
I'm not dumb Min...

Nice meeting me... I mean you of course. He smiled stretching out his hand towards Violet. [Min Feng: Why the lost of words to say?]. Hehehe.

[Here we go] Min Feng thought. Min Feng was watching closely to see what Violet will do... But to his surprise, she slightly smirked at him and gladly accepted Zhang friendly hand shake. [What the hell did he do to little Miss Violet to deserve all these?] He thought to himself.

His mouth was widely opened up now. Why is little Miss Violet treating him like that? It was her hubby fault not his after all?. He complained inside his head. He even almost jerked up seeing Violet raise her one brow multiple time as she stare at him. [Min Feng: Now she must have think I am a fool.. and an idiot with thinking like this].

Oh Min. I didn't see you from over there. Violet suddenly said out making Min Feng really confused of her acting behavior. [I really do give her 5 stars in this her acting. She acts more than a pro it self].

Min Feng: Oh my!. I really need to redeem my self.. He thought.

Sis V are you serious? Chang Li asked Violet that was acting all confused. He have been standing here right beside Zhang all the time.. didn't you see him?. Chang Li was surprised so she said out to Violet that acted like she was confused and really didn't see him there. [she sure will make a good actress]. No doubt about that one.

Oh. Maybe I didn't noticed him well. Violet lied. She was indeed, more excited, seeing the innocent, pitiful face that Min Feng gave her.

Maybe. I think we should go get you something to eat. Chang Li said out. In her mind, she was thinking it's because her sis V is hungry, and that's why she could notice Min Feng also. She better get her sis V something to eat, before she really faint on her here.

Yeah sure. nice meeting you Zhang. And you Min.. really and you. She said, repeating her words to Min Feng, before going on her way with Chang Li that was assisting her, holding her hand as they walked side by side together.

Gosh... Boss wife is really pretty. Zhang smiled adoring her beauty. I hope mine is beautiful like she is. He admitted.

Anyways, dude you know I'm not that dumb to not notice little Miss V behavior towards you. Spill it out. What did you do this time? Zhang raised his one brow asking Min Feng that looked at him confused of what to actually say. Infact, what does Zhang actually wants him to say to him?.

It's nothing... And why would you ask some thing like that? He complained to Zhang with a fake pitiful face.

I'm not dumb Min... You might as well tell me now. Zhang said almost so nicely. it's as if he is threatening his own pal.


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Love you all my amazing readers💞. See you in my next update.Read my other books. Ongoing- "The cold prince stubborn wife". 

Ongoing- "Reborn of the Demon Empress". By Tina Nwuba. Love you all💞. Now ongoing"Spellbound To You Demon". In Webnovel.

© Copyright Tina Nwuba.
