
The Dark Rebirth: A Vampire's Descent into Darkness

In 2024 a disaster came upon Earth, that caused the planet to change greatly. It was no longer the same. Magic, elf's, vampires, demons and so much more had changed it for the better or the worst. Asclepius now it's name and the baby who's eyes had fluttered open was Adrian Amdis Acheron. A new body, a new world and even a system. What secret does he hold and how will he manipulate everthing to his own advantage? But will the manipulator of manipulators be outsmarted? The one pulling the strings might not be Adrian as he gets washed away to whatever world would get him stronger. ___________________________________________________ This is completely mine. Everything is what I tought long and hard over. And especially used imaginition for. All characters are mine and so is the storyline. The cover isn't mine. If the owner wishes for me to remove it please contact me. *One to five chapters a week.

Myst_Rinnontoya · แฟนตาซี
88 Chs

Get a move on

{Why would I?

What did you think would happen?

I would leave, let you suffer all alone?

I would never!

We will figure this out, together even when we stand alone.}

Damn he's still not over it, Cyra saying that was shockingly touching.

Yet didn't make much sense?

Why would she say that?

Her tendency to seriously hurt people and even be capable of murder all but dissapeared when he came into her sight.

''..-r highness.''

No way she would be so emotional all off a sudden,....it was sweet though.

{Not the point!

We urge you to complete this mission faster.}

{Got it,... yet don't you agree?

She changed or there must be something behind her reasoning?}

"..-or highness?"

{It was just too sweet, not at all her style.}

{Please continue with the mission at your earliest convenience.}

''Your highness!!"

''No need for that.''

''Forgive me, I was trying to grab your attention since you seemed spaced out.''

''Well what is it? Get to the point.''

The younger council member, he really needed his name, begun his tirade.

Adrian could see he was excited as he kept rambling about how they where close to finishing a building and even got extra unexpected help.

The mention of she being so strong made it obvious who had came into the picture.

Cyra, you are so quick.

Would she have known from her teacher, Seriwen or had she figured everything out by herself?

Had she followed his strace back to one of the places?

That had been a fast process.

A process that consisted of in, check the crystal, back out and to the next.

He hadn't bothered the hide that very well, it was afterall part of his plan.

Twisting the small knife in his hands he pondered silently against the wall, listening to the parade of words.

Rory, his servant hadn't uttered a single word to anyone beside him, well not that he would knew seeing that he hadn't bothered to check upon him.

Although each and every quard and servant that visited had said that very same thing.

"He doesn't wish to speak to us your highness."

And while they had found it weird he hadn't allowed any torturing, that fact served it's purpose.

Weird looks in each and every one that became aware of that exact information, just like now.

That look combined cleanly with various known rumours.

Romours consisting of


The King is afraid to do something because he is being blackmailed by the servant, who must have some valuable information.


The servant is actually the crown prince yet the King isn't sure so he's contemplating what to do.

Ridiculous that one.


The king has lost his backbone caused by the upcoming birthday of the real heir.

Well that one was more a combination of a lot of different speculations.

Some are even saying that this was his last resort before the heir would swoosh in and kill him.

With last resort consisting of no terror acts anymore or any other clearly frowned upon manners that he used to do.

It was said that he was white washing his sins and in this way showcasing that he did not want to die.

They weren't wrong but ouch his dignity.

''You did great. From tomorrow on you will be allowed to work in the long awaited house.''

''That's awesome, your highness.''

''It was about time too.

On another note from tomorrow morning all our past conversations shall disperse into nothingness.

We only know each other from the council's meetings.''

The atmosphere had twisted, what was glee and triumph changed into utter disbelief and shock.

''But...your highness?''

''Listen to me-''he didn't once look the other in the eye, finger tapping slowly on different pages."-I trust you with this mission. You have done so well, only now you need to continue that alone.

From the moment everything is finished you shall seek out everyone you can.

People who need it, people who are homelessness, hungry and most importantly people with a reason and will to fight.

You shall help train them with others.

It doesn't matter how long it takes or the doubts you will experience that's the only thing you need to do.''

''Your highness?''

''Don't worry about it. As long as you keep your own involvement a little bit hidden you'll be fine.''

''I'm not worried about myself.

I'm worried about you, your highness.''

Another one?

''No need.''

''With all due respect your highness but you actively helped me every step of the way.

There is no reason for you to suddenly withdraw.''

''Unless there is a reason.''

Another one who speaks nonsense.

''Even if there was a reason I don't see why I should disclose it. Beside as long as you keep doing as you are it will be at least a few months before trouble comes knocking at your door.''

''My door...not ours?''

''You're very observant, it's a good skill.

Be very careful with that.

One wrong move and death awaits you.''

''Is that why I have too forget?''

''Just do what I ask, please.''

The please was noted with a spark in the younger's eyes.

''Yes, your highness. I shall forget.''


The younger took it as the dismissal it was and turned away.

''One more thing whatever happens restrain your emotion and reactions, no matter what you see or how humiliating it seems.''

He stilled and with a mutter of agreement he left, door closed silently behind him just like their collaboration.

He, himself was curious how humiliated he would feel when his position would go from king to a clearly controlled puppet.

It was kind of exciting, how far could he go before people would feel sympathy for his situation.


The question here is how far does he need go?

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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