you doing? She asked him as she feels something is off. He was really acting weird. First the hug and now, acting strangely??

Just thinking of how to eat you.. Shin Yu said as he then started stepped closer to her with a hungry eyes...

Violet:-_-?? Oh boy.. she immediately slightly pushed him off her way as she ran straight to the wardrobe..



I'm done. She said as she then come out from the wardrobe..

Ahh!! You scared me to death!! she was about turning when she saw the tall body of Shin Yu resting on the wall...

What are you doing here?? She asked him still shocked as her hand was still placed on her chest..

Just resting on the wall waiting for my Wifey to come bath me..

Violet:-_-?? Like seriously. What the hell had gotten into you?? She thought..

"Phew". You really scared me. Violet murmured as she face her head down..

Who were you expecting to stand in here at this time of the night?? Shin Yu asked waiting to hear her reply...

Maybe a burglar I guess.. she said reasoning with him...

Sorry if I scared you.. Shin Yu said as he raised her face to his direction.. he bend his back to kiss her on her lips..

Violet tried hard to cope with his kisses as she was not still used in keeping up to his own pace...

After he was satisfied with the kiss he let go.. whoa!! Shin Yu carried her in a bridal style as he walked to the large bed..

[Author Tina nwuba: More updates daily 💁 my amazing readers]..

See you guys in tomorrow update 💁.

Love you all.. from your Author Tina nwuba 💁
