
The Cultured Extravaganza

#Notice: This is a bisexual fantasy and the main character is a femboy. If you're not into that take your horny arse somewhere else. System, Femboy, Naruto, And Extreme Degeneracy. What more can I say?

Cultured_Eyes · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
2 Chs

Chapter 2 - A Keen Nose

"I'm home!" gasped Haru breathlessly, quickly slipping off his sandals. He had sprinted home as soon as school finished.

"Welcome back!" his father called from the kitchen. "I'm preparing an absolute FEAST for your mother's return. Can you help me out after you shower?"

Haru let out a groan. "Sorry, Dad. Um... I've got movie night tonight," he said, pausing for a moment. "But I'll take care of the dishes and garbage for the next week instead!"

There was a brief silence as his father contemplated the offer.

"Alright then, son! Just make sure you say hello to your mother when she gets back."

The sudden sound of sizzling interrupted his speech for a bit.

"Oh, right," his dad perked up, remembering something. "And try to keep it quieter this time. Last time you had a movie night, we got a noise complaint from the neighbor!"

Haru slightly blushed at the comment.

"Alright dad! The movie last time was just particularly uh... scary!"

There was no answer from the kitchen, but Haru could swear he heard a faint snicker. However, he simply chose to ignore it, not willing to entertain the idea that his dad heard what went on during "movie night". Setting his mind back to the goal, Haru rushed up the stairs stripping along the way.

The laundry room door was ajar when he arrived. Fearing the worst, Haru peeked inside and looked towards the connecting bathroom. Thankfully, the bathroom door was also open and the inside vacant. Gratefully, he stepped inside and immediately a stuffy sweet smell of hot steam and soap assaulted him. Someone had showered recently, his sister most likely.

Haru groaned. How likely was it that the day he decided on movie night was the day everybody was home? The trio would have to be even more quiet now, especially with his sister's shinobi hearing.

He hastily discarded the remainder of his clothing and skillfully tossed them into the laundry basket. If there was one thing he missed from his past, it was the time he played basketball competitively. He may not have been exceptionally gifted, but he held his own as a point guard. It was also during those playing days that he discovered his growing attraction to other guys.

As Haru strolled down memory lane, he bent down to retrieve his underwear that missed the basket entirely. It was a pair of generously loose boxers, adorned with the unmistakable symbol of Konoha Village in a spaced-out pattern. Ah, yes, these delightfully tacky undergarments held a special significance—they were a unique gift from his sister. The previous version of Haru had a peculiar penchant for sporting her sporty underwear, going so far as to even pocket used ones. His sister thought his intentions were innocent, but the current Haru knew better with access to memories and all. Turns out dirty old Haru had developed a rather, erm, unconventional affinity for indulging in his sister's undergarments for all sorts of indecent pleasures... He only wore them to combat suspicion, but it seemed that the more he wore them the more he began to truly appreciate a cute pair of undies.

Speaking about his sister's underwear, he spotted in the laundry basket a pair of black sport briefs poking out from under his clothes. His sister had definitely showered before him and it seemed she really needed one too. Haru could smell the scent of his sister's musky sweat wafting into his nose from under his clothes. The aroma was thick and suffocating, but strangely it was—

Haru delivered a resounding slap to his own face, snapping himself back to reality. He had made a grand promise to himself, vowing to steer clear of any further ventures into his delightfully creepy tendencies. Especially after that unforgettable incident where he had shamelessly adorned his sister's bra as if it were a pair majestic sunglasses, narrowly escaping the embarrassment of being caught in the act..

*sniff* *sniff*

Scratch that thought. The moment he began chastising himself, he had already unconsciously grabbed the underwear and brought it up to his nose. Just a brief whiff, he reasoned, surely wouldn't cause any harm. However, before his logic could put up a fight, the intoxicating aroma emanating from the undergarment enveloped his senses, rendering his mind blissfully numb. With a mixture of curiosity and surrender, he pressed it against his face, allowing himself to be consumed by its suffocating allure. This particular pair had clearly accompanied his sister on her arduous shinobi missions for days on end. Its scent possessed an unsettlingly sweet quality, akin to overripe fruits, intermingled with a distinct tang of musky, smoked beef—a fragrance that was unmistakably unique to his sister.

