
The Dark Chronicle

The Dark Chronicles, tells the story of eighteen years old Audrey Monroe, who finds herself pulled from the first and only place she managed to call home for up to five years and forced to attend sophisticated highschool in San Francisco when her mom moves again. Determined not to get attached to the environment again as she was certain that they would still have to move again, she didn’t expect to fall in love or to start changing into something that she doesn’t understand. The hatred between two races; humans and vampires will risk their lives, their love and would force them to decide whether to risk it all for each other or to part to save their races…

EllaChimezie · แฟนตาซี
9 Chs

Chapter two

"I did some research and found that the one who bit him is a purebred, she is from a lineage that is just as pure as me and purer than even you," Wyatt said and paused.

"She is a half-breed Mark, I didn't know until her change started earlier yesterday and you know the law binding half breeds, you also know that if her transition kicks in she need a lot of blood, pure blood, and he has it, load and loads of 'em pumping through his veins. He doesn't give a shit about the aristocracy and his colony–my colony is a decent one, one that I would love my daughter to be associated with, if anyone is willing to take her as his responsibility and still fulfill it despite the stupid law, it's him."

"Moreover, I don't know if she'll go through the transition. She might end up living a content life and never finding out about what I am. It happened with Sam's boy, he's 38 years now, happily married, and still doesn't know his father is a bloodsucker, it can happen to her too."

He hoped his daughter will escape the transition, it's better to live like a human than as a vampire because you will be hunted for the rest of your life, and you have to change location every 5 years before neighbors start suspecting you of not aging, losing friends and loved ones while you stay alive, shit! Being a vampire isn't fun at all.

"Shit! Now I understand. You should have said something sooner. I would have sought someone else as a replacement!"

Wyatt was silent, he didn't know how to explain to him that it isn't all about the physical aspect, his daughter's destiny is linked to Ace's own, and the sooner they cross-part together, the sooner she is on the path to achieving her destiny. His mind is made up concerning the matter, the only way it can change is if Ace rejects the offer and he prays that never happens.

"I didn't think there is another option and there can't be any last-minute changes, why do you hate him so much?"

"I don't hate him but I know he is up to no good and entrusting him into the hands of your beloved daughter is a terrible idea. I just pray out of his respect for you that he doesn't do anything funny to her."

"He won't and I'm certain,"

"That's by the way, there is no guarantee he would do it for you, you know how he hates people since the incident with his ex-wife, if he ever agrees it's because you saved his ass one too many times and not because of your daughter,"

"I'll take him anyhow I can get him, he is doing me a favor and not the other way around. His motive for agreeing to it is the least of my concerns right now,"

"So are you going to tell her about it before leaving? Like, prepare her mentally for the fact that someday, a guy would show up at her doorstep and disrupt her entire life?"

"I'm gonna talk to her, I would not tell her about the whole vampire blood-sucking stuff, it'll be too much for her young mind to take in but I'll try to tell her about Ace and make her think he is related to me so she could trust him and make it easier for both of them in the future,"

"Oh man, forgive me for going back on this but can't you find someone else? Anyone? I'm ready to take care of her, I'm saying it for the second time, just ask me and I will do it."

"And make Gabrielle kill me? Thanks a lot but I value my existence just in case you have forgotten. You know how overprotective she is of you,"

"True, I guess that does it. He's the one you want to look after her so I have to deal with it. When is he going to be here?"

A very strong scent passed and Wyatt looked up, "shoot! Here he comes. Are you gonna shit around or–" he left the next question hanging in the air.

"Nah, I'll be at the bar. This is not the kind of conversation I want to be part of."

Wyatt watched as Ace made his way into the club, he waved his hands high up in the air to draw his attention to where he was and it worked.

Ace is heavily built, he is six inches tall and has broad shoulders that are bigger than most males. His amazing dark brown hair stopped above his shoulders, his grey eyes suited him to perfection. He had a look of a killer, just from his physical appearance you will know he isn't one to toil with.

With a frown, he moved towards him while the sea of people gave way for him to pass.

The smell of hatred hit Wyatt and he knew beyond doubt that it was radiating from none other than Ace.

He hoped he was doing the right thing by entrusting his only daughter's life to someone who is always prone to anger, someone who has a record of killing anyone who stands in his way.