
Chapter 28

I spent the next few weeks prodding at Cecillia and asking minor questions. I had pieced together some info about her, she was the child of one of my Lucas' affairs. Apparently her mother was the only one other than Irene whom he'd... well who he'd fucked. She had apparently lived a rather tough life as a commoner, her mother had died and she was all alone for a few years. She's 10 years old, and her mother died when she was 7.

She also despises Lucas for not trying to look for her mother. I don't think she hates me though, she also get along nicely with the servants.

I had had put some effort into brainwashing Lillian. Right now, she was highly susceptible to my tears, although it's not the best look for me it gets the job done.

Cecillia had recently had her debut, she got along with all the nobles. A lot of poweful heirs had been swept away by her overwhelming beauty. She had also proved herself to be as talented as me, having formed a Mana Core without any assistance and she had already Mana Class 9.

She was a rare dual attribute mage, Angelica had the light and flame attribute attribute, similarly Cecillia had the light and water attribute. Dual attribute mages who awakened as dual attribute mages were fearsome because of their fusion elements. Being born with 2 elements meant the body was already accustomed to using them and could fuse them to use something more powerful.

In their cases, they could each use their own respective fusion element, Holy Fire and Holy Water. These attacks are a lot more powerful, and they are coveted for their versatility of possessing the attributes of two elements. A flame that spread at monstrous speeds and was near impossible to see and a blade of water that could split up into individual molecules and move at the speed of light.

She was also a magnamous person, many speculated her to be the heir of the family instead of me. Even the Emperor made a comment about how Angelica and Cecillia would be forces to be reckoned with when they came into power. Many took this as an opportunity to praise her and say that I was far too violent to lead the Avalons.

Of course no one would say that within thousands of kilometers of me, due to my rather... fearsome reputation.

But honestly, if she became the Head of the Avalons it wouldn't be the worst. The only problem would be that she would almost certainly kill Lucas. Even then, it was a minor problem if he died, I just didn't want to witness the butterfly effects of his death.

If a mage at Mana Class 2 were to simply dissapear, the after effects would be horrible. It would weaken the Empire, and diminish my own authority. Of course that authority would be easy enough to get back since I've got Charlotte, Lillian and Angelica behind me.

Today I was to meet my father for something extremely important. I was reading a book on a sword style. I threw the book away as I heard Lucas entering my room.

"I've made arrangements for your new teacher."

"My new teacher?-"


Lucas POV

I was sat in my office, surprisingly enough I did not have any paperwork to do today. But rather my sons tutors would be visiting me. Apparently its to do with his progress, I'm a bit worried, I never thought him to be someone to slack on his studies but maybe its because I let him do as he pleases. Have I spoiled him?

One by one his teachers entered, as each and every teacher spoke of him I grew more and more shocked. His teachers each called him a genius, the way he structures his answers is perfect. Even the questions he asks make the teachers wonder if he's really 8.

But the one who truly shocked me was my junior, Aurora Gladius. She was praising him to no end, saying his sword skills were monstrous and his decision making made it seem like he was born and raises on a battlefield. But what she feared most was his look of indifference, she said that if he ever became as strong as her. Under no circumstances would she want to fight him, she had seen him allow his arm to shatter simply to land a blow on her.

But that look of indifference when he did it, it made it seem like he never cared about his body. He was only focused to hit her, but what was also scary was that he never let her hit a vital. He could also selectively enhance his body, a technique even I hadn't thought of doing due to my lack of understanding of the human body.

All in all, I had learnt that my son had basically achieved the academic level equivalent to that of a 16 year old high noble. And his teaching schedule wasn't that intense, he was just that quick at learning.

However, if he wants to become head of the Archduchy then he'll need outside world experience.

And experience he shall get!