He pulled away the underwear after awhile to take a breather. The briefs upon his hands exuded divinity and begging for reverence. It was no doubt a treasure beyond treasures, a priceless artifact coveted by many. Yet it was in his undeserving humble hands begging to be used. Revering the undies, he closed in on the again when suddenly-

"What are you doing with my underwear?"

Haru immediately let out an ear piercing scream that tore through his jaws and decapitated the top half of his head. Not only that, his body was suddenly pull apart like it had been tossed into a wood chipper. A gang of firefighters then blasted through the window equipped with flamethrowers and torched his shredded remains. And finally, as his ashes flew out the broken window nestled by a breeze, Haru gained divine eternal peace and tranquility never to be disturbed again.

Of course, this tomfoolery only played out in his mind. Back in the real world, Haru's asshole had begun quivering from panic. Why in Hitler's gaping urethra was his sister back at the laundry room? Didn't she already showered? And more importantly, why did he fool around with his sister's undergarments again!? He promised he wouldn't stoop to the level on a mindless animal and here he was, a horny monkey caught panty-handed! Guess he'll just die now... The adventure was mighty fun and he got to suck plenty of cocks although most of them were his... 'Goodbye cruel world!'

"Wait, it couldn't be... You were..."

'Oh yeah, here it comes. Lay it all out on this pathetic sinner.'

"You were trying on my underpants again! You idiot!"

'Huh? What?'

"I even bought you a cabinet full of your own underwear and you're still stealing mine?!"

'Wait... No way right?'


She menacingly approached him.

"You're even taking used ones? Have you no shame?!"

'Did she not see me... inhaling that relic like a crack addict?'

"Give me that back!"

She grappled her panties from his hands.

"I need to start asking for a separate laundry room at this point."

"U-Umm... I-I'm sorry... Tenten..."

"You better be!"

She began throwing clothes into the washing machine grumbling under her breath.

"What kind of little brother even wears their sister's underwear?" She brought a finger to her chin thoughtfully, "I need to ask Neji if boys have some kind of panty wearing obsession when they were kids."

"Please don't," muttered Haru.

"Huh? What did you say?" questioned Tenten ominously.

"I meant I would never steal your panties again..."

Tenten scoffed.

"I'd believe you if this wasn't your fifth time saying that!"

Haru couldn't reply but complained inwardly. Previous Haru had been the culprit of three among five of his crimes.

Tenten slammed the washing machine's door after emptying the basket and pressed a couple of buttons at the top. The machine immediately began whirring into life. Huffing, she crossed her arms and side eyed Haru.

"Don't even think about touching my underwear again. Got it!?"

Haru gave a quick wistful glance towards the artifact as it tumbled about gracefully in the machine and then sighed.

"Yes mistress..."

Tenten furrowed her brows at how she was addressed but kept quiet. She stood for a few more seconds staring disapprovingly at the boy before she seemed to remember something. With a huff, she marched out of the laundry room with her hands crossed, but right before she left the room she turned back her head and mumbled meekly.

"Cover your... thing when I'm around. You're becoming an adult and it's not appropriate to be around women like that."

She didn't wait for an answer and slid the door closed as she left.

Haru remained, blushing. He forgot his penis was hanging all out in the open and hard as a rock no less. It was a measly three inches but it was still plenty visible.

'Gah! How long have you been like that!'

He slapped the guilty cock head in frustration.

'Bad penis!'

His cock only seemed to harden in response to trauma.

Shaking his head in frustration, he waddled towards the bathroom.


The bathroom was a spacious shiny sanctuary inlaid with clean white porcelain tiles. Even if the family wasn't particularly rich, his mother's strange obsession with bathrooms had equipped their own with the latest bidet, a lighted multi-purpose bath tub, and branded toiletries. It almost seemed like one of those lavish mansion bathrooms Haru could only dream about back at earth. Safe to say, he had made the bathroom his haven over his shabby room. Many of his unfortunate descendants had been expelled and ingested within these very walls, and as a result, like Pavlov's dog, the bathroom had conditioned Haru to feel horny whenever he stepped foot inside.

He turned towards a giant mirror that wonderfully reflected his thin pale body and then some. In fact, the mirror was so high quality, he could practically see his pores even from afar.

He threw some awkward poses trying to accentuate his small hips and thighs without success. Then, he tried to flex his muscles in various domineering poses only to look like a particularly bawdy straw. Yup, both sides of the spectrum did not match him, not with his looks. Hopefully, the miraculous god sent system would be able to change that.

