

love story of Maximus ( half-breed werewolf) & Shella Maximus is an unknown half breed Werewolf who is not even aware of who he is until he try to save Mirabel, a beautiful girl who is also a vampire. his mother is a human warriors back in the Dark days (time when the vampire invade the human land). growing among the human, Maximus didn't know of his nature as a wolf but his mother always knew he'll find out one day so she set a cave (practically prison) In the forest and it was guided by strong men while she find a way to stop him from transforming but Maximus fate can not be charged as he transform while trying to save a beautiful girl in the wood. having transformed his life change completely, the humans fear him, the Vampires hunt him, while the wolves try to get rid of him, all this was because he carried the eye of the chosen, according to prophecy, he will be the end of both Vampires and werewolves. For this they all hate his existence and try to kill him. Shella in the other hand is the daughter of the human king, a beautiful young lady with a rare martial arts skills, she is the best among her folks, she was trained by three great general, thus she's very good. Maximus Mother is also one her teacher and she has also been saved by Maximus once when they met in the palace years ago, she never forget his face. after Maximus secret was revealed she promise to keep him save at the cost of her own life, while trying to protect him, they both fall in love and Maximus become more strong in order to protect her.

DaoistSq4P66 · ไซไฟ
2 Chs


During the Dark Days(When Vampires invade the human world) the humans called on the werewolves for support and together they made the Vampires retreat, six month later the humans feeled the werewolves might also attacked them one day so they planned to get rid of the werewolves and general Willie, a beautiful young warrior was given the task to bring down the werewolves.

To get the werewolves, Willie pretend to love werewolves Alpha and stayed in their territory to find out their weakness, after some time of research she finally get their weakness

" Silver?" The king asked as she report back to her her

" Yes my lord, their weakness is silver" She replied.

Without hesitation, the king ask him men to make weapon out of silver, arrows, swords and other weapons was made out of silver and the king ask Willie to ask his werewolf boyfriend about marriage, and of course she did as she was told and Cypros was very  happy, he accepted the marriage and his people (werewolves) support him as they believe this will also strengthen their relationship with humans.

The werewolves thought of this as a means of friendship but the humans think otherwise.

The wedding ceremony started and everything was going fine and so was the human plans, they are ready to strike the werewolves but it didn't go well as the leader of Vampires arrived with his crew

"Helloooooo" he shouted as he stand on the palace roof and his echoes voice trigger fear among the human and trigger sense of war among the wolves as some transform immediately and was waiting for action

"Dann, long time no see, didn't expect you to be so kind to attend my wedding" Cypros said

" Mind me not Cyp, I know I'm not invited but I can help but to come after hearing about tonight feast" Dann replied

" Sadly, we dine on different things so our feast won't be good for you"  Cypros said

" Yeah you're right, you dinned on the forest animals blood and other food like humans do but we, dine on human blood and yours make us stronger, and today I heard your blood is on the menu"  Dan replied

" Sorry but you're misinformed, so it better for you to live now or yours will be on the menu instead" Cypros said and his eye changed for action.

" That one thing about you wolves, you always think you are wise yet slow witted, who told you your blood is not on the menu, why don't you ask you wife or the king of the humans why they have been making silver arrows and sword all this while, and why don't you ask them why they have men hidden with those weapon" Dann said as he sit on the roof

"What is he talking about?" Cypros ask Willie who was standing by his side and she could say anything

" Look at you fools, trusting human is the biggest mistake you have ever made, did you think they will trust you?, No they Will always see you as threat. " Dann said mockingly

"How could you do this to us, we always see you as an ally and I loved you with all my heart, how could you do this to us " Cypros said to Willie and she couldn't say anything, she was mute and feel empty in her heart, that was the first time she realized the weights of what she has done.  Cypros eyes was filled with disappointed and she couldn't even face him,

While this was going on, king Benon knew things is about to go south so he signal his men and they come out and the werewolves were surrendered

"Hmmmm, look like the show is starting soon, " Dann said

" Are we not going to interfere?" Hilda asked

" Who are you helping, we need to let the humans kill the wolves so we could dine on them later when they  are out of silver"

"What if they have enough?" She asked

"Then we return home, no matter what happen her today it a win for us, didn't you think" Dann said as he watch the issue closely, king Benon then walk down to Cypros who is the Alpha of his pack,

"Cypros, I'm sorry it get to this, but what can I do, I have to take care of my people too, I'm sure you will understand because you also want to take care of yours, now I have a plan to help you and  and that is I won't kill you if you surrender now" King Benon said

" My mistake was to trust humans, your mistake is to think that you've won, the greatest mistay of the night is you getting close to me " Cyrpos replied and immediately his hand pass through king Benon as he rip out his heart.

"We will never surrender to traitors"  he added  as he killed the king with his bear hand, the humans were all scared despite the fact that they had the silver weapon

" Now this is getting more interesting" Dann said with a big smile.

" Protect yourself and get out of here, no matter what, make sure you didn't get hit" Cypros shouted and all the werewolves transformed and try to escape while the humans tries to kill them,

Cypros then face Willie as he aim to kill her, She knew she was wrong and couldn't fight back, Cypros raise his hand and was ready to strick her with his claws but he couldn't as he hold himself back after noticing something on Willie, he was still standing there when an arrow hit him in his back,

" No!!!" Willie shouted as she saw the arrow coming but it too late as it already hit Cypros, he was still there and more hit him and he was forced to go on his knees with blood coming out of his mouth and he had his eyes on Willie face even when he's on the ground.

" Cypros!!!" His sister catty shouted as she saw her brother going down but she couldn't stop as other were dragging her away to safety.

"What just happened, why didn't he kill her" Dann furiously asked from his spot

" Maybe he still love her" Hilda suggested

" No, that not it, no matter the love he will not stop there it wolf nature except.... Except... She's pregnant,... yes that it, she is having his baby" Dann said

" Make sure to kill Willie, we can't let her live " He added and two of his best men jump down to attack.

The two head to kill her but Cypros notice their Aura and quickly he excuse himself from her and  block the vampires , with his last breath he ripped their heart out in a surprise attack and they both dust off, seeing this Hilda wanted to join the fight but Dann stopped that

" Don't even think about it, at this stage where he is trying to protect his child even I am not match for him despite his weak nature, let go for now, he won't last long anyways. Instead of attacking him, we have other wolves to deal with, make sure you kill all of them who escape the humans" He said and all the vampires begins wolf hunt.

Cypros then turned to Willie who was still standing sadly,

" Please, take care of him, make sure he's never looked down on" he said and he fell on the ground

Willie couldn't move to him instead she just cried and also didn't understand what or who Cypros was talking about.