
The Early Bird ?


"It's 5:00 am", Kyla moans as she climbs out of bed. "Finally I'm 14, but of course I have school today. Ugh." Rubbing her eyes Kyla walks over to the alarm clock and pounds the off button.

Kyla then takes her phone off the charger and walks to the bathroom. She stands at the sink and puts some face wash on. 'Who doesn't love Mondays' she thought sarcastically. She then washes her face off after 15 minutes. Her face glows as if she just highlighted her entire face. When Kyla gets back to her room she sits in front of her vanity mirror to put blush and mascara on. She doesn't have to pick out an outfit seeing as her closet does that for her. She puts on her black leggings with mesh strips going up the side, her red crop top sweatshirt, her matching checkered Vans, and her favorite velvet red scrunchie. She sits back down at her mirror plugs in her curling iron and curls her hair. "Oh shit", Kyla cries as she realizes it's 5:45, "The bus comes in 40 minutes and I haven't even had breakfast yet!" She runs frantically around her room grabbing items (like her portable charger, a geometry book, and loads of other stuff) and shoving them in her backpack.

Kyla runs down stairs and meets her mom in the kitchen who says, "I was about to call you down to eat". Kyla replies with, "Well you should've because I ONLY HAVE 30 MINUTES NOW!!!". "I'm sorry and happy birthday!" "Thanks mom, sorry for yelling I'm just stressed about.... well, everything". "It okay Ky I know. I made your favorite, french toast with strawberries and yogurt." Kyla sits at the table and eats when she finishes it 6:00. She goes to the bathroom to brush her teeth and grabs a pack of mint gum from the pantry and a double shot of coffee from the fridge. Then she proceeds to grab her backpack and rush outside to her bus stop.