
The Cursed One.

A millenia ago, in a planet far from Earth, a being was sealed by 11 sorcerers . The seal is weakening , wind carries dark words, and a prophecy is told by the 3 sages ......................................................................... Destruction is assured and no one except him can stop it.

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3 Chs

The Great Families

At Mageleo:

14 people are seen on the two sides of a grand table. And at the head of table is an old man with long white hair and beard. He is in a battle armour-like robe. He is oldest among all but his dominance is clear from the way others in the room look upto him. He is Alberto Winder, the highmaster of the Mageleo and known by older generation as the butcher of Empire.

He speaks in a gentle yet commanding voice "How were the applicants this year?"

Mr. Kairo says" This year students were exceptional even if they are compared to our last 10 generation. It seems the batch of 1000 A.S(After sealing of Atrum) has potential to match the 920th batch."

Mrs. Nachalie, the professor of Electromancy says" Are you serious? The 920th are like the myths, the generation who expanded the Empire even further. During their prime, we could have made the whole world our enemies and still survive and be victors. Our Highmaster himself was the commander of this batch as the most talented of 920 A.S. ."

Mr. Kaiza, the professor of Dark Magics says" Mrs. Nachalie this generation has the heirs of all 11 great families. This generation may well be the golden generation and a revival of the founders strength."

Mrs. Nachalie murmurs slowly " But still."

High Master suddenly says" So Kairo tell us the notable students you witnessed."

Kairo says" Yes to begin, there were two students from masses Kinot Azaku and Domino Alsark. They seriously damaged the trolls by using transfiguration techniques and Poison respectively. Then there were nobles like Bane Blackstar, Bina Black and Dorea Blazestar who severed the legs, hands and in case of Dorea heart of troll respectively. Azur Azrael used pyromancy and burnt the troll's hands. Andrea Braken used her aquamagic and controlled the blood flow of troll from the presence of water in blood. Cyan Cypher levitated the troll and threw it making it unconscious. Fabriel Farcius electrocuted the troll. Luke Leonos trapped his troll between two huge debris of land. Marina Novios casted a spell and trapped the troll in a slumber. Prone Pracius froze the troll. Robert Razis used an magic-enhanced punch and broke troll's bones. Soniya Sonoris used a illusion technique. The only proof of technique were the screams of Troll even though all of it's body pats were fine."

Albertos says " To be so skilled in magics at such young age , they completely destroyed the record didn't they?"

Kaiza says" Three students are still left Highmaster. There were even more astonishing students. The Kali twins, Harold and Gerold shattered the brains of trolls just by maintaining eyesight with the trolls they faced. And Mr. Darius.............." He zones out.

Headmaster:" What of him?"

Kaiza: He decimated the troll into ashes using PyroMagic by a single snap.

Headmaster: Such absolute proficiency of Element when his specialty lies in another field. Even my powers as potent as they were, couldn't do this. I knew there was a reason he was the heir of Drakens even though he couldn't use his eyes. Isn't it true , Kaiza of House of Draken?

Kaiza: Yes, highmaster. I still remember that night where the young Darius was born. As soon as he was given to the head of the house. He declared a curfew in the compounds of house and the five elders discussed with the head. We, of the branch families only heard how the head wanted to impart all of the house's teaching to Darius. We feared it was a fool's wish, yet even though he was a blind and wore a blindcloth to hide his eyes from the people so that nobody may tease the heir, Darius never fell, never stumbled. His sensory perceptions are even more exceptional than me.

The Highmaster seems to be in deep thought alongside other teachers curious how this batch shall affect the world.