
Dawn of Champions

Long ago, before Gods and Devils were at war, champions dominated earth and battled to determine who were the best of the best. Compatitions were held to remove the weak from the stong and the skilled from the unworthy. After death games and tournaments the remaining champions were awarded the title of Guardians. Tatanos the Guardian of strength, Gaia the Guardian of life, Aura the Guardian of peace and Salazar the Guardian of the death. The four guardians then seperated ways and ventured out finding their deepest desires all throughout the world.

Many years passed and they were still searching and learning what they were meant to do in this harsh cold world. Tatanos found sanctuary in a Shaloine temple hoping to learn new fighting styles and maximising his tijutsu. Aura being kind, wise and strong taught children the advantages and benefits of making peace with others even if it's not your liking. Gaia took patience to advise people on their life decisions and guiding them in the right path for a better future. On the other hand Salazar climed up the ranks and became the emperor of a small nation called Shinjo. Drunk with power, money and fame he opened a portal leading to Heaven itself to obtain eternal life, but was abruptly stopped by one of the Gods and was banished

to the underworld.