
Beijing roasted duck!. An alive Duck!.

In no time Chang Li with Yang Min were already done with their bath before then going straight to the kitchen direction.


Inside the kitchen.

Em. So what are you planning to cook?. Yang Min asked Chang Li as soon as they arrived at the kitchen. She's just being curious about it all.

I was thinking of preparing noodles but... It's just way too simple. So I think I'm going for, Beijing roasted duck. Chang Li said out. Her face was bright and shinning because she really is looking forward to this. [Chang Li does knows how to cook just like her Mom. But it's been such a long time ago that she prepared this particular dish that's about to cook for them both].

Huh?. Roasted duck?. But I don't see any here. Yang Min sure is right. How can one prepare a roasted duck without an actual duck?. Isn't she supposed to also add that to the menu?. Yang Min sure is making sense here. Or does Chang Li have a back up plan to execute?.

Oh my. Hehehe. I probably forgot. Chang Li said showing out her teeth to Yang Min that just smiled at her reaction. Yang Min definitely was right. They indeed need to buy duck. Seems like I'll go out on a walk then. She thought to herself as she have already prepared on going to buy the duck herself.

Don't worry then. I'll go get it myself if that's the case here. Yang Min suggested to Chang Li that smiled immediately after she said this. Well she should smile after all she was just talking of going herself to buy it. Yang Min is such a dear. 

Sure then I'll be waiting over here for your arrival. Chang Li watched as how Yang Min walk out happily on her way to buy the duck. She really must be looking forward to eating the food prepared by her.


One hour later.

Chang Li was already tired of waiting out for Yang Min that is yet to arrive back with the duck they'll need. She already had even phone call her and Yang Min told her that she's on her way ever since then. Yet she still have arrived back to the apartment... Or even self to the Hotel.

But something really is strange here. She heard Yang Min sudden exclaiming before the call hung up. Is she alright?. And what's that weird noise she heard during the call?. Gosh. I'm just so restless being like this. Chang Li muttered to herself. Yang Min sure have spend enough time outside. She should be back since but what's stopping her from arriving yet?. She just hopes that it's not what she's thinking of.

After waiting for a minute more, Chang Li decided to go find Yang Min herself. What if she did lost her way back to the Hotel?. This thought hit hard inside Chang Li head. Why did I allow her to buy the duck herself?. Chang Li just remembered that Yang Min doesn't know her way around this City. Why am I so dumb!. I better go get her back myself. She said out before getting up from the sofa that she was seating on.

Just as Chang Li was about going out from the apartment, the door suddenly swung opened and the person she was talking about just now was the one that opened up the door. And is standing in her present. Chang Li immediately sighed in relief of this.

What happened to you?. You're in a mess. Did you happen to get in an accident?. Yang... What is that?. Chang Li was surprised seeing the duck in Yang Min hand. An alive duck!. What the!?. She couldn't help it from exclaiming loudly. Why is Yang Min holding an alive duck with her?. This isn't what she's supposed to purchase!.

You didn't quite tell me the kind of duck to buy so I bought this one. A pretty much alive one. It's all yours. After Yang Min said this, the duck slipped out away from her hand flying right on top of Chang Li face. What the hell!. Chang Li just felt like fainting that moment.

[Chang Li: "Speechless". Aah!. Get it off me!. Get it off me!. Well, now it's Chang Li's own problem. Yang Min just seat on the floor. She had spent out all the energies left inside of her. The only thing she could do now was only to watch as Chang Li struggled with the duck. That's really hilarious. Even though she lost all of her energies, Yang Min still have the energy in her to laugh out loud a little at Chang Li. Well her laughing out loud doesn't mean that she's not also scared of the duck.

Yang Min also did have the energy to capture the moment. [Yang Min: What?. It's just for fun. She knew what she went through on her way back to the Hotel]. What Chang Li now is experiencing is nothing at all compared to how she did suffered and sweat a lot on her way back to the Hotel. This duck is just a bad jerk!.

Everyone was even staring at her because of how she's really in a mess. The duck was the cause of all of that.


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© Copyright Tina Nwuba.
