

The day I met BTS...

Was like any other. I but on my mask and set out to the world, making sure that no one could take a peak at the real me and notice my weaknesses. I spent my day at school, only to come back home to see my aunt and uncle visiting my parents. And the mask I had slowly taken off on my way back home, was quickly put on again. It was not until late at night that I could take my mask off.

So there I was at 11 PM. Still awake, on a school day, tried of having the mask on, I could finally take it off. And so I laid on my bed, reflecting for a few minutes, thinking about what I should do. I finally decided to watch YouTube. I scrolled through the recommended until I found something I liked. At the time, I had been obsessed with various animes, of course I couldn't tell anyone because everyone hates the dorky anime kid. I did not want to be an outcast. And so the night passed, hour after hour, with me still watching anime. But then I noticed something interesting, a video, a music video. Out of boredom perhaps, I decided to check it out. As I watched the video, I watched every moment with intrigue and fascination. Then more videos of these amazing people popped up and curious, I played the video. Needless to say, that morning, I no did not wake up tired despite sleeping late, I was elated and looking forward till the end of the day when I can finally see them again. And sure enough, I took my mask off little by little to my friends, finally showing them the real me, because I knew they would accept me either way.