
Only After Being Dead That You Can Be Alive

Have you ever sailed in your life? Well if not, I will give you an advice: never ever in your life trust a calm sea because it's the signal of a storm. I never sailed but Fisherman did and he always try to link my life with the sea making me learn somethings about the sea.

Other thing is that you never know what you've till it's gone, that's a hurtful truth, I hated being in Earth and my parents but right know I miss the polluted, and yet peaceful, air of Earth.

But let's not start from the end point of my life, let's start from the first day of everything, when I was still Nea and still went to a public school in the America Empire. That day me and Paul was playing a game we called: "What pre-war movie is this?", a dumb way to say that we were trying to discover the movie.

"A girl encounters a burned guy with a good diction and a even better taste for movies." He said while adjust his dark hair in my dirty and broken mirror.

"That's really easy. V for vendetta. 2006 A.D. With Natalie Portman as Evey Hammond." I stopped by his side and watched myself, my red hair was really messy and falling in front of the freckles that filled my face, hiding my gray eyes.

"I hate you." He said tying the bow tie from the school uniform. "You know every movie pre-war and only does what you like." Paul smiled and give one of those punches that always made me feel uncomfortable for being me. I never understood why he envied me; I just don't follow rules while he is one of the rich ones free to do whatever he wanted.

Paul took the only bus that headed for our school while I take my newly — except that was an item pre-war — Harley Davidson and went to school using the old bridge outside the town. Except for me and some drug dealers that didn't cared about my existence, literally no one used that bridge not even the old road that was linked to it.

The wind blowing in my face, the sensation of being fast and the world going around me is the better part of my day turning every single bad thing into a good thing. My school was in the East so I went to the West where the library was.

"Who comes?" A deep and hoarse voice shouted from far.

"Someone with the guts to go against the winds and discover the truth." I said walking into the library, this person always asked some part of a book for me to complete but never let me see his face.

Some books I read said that this library could make the Alexandria library envious.

The shelves went all the way for the top of the construction with stairs and even locals for sit. Stairs would lead you to the sub levels where the best books where hidden, mainly because they were in the blacklist of the government what only made them even more interesting to me.

I remember that I was reading about the Daemons and how much the people don't know anything about them. They were a group of humans that had these abilities ranked in letters F, being the worst and, A, being the most useful. Everyone knew that they played a big role in the war but no one knew what role and what that role had to do with the remodeling of the world. How some guys changed even the format of the continents? No book could explain and for the way the world was, not even the powerful people. Other strange thing was how they vanished in the end of the war.

Fun fact about Daemons: all of them are certain that they are alive but all of them has a part of the life that is blank and has a death certificate. It was like them all had to go with a near death experience to 'evolve'. Or at least was what I thought.

The sun was gone when I got out the library and went home, not really home but to Alice's home. She was my best friend and some other things.

When I arrived she was waiting my in front of her door using those extremely short pijamas of hers.

"Like always you are late." She said entering the house and going to her room. "Why you didn't come for school?"

"I didn't feel like it, so I got out with Fiona." I knew this would made her jealous but I had to stop our not so health relationship. For me she was just a friend but, in her eyes, I could see that she not just wanted but believed that we were more. I didn't like her like that.

I don't know how everything started between us, I remember we were good friends and when I tried to understand everything, she was saying that she could be pregnant. Since that time, we see each other twice in a week.

She reacted different from what I wanted, her hands started to touch me body and she kissed me slowly. I tried really hard to not enjoy her kiss but it was good, not the best of my life but still was more than the average people. It took some time for me to get out her lips and went home. The next time I would say to her that she is just my friend.

It's funny how we always postpone the things, like accept a date request, a marriage proposal or even something simple as end a misunderstand. We live like the life has no ending and we are immortals or like the time HAS to obey us.

A thing entered my way with putrid smell and flesh ripped, it was like some kind of zombie with tentacles and many eyes. He was saying something in one of the languages prohibited, I was certain that was just like the language from the Eastern Empire but strangely different, older.

It took ten seconds for my brain scream some commands linked to run from there and try t survive but the thing was faster than my motorcycle and didn't take long before he reached me. Strangely I identified it as a she and after some time what she was saying started to make sense. She was in pain and wanted someone to end but she wanted to live too.

The sound came before the killing pain and the cold came before the pain went away. It didn't take long for me to start to lost my senses and wonder what happened. My life didn't pass in front of my eyes and no regret tried to ambush me it was just the silent and emptiness that were with me when I died.

Curiosity number 1: Nea's full name is Neachdainn McGille Fionn

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