
The Cold Ectasy

A Multi talented girl with a tragedic past falls in love with a cold hearted Ceo

ZetaAquarii · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

Chapter 8:- A wolf Can't hide in a sheep's clothing

Lu yi

As I sung my heart out, I was happy to see the Audience Mesmerized by the music. They had been great. They helped me recover temporarily from depression. But what if I get it again if I move back to China? Would I be able to continue my job? But , no matter what , I must never lose hope in myself... Because that's what my parents want me to do.

After I completed singing and left the stage, Zhang Aihan came running to me

" I really hate you now" She said.

"Why " I asked. 

" You are the Masked singer and still acted as if she is someone that you don't know!" She said angrily.

"I uh-

"Never mind, I forgive you , but don't keep secrets from me ... promise? " She asked. I felt really guilty. She opened up to me about her personal life , but I still did not tell her anything about mine, except my origin.

"Okay sure!" I said. It was getting really late and I had to catch a flight. I quickly waved goodbye g7d left to my apartment to Grab my luggage.

But, I felt someone following me . When I turned to look around, It was the same Asian Greek God. 

I was really angry on him and shouted at him. But he just apologized. And his apology Was warm and affectionate. I never felt this radiant from anyone , except my parents and Yang Hua. It really melted my heart. After introducing ourselves , I learnt that he was Riven ... What a cool name and it also suits his face. Not to mention , but a perfectly chiseled one. I immediately cleared the thought from my head. But what's more exciting is that he asked my phone number... 

I knew it! no one could resist my charms, not even the Emotionless Greek God. I mean Asian Greek God, or should I call him Riven. 

I went back to my apartment and it was empty as I sold everything. I slowly walked to the kitchen and Looked at the knife , which once I tried to use it to take my life... What if I had done it?The memory brought a painful tear from my eyes. No matter how hard I try, I'll still be the cold and indifferent person dwelling on my past.

But having a friend made me happy... Having a job where everyone praised me for my talent made me Complete. Too sad that The "temporary " happiness won't last long. A wolf can't hide in a sheep's clothing. I will turn back to being myself, shutting the world out and Trying to think about 99 possible ways to die.. 

I couldn't help but change back to what I was. Anyways , I'm leaving this country and my happiness would be buried here. And I had to catch the fight tonight. So I got up and left the apartment with my luggage.