Running his fingers through his chestnut brown bangs, he focused on his face. One distinct feature caught immediate attention—his eyes. They were of contrasting hues, a unique sight. Yet, according to his memories of the past, his eyes hadn't always been this way. Previously, before the arrival of the new Haru, he possessed striking emerald orbs in both sockets—still a peculiarity considering none of his relatives shared the trait. However, with the arrival of the new Haru, a captivating rosy pink iris took over his right eye, creating a magnetic pair that illuminated his visage. Oddly enough, no one questioned him extensively about this seemingly impossible transformation.

Haru leaned back, shifting his attention to his shaft that stood pitifully erect. With deliberate slowness, he ran his fingers along his navel, tracing a path towards the hilt. And, as he finally grasped it, a twinge of sensitivity shot through him, causing a momentary wince.

It looked tiny even in his small hands. Rather than exuding a commanding presence, its eager throbbing only made it adorable. Yet another feature of his body he hoped his system would eventually fix.

He began slowly moving his hands causing his body to tense up in response. Although his sword was pitiful, it had a charm to it. That being it was extremely sensitive. As a result, every involuntary stimulation it received delivered shots of pleasure up to his head. Given his inclination towards frequent boners due to this quality, he couldn't help but imagine the potential embarrassment if his blade were any larger.

Voluntary stimulation though was a whole 'nother level of pleasure. Each deliberate stroke he made sent shock waves of pleasure reverberating throughout his body. The warmth of arousal began flushing his cheeks, while his breath grew ragged. His entire being became acutely attuned to the newfound ripples of ecstasy, plunging him into a realm of heightened desire.

His pace quickened as a drop of nectar leaked out of the tip. In an instant, his demeanor transformed, mirroring the intensity of his actions. His knees started to tremble, causing his thighs to clench together involuntarily. His inverted pretty pink nipples peeped their heads out of their caverns begging for attention. His right hand satisfied the pleading of only a single bud, but even that made him hunch over from the added stimulation.

Glancing up at his reflection, he saw a pathetic creature. His entire body was shivering as that of a drenched beast caught in the cold rain. Beads of sweat glistened like sparkling motes. He hadn't notice at first but he was also drooling, the tip of his tongue gently clamped between his lips in anticipation. On the merciless reflecting glass, the image of a deplorable degenerate pig hopelessly molesting himself just for another surge of corrupted delight glared at him accusingly.

At that revelation, his vision grew fuzzy, his movements becoming feral and uncontrolled. The hand that were previously gentle moved with ferocity and the fingers that sensually caressed his tit began pulling on it violently. Loud grunts and moans bounced of the ceramic walls, and some even slipped out of the door. However, Haru could care less about anything. All his attention had been given to resisting the pressure building at the base of his pecker, but just a little more push and he knew the dam would be broken.

At that moment, his mind carelessly shifted towards his sister. He imagined her underwear pressed up at his face again, but this time with its owner adorning it. He fantasized her soft supple dumplings baring down upon his face embracing his senses with its sweaty valley. He would be in her total control. He would be helpless against her advances. And with every gasp of air he struggled to take in he would also be overwhelmed again with her strong quirky scent.

That thought was the push he couldn't withstand and before he knew it, he had fallen on his knees, his cheek firmly rested on a splotch of cum dirtying the pristine mirror. The cock that had stood proudly had resigned itself to be a leaking pipe. Even though he still felt little shudders of pleasure, the ones that made him lose control had already been ejaculated onto the mirror.

He reveled in that afterglow steadily panting and relaxing his sore muscles. His consciousness gradually returned, but most of his energy had been lost in his beastly exhibition. After awhile, he reluctantly sat up to observe the damages he had caused. The polished mirror was now soiled with speckles of thick semen that ran down its surface. Half his face was slimy to the touch and the spotless floor beneath him housed a small puddle of transparent white. If there was one thing more impressive about his body than his eyes it would be this effect right here.

'Fuck, how can my body release this much cum!?'

For as long as he could remember, Haru had been able to release an unnatural amount of splooge in ever increasing quantity. In fact, the last time he measured, his load nearly filled a teacup to the brim and he had no doubt it had only increased since that time.

Haru grudgingly turned again towards the spunk stained mirror and sighed wearily.

"Hahhh... I'm going to have to clean all this up aren't I?"

Forgive me for the late release. It's been a busy couple of weeks. ;-;

Cultured_Eyescreators' thoughts