
The Chronicles of the Nexus Ascendant

In a realm where the boundaries between the mortal and the arcane intertwine, a world of summoners thrives, each tethered to an elemental affinity that shapes their destiny. But within this world of attunements, where humans forge connections with the very forces of nature, a singular figure emerges, marked by an anomaly that defies the known norms. Amidst the summoners' battles waged with elemental creatures, the tale unfolds around a young man named Elian. A result of an arcane experiment gone horribly awry. Bound by the remains of a hundred children and anchored by the blood of countless humans, Elian was summoned from another world, branded an abomination by a world that deems his creation an unforgivable evil. Rejected and outcast, Elian carries within him a blend of attunements—elements intertwined, yet seemingly incompatible. Bereft of the ability to summon creatures like his kin, he grapples with an unsettling disconnect from the world that birthed him. As Elian embarks on his quest, a journey for acceptance and self-discovery, he unravels hidden truths behind the summoner world's intricate power structure. Guided by a cryptic prophecy and accompanied by an enigmatic mentor, Elian ventures to unlock the potential latent within his unique affinity. His path converges with allies who embrace the diversity of attunements, forging bonds that transcend the confines of their elemental origins. "Chronicles of the Nexus Ascendant" is an epic tale of transcendent power, boundless possibility, and the pursuit of unity in a world defined by its elements. Elian's journey resonates with themes of acceptance, self-discovery, and the strength that emerges from diversity, as he seeks not only to master his own affinity but also to weave a destiny that transcends the boundaries of attunement.

ShouZhi · แฟนตาซี
19 Chs

Chapter 16: Initiation Rites

The day of the initiation rites had finally arrived.

The atmosphere in the grand hall was charged with anticipation and excitement. People from various walks of life had gathered to witness the initiation rites, a significant event in the world of summoners. The massive screens at the front of the hall ensured that even those in the back rows could clearly see what was happening on the stage.

On the stage, three prominent figures occupied large seats. The village head, donned in formal attire, represented the local authority. Principal Levi, the enigmatic head of the school, wore his signature white robe. The woman from the city, clad in striking attire, exuded an air of authority and experience.

Surrounding them were the other twelve distinguished individuals from the village, all of them experienced summoners holding key positions either within the school or the community. The stage was set for a momentous event that would mark the beginning of a new chapter for the initiates.

Rows of hopeful candidates, each wearing robes that clearly marked their novice status, crowded the spacious hall. Elian was among them, his heart beating rapidly as he exchanged anxious looks with the other aspiring summoners. There were nearly a hundred candidates in total.

Then the principal stepped forward, his voice resonating through the hall. "Today," he declared, "marks a momentous occasion. You, the hopeful initiates, stand on the brink of your journey into the realm of summoning."

Elian glanced at the brazier, his palms moist as he silently offered a prayer for success. Beside him, a determined young woman clutched a simple, unadorned amulet.

The head summoner continued, "To become a summoner, you must kindle the elemental flame within this brazier. It shall not be ignited by ordinary fire, but by the very essence of your being, the connection you establish with the elemental world."

Elian felt a surge of determination. He had tirelessly trained for this moment, and now it was time to put his abilities to the test. In the initiation ritual, the initiate had to control their aetheric essence and channel it into the brazier, igniting it with flames. The brazier, specially designed, would transform any aetheric essence it received into flames, symbolizing the initiate's successful control of their aetheric essence, and then harness the flame from it, channeling it towards their amulet and maintaining it there.

After three weeks of the assessment phase, they had been granted an additional two weeks for preparation before the initiation. This duration was adequate even for F-ranked talents to master control over their aetheric essence, albeit at a slower pace.

As the candidates approached one by one, Elian watched with bated breath. Each initiate advanced toward the brazier, a mixture of fear and hope in their eyes. Some succeeded with finesse, their amulets glowing brilliantly as they ignited the elemental flame. Others faltered, their attempts ending in disappointment.

Finally, it was Elian's turn. He stepped up to the brazier, amulet in hand, and summoned a shimmering orb of aetheric essence. The hall fell silent as he concentrated, guiding the essence toward the unlit brazier.

With a steady hand, he connected the essence to the brazier's surface. In an instant, the hall burst into a radiant brilliance as the elemental flame blazed to life, casting a warm, otherworldly light throughout the room. In his eyes, he could see the fiery essence dancing, and his face lit up with joy.

Elian had a keen sense of his own abilities. He estimated his talent to be around F-, the weakest grade in summoning. It had taken him about three weeks to first feel the aetheric essence, and he was delighted to find that he could even perceive it visually, making control much easier. Despite the initial challenges, mastering control had become significantly smoother with time. His primary concern was the conversion of aetheric essence into elemental essence, a process heavily influenced by a person's talent.

After the last person successfully lit the brazier during the initiation rite, the village head took charge to conclude the ceremony.

With the elemental flame blazing brightly in the grand hall, the village head stepped forward, his presence commanding the attention of all present. His voice rang out like a clarion call, rich with gravity and solemnity.

"Behold," he declared, his eyes shimmering with pride, "a new generation of summoners, forged in the crucible of dedication and spirit. Today, you have not merely kindled a flame; you have ignited your destiny. With this elemental fire as your guide, you shall embark on a path filled with wonder and peril, where magic and mystery await your discovery."

