
Before Chaos

Serina sat down in a small cement room, across from a uniformed man, who she presumed was a police officer. The man, built and composed, sat in his chair in a manner that almost gave Serina goosebumps. She knew why she was there, though she wasn't the person they were looking for.

"I hope you realize the seriousness of the situation you're in," the man said, his arms motioning in a circular motion around the room.

"I did think this room could use a little more sunshine," Serina mocked. The man remained expressionless, unfazed by her sarcasm.

"Still have quite the personality, after what you've done," he paused, letting some emotion escape his voice. "I think you know, Miss... um?"


"...Miss Earhart?" the man questioned, sifting through his papers. His fingers paused, holding suspense, as he peeked up at her with a smug smirk. He pulled out a picture with a fairly transparent profile attached. Looking down, his eyes widened in shock. Leaning towards one of the cement walls, he called out, "Chief, I need you to see this. I think there's been a mistake on our part." After he spoke, the cement wall glitched, revealing an observation window.

"What seems to be the issue with our suspect?" a voice inquired.

"This woman doesn't have the same body or last name as the suspect," the man declared, suggesting that this was going to turn out well... for Serina.

There was a brief silence.


On the other side of the glass, the chief had a grim expression. It had made no sense, if any, to have a sudden shift in the person sitting before them. It's like he had been in a dream this entire time and only now suddenly woke up from it. Unfortunately, looking at the cameras, there was no ability or legal way to keep her here for further questioning. In fact, she had the right to press charges against the entire group of officials that had brought her in with no justification. The shock had left an ominous taste in his mouth.

"Let her go…"


The chief, irritatingly spat, "There's no proof and no way to find out any further details. She has nothing that even remotely comes close to the suspect in question. And unless you want to tell me this was all a joke set up by the men who brought her into custody, I would suggest you release her unless you want to be in her spot!"

The man paled and immediately went into the cement room to release the suspect from interrogation.


Serina filled out the paperwork needed for her release. It was already evening, and the sun was beginning to set. She grabbed the items that had been confiscated earlier and made her way out of the police station.

What greeted her was a scene of a beautiful sunset, dying the streets in blood-red hues. It was the little things in life that made it all the more worth living.

Exiting the car, Serina entered a brick apartment half-covered in ivy, a sight rarely seen nowadays. Letting out an exasperated sigh, she entered the metal arched gates. A loud screech could be heard as the gates' rusted hinges rubbed against each other.

"Finally, home sweet home."

Upon entering through the gates, a sudden change occurred, affecting both Serina and her surroundings. Her ears raised slightly into points, and her features softened, unveiling the charm of a beautiful young woman with silver hair that gracefully fell onto her shoulders. Her complexion was fair, and her eyes, a crystal blue. If not for her cold gaze and pointed ears, her looks could make any man fall head over heels for her.

Surrounding the beautiful woman was a cloaking mana barrier, which precluded anyone from seeing or entering the place.

This world has two days until the world synchronizes.

"We don't have much time left. The world is shifting, reality won't be the same for long."

As the Women entered the brick building, she noticed that the gate had disappeared then reappeared in the air it crashed down with a puff. suddenly turning into a pile of unrolled toilet paper.

"Time is running out a lot quicker than anticipated."

Them women closed the door behind her cautiously, keeping an eye on the pile of unrolled toilet paper as it melted into the air.


[Chaos is Churning, it wants out, it wants to be free]
