

I run through the darkness awaiting at least a little bit of light. My heart racing. Beads of sweet drip down my face and onto my torn clothing. I need to find my way out. Help me someone. I'm scared.

All I see ahead of me is black. I don't know where I'm running besides forward. I hear distant thumping. I don't know what it is and I can't look back. It's getting closer though. So I change directions and go to the left. I start to see a little bit of light in the distance.

Hopefully I can get out of here before whatever is behind me comes and gets me. I keep running trying to make more distance between me and the thing. My legs sore and burning and my feet cut up and oozing blood.

The thing behind me closing it's distance on me and I'm forced to stop and face it head on.

"Who the hell is there?" I yell loudly.

"I'm someone you don't want to mess with girly." A man with a deep husky voice replies.

His voice send shivers down my spine.

"How am I supposed to know what I am dealing with if you won't tell me what I am dealing with." I say feeling it closing in on me.

"I'm a demon you ass. And you my personal meat suit are getting me out here." He says grabbing me by the neck lifting me.