
No Question

~ ZARA ~

I blinked and wanted to slap myself. Of course. Of course it was my sister. That made sense.

The truth was, I still had trouble remembering Zoe was even real.

Wrestling with the weirdness of that, I leaned closer to the picture, peering at it, trying to figure out which world they were in.

In it, Zoe was beaming a smile at the camera, but the boy looked more confused than anything else. Yet they stood side-by-side. Close together. But other than their clothing clearly being from Arinel, there were no other clues. Behind them were flowers and grass and trees. That was it.

I looked up at David, my breath coming a little faster. "What… do you remember this?"

He shook his head. "Not really. I feel like I want to—like maybe I remember something strange about people pointing a box at me that clicked, but… but then I wonder if I just made that up because I need to remember it and I can't."
