
The Crown that chose me

Luna Luxembourg The daughter of a Duke and a princess of a foreign country. The rose of the social world, a genius and the best empress candidate. A woman who everyone covets. If there is one thing that she wants the most, that is to not be dragged into the imperial family and the struggle against the throne.

Liwanag · แฟนตาซี
9 Chs

Chapter 4

The next day, as promised the two headed for an outing in the square. However when they went to check on the person they saw last night, only the blood stains were left.

So it didn't took them long to conclude that he was safe and left.

"But sister, why was he being chase?"

Enoch asked innocently while munching on a kebab that they had bought. Luna only shrugged her shoulders and sipped on the grape juice that she bought.

"Some other family must've been having a successor fight." Luna simply added and the look on Enoch's face paled.

"Sister... You won't—

" What do you take me for? "

Luna stretched the cheeks of her older brother who had some weird thoughts of her sister sending someone to kill him off. Enoch winced in pain.

"Though, I wonder what family he's from." Luna silently muttered which didn't reach his ears.

The two spent their time roaming the streets and buying food from every café and restaurant they can see. It was after lunch when they suddenly bumped into someone, pushing Enoch to side where he hit the wall.

"Hey! You hurt my brother!"

Luna yelled in which Enoch covered his face, when it comes to him, Luna can lose all of her reasons and her protectiveness can be scary.

"It was the wall's fault." the man in the robe coldly replied which ticked Luna off.

'oh, no!' Enoch had instinctively felt that his sister was about to cause some trouble, and he was right. As Luna kicked the back of the robe man that was walking away.

Enoch was not interested in physical training. However, since he was the next Duke and the Luxembourg family was known as the sword of the empire, Luna dragged Enoch around and both of them trained like crazy. They took all sorts of martial arts from the Eastern continent, and learnt all swordmaships found in the West.

Needless to say, a simple kick like this could incapacitate a normal person for the rest of their life. Enoch can only grab his head in response.

"Argh! Who dares!" The robed man's hood came off as he grope his hips that was kicked, Luna who was heaving breaths a step away from him was glaring menacingly at the person.

The man was the same age as Enoch however, he was tall for his age. His blond hair and blue eyes perfectly complimented with his high nose and sharp jaw. Anyone can see that he will grow up to be a handsome young man that will sway the hearts of many in the future.

"Me! I dare! The audacity of you to walk away after pushing our Enoch."

Luna was out of control, and just in time, Enoch wrapped his hands on her waist and gave her a hug to calm him down. Luckily, they were away from people's eyes so there weren't a commotion.

" What? Are you so petty. It's not like he's in danger. " the young man said haughtingly.

"You!" Luna broke free from Enoch's grasp and proceed to pull the young man's cheek.

"It doesn't matter if he's safe now, he was in danger!" Luna nagged and pulled his cheeks to the limits and the young man only grimaced in pain.

"Stop! STOP!" Finally when he was on verge of tears, she let go of her hands, the young man hurriedly massage his stretched skin.

"Why you! I was in a hurry, it's not like you're the only one with a brother, mine could've been dying right now."

Luna's eyes soften at his remarks. Enoch who ran after her looked at him with pitying eyes.

It was when they were about to apologise, the boy burst out crying.

"Waaaah! Brother, where are you!"

Flustered, Luna was baffled on what to do. Enoch on the other hand changed the way he look at him form pity to pathetic eyes.

"D, don't cry! Are you lost?"

"No! My brother is missing!"

The boy was whining and snot filled his face, it took Enoch a candy to calm his down.

'why do I have to soothe someone my age like this?'

"I'm sorry..." he muttered and Luna smiled softly.

"I'm sorry for hitting you too. I'm Luna this is my brother, Enoch. Would you like us to help you find your brother?"

As if a mirage, Luna's scary display a while ago was gone and all that was left was a gentle smile that reminiscent of a spring flower blooming in a field.

" It's okay, I'll leave now. Bye. "

Just like that, the young man left as if everything that happened earlier was an illusion.

It was a weird encounter.

It was almost sun down when Luna decided to head towards the viewing tower at the east part of the mansion. It was a place that she was fond of that tower, because it was quiet.

It was her not so secret place that even Enoch doesn't know of, despite it being an obvious landmark, afte rthe death of the duchess no one was lurking around this area anymore.

She was humming on her way when she stopped her track as she noticed the drops of blood heading towards the door.


Her eyes went wide in realization and she hurriedly opened the door in a frenzy.

Normally, any noble lady would scream at this and run away in fear, but for Luna who had an unusual motivation of keeping her family safe and happy, all she can think about is making sure no one was hurt.

The trail of blood continued towards the lift and she spare ko minute to reach the top. As the lift opened up, what welcomed her was the bloody figure of a young man who appears to be two to three years older than her.

Upon close inspection, she belatedly realised that he was the man they helped last night.

'Is he dead?' she thought as she use her foot to shake the man's shoulders.

'No, more importantly how did he get here?'

Scanning the man with suspicious eyes, her gaze landed on his hair. Black hair. It was a rare hair color that reminded her of the novel's male lead who happened to have black hair.

'No, perhaps?'

Her eyes widened at the sudden thought.

"No, surely black hair was as rare as silver but it's not like there's only one family with black hair."

Her thoughts were right, there were five families with black hair all through out the empire and all of them reside in the capital.

Leaning down for a closer look, she was startled when the man suddenly groaned.

"Should I help?" she asked but there wasn't an answer. Luna stood up and stomped her feet in annoyance, her silver hair was messy as she ruffled it in frustration.

Helping an injured person was annoying for her, but she had no intention of letting someone die—at least not on Luxembourg grounds.

Heaving a deep sigh, she quietly manipulate the shadows and put him on the couch. Afterwards she headed out to bring supplies.

It was the moon was at its peak when the man opened his eyes. Prince Raul let out a groaned as he tried to sit up.

He was at the floor when he passed out, but now he was lying comfortably in a bed the room was desolate, the walls have no wallpaper and there was only a big window with no curtains.

There was no candles or lamp lighted into the room, however the light from the moon was seeping in, it was when he was looking around that his eyes stopped at the figure of a lady sitting on the chair beside him with her head down on the bed. Her silver hair shined in contrast with the dark and her features despite being asleep was too pretty as if she was a moon goddess herself.

He was stunned for a moment, his eyes trace the shapes of her face, from her brows to her high nose, down to her luscious red lips up to her chin.

Unconsciously, Prince Raul caught the hair that was covering her face and place it behind her ears. At the move, her brows furrowed as if bothered by the sudden touch.

'Crazy, why did I do that?'

"Hmm" When Luna moaned as if waking up, Prince Raul panicked and lied down in a hurry pretending to be asleep. After letting out a groan of pain from the rapid movement, Luna finally woke up.

"Oh, it's already night time! I'm late for dinner!" she panicked, even her worried voice was sweet. He took a peak behind his lashes and saw her prancing around for minute before leaving.

It was when he was finally sure that he was alone, only did he stood up.

There was a tea warmer and a bowl of soup on the bedside table. And a note that says:

[ Place the bowl on the tea warmer to warm the soup. There's a wash water and medicine on the table. I'll be back tomorrow.]

It was a simple note yet it caused an unexplainable ripple on his red eyes.

Suddenly, he found himself in state that he cannot identify.