
The Darkest night

Being beaten to your death may not seem like the appropriate time to be thankfull but the boy chocking on his own blood was smilling!! He could feel it....he could feel his death approching and he could not be more thankfull for his body reaching its limit. He was on his last breath! he knew it. "Soon!" He thought "soon i will.... " before he could even finnish his sentence he was gone. (This is a dc comics fanfic)

Iughh_Mabaill · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
8 Chs


God has a grudge against me

Why else is my life how it is? I was born but never received a name, well affection wasn't given either but still i servived in a world that wanted me dead. I don't know who my mother is or where she is but tgat fukn whore could've taken me with her.

What i had was a father, a piece of shit that does not deserve to be called human. When i was nine i tried to run away from the house while he was out somewhere probably raping some random women unlucky enough to catch his eyes.

I had planned everything from where to go to how to get there but while i was just packing my bag one of his "buddies" showed up and cought me red handed.

That night i was tought a lesson A VERY IMPORTENT LESSON.

"I had no future" my face was burned up with acid causing me blindness in my right eye. While i was was running around like a headless chicken those fuckin pig tased me rupeetedly for further amusment. I thought i would die but i didn't

Why i didn't could only possibly mean one thing. That GOD HATES ME why else did i survive?

Almost two years past i was 11 and i looked like a disfigured goblin. I was fuckin hiddius

On one of my outings to scavinge food for myself i found a man drunk face down on some garbge. His phone was ringing but he didn't care luckly for him was there to care so quitely i stole it.

By no means was i a dumb kid i had tought myselfe to read and write thus far and i knew what phone was thae pig used it frequantly. Luckly this one didn't have a passward lock like the pig's.

It was the bwst thing that ever happened to me

For the next few weeks i learned to somewhat use whilst hidding it from the pig when it all of a sudden lost its battry

I was davestated, thought i had broken it. But after pressing the power button a few more times i realised that i just needed to charge it.

My life was getting better and better. After a stole a chager from a street vender i dicovered something, i discovered the internet. I had connected to the pigs internet.

One dqy one of his "buddies" visited him for some reason, while staying he asked the pig for his passward. It was then that i had also connected to the internet. It was bliss i discovered so many new things, i realised they were communities of millions of people online all doing different thing to enjoy life.

Comics , anime, memes, cartoons everything i never had was at the palm of my hands. Once again the will to live had reignited in me. charecters like batman,spiderman,walvarien,pumisher,kaneki and shiro became my idols. When ever i was reading a comic or manga it was like i was inan other world, it was true bliss.

Almost two years later. I had become too comfortable, while pig frequently left the house he would lock me in to prevent me from running away i was his punching bag.

One night when i was alone locked in the two room apartment we lived in. I was on the phone reading new manga. I had hid the phone from the pig for almost two years and had grown two comfortable when suddunly the door swung open *bang!! I got svared and hid the phone in my underwear.

Rhe pig entered screaming " where ar ya u cunt!!" He saw me near the brocken mattress " u little bitch!!" He shoutex before he picked me up from my leg. Even though i was almost 15 i wasn't very big. The pig tossed me to the wall after which he stqrted kicking me relenlssaly. I couldn't breath. I could feel it this time i was gonna die.

Many of my bones were already broken and many were braking now. That didn't feet good, it hurt like hell but i was well used to the pain. i could already feel my heart aching my breath slowed until it stopped. i was dead.

Honestly it was very underwhelming. Sure it hurt but the pain was not anythinng new. though i was happy, finnaly i had died.