The gathered initiates and onlookers hung on his every word, their hearts swelling with the weight of their newfound purpose.

Then the woman from the city, a seasoned and respected summoner, also stepped forward. Her presence added a touch of elegance and wisdom to the proceedings, and her voice resonated with authority.

"My fellow summoners," she began, her words carrying the weight of experience, "today marks a pivotal moment in your lives. You have taken your first steps into the world of summoning, and with it comes a profound responsibility."

She looked around the hall, her gaze settling on each initiate in turn. "Our ability to summon is a gift, a connection to the very essence of our world. It is a power that carries both great wonder and great responsibility. We have the privilege to call upon the elements, to heal, to protect, and to explore the mysteries of our existence."

Her voice grew stronger, emphasizing the importance of their role. "But with this power comes the duty to constantly improve, to seek greater heights in our understanding of the elements, and to use our abilities for the betterment of all. Each summons you make is not just a spell; it is a bridge between our world and the elemental realm. Treat it with reverence."

She raised her hand, gesturing to the elemental flame that still burned brightly. "Let the flames that burn within your hearts mirror the elemental blaze you have kindled today. Let this flame remind you of the brilliance and potential that resides within you. As you journey forward, may you continue to fan the flames of your knowledge, your compassion, and your connection to the elements. Strive for greatness, and together, we shall reach new heights in the world of summoning. With courage and humility, go forth, and may your paths be illuminated by the magic of the elements."

The initiates felt a profound sense of purpose and responsibility as they listened to the head summoner's words. With the elemental flame as their guide, they were ready to embrace the challenges and adventures that awaited them as summoners, bound by the mystical ties of the elemental world.

As the initiation progressed, those who successfully lit the brazier and maintained their amulets' flames were presented with a small badge, a humble yet significant symbol of their newfound status as summoners. For those who couldn't achieve this feat, it was a matter of waiting and hoping for the next opportunity the following year. The badge itself resembled a collar pin, a subtle but meaningful representation of their achievements.

Following the initiation, a grand feast was held, providing a platform for various organizations to extend their invitations and form connections with the newly initiated summoners. The event buzzed with activity as those with sharp eyes eagerly scouted for talents among the crowd, hoping to recruit promising individuals for their respective organizations.

As Elian navigated the crowded venue, he couldn't help but reflect on the fact that none of those sharp-eyed organizations had their sights set on him. Although he didn't particularly desire their attention, he couldn't help but feel a slight blow to his ego, knowing why his talent hadn't caught their interest.

"To have your entire future shaped by something beyond your control is truly frustrating." he mused, feeling a pang of empathy for those, much like himself, who possessed less remarkable talents and might confront even tougher journeys ahead.

Elian left the venue and was on his way to the library when he encountered a woman with sharp eyes and long hair, slightly shorter than him. She happened to be the person beside him during the initiation rites. "Where are you going?" she inquired.

"Tsk, why do you care so much? Is the phrase 'none of your business' foreign to you? I have matters to attend to, so step aside." Elian didn't show her much courtesy and was visibly annoyed by her demeanor.

Yuri was a remarkable figure among the initiates. Her A grade talent made her the envy of many, and her striking appearance only added to her allure. She possessed long, flowing dark hair that fell gracefully down her back, lending an air of elegance to her overall demeanor. Her eyes, a deep and captivating shade of purple, seemed to hold a world of secrets within them.

With her milky-white complexion, Yuri had an ethereal quality that set her apart. She was known for her reserved and somewhat aloof nature, and her demeanor often came across as overbearing to those around her. Yuri had a reputation for seriousness and an unwavering focus on her goals. She didn't have the patience for frivolous banter or distractions.

Her fashion sense was simple yet stylish, with a preference for dark-colored attire that accentuated her strong personality. Yuri's posture was always impeccable, exuding confidence and an air of authority. Despite her reserved exterior, there was an undeniable intensity about her, as though she bore the weight of significant responsibilities on her shoulders.

When she overheard the conversation between Elian and Arthur regarding Elian's struggle to connect with his aetheric essence, she couldn't help but be intrigued. While it had taken him nearly a month to establish a connection with his aetheric essence, his progress in mastering control over it was nothing short of remarkable. In a matter of days, he had managed to surpass even Yuri's talent in this regard.

Yuri, with her A grade talent, had assumed that her control over aetheric essence was well above average. However, Elian's rapid development left her both impressed and somewhat envious. She couldn't help but wonder how he had achieved such a feat in such a short span of time.

Elian kept his ability hidden from Yuri, who was determined to learn his method for controlling aetheric essence. As days passed, his annoyance grew while he maintained his silence. Yuri, however, remained relentless, seeing Elian's silence as a challenge. Their interactions became a test of determination, with Elian guarding his secret and Yuri refusing to give up, creating a tense and frustrating dynamic between them.

Dear readers,

I want to express my gratitude for joining me on this writing journey. This is my first attempt at storytelling, and I'm both excited and a little nervous to share this with you. I hope you'll bear with me and enjoy the adventure as it unfolds. Your understanding and support mean a lot, and I'm eager to learn and improve as we go along.

Thank you for being a part of this experience.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

ShouZhicreators' thoughts