
The CEO is My Ex

Yuki is an unemployed person who tries hard to find a job. The girl was tired of living unemployed and single at a young age. But what if when she gets a job, it turns out that the office where he works is actually owned by his ex-boyfriend who is a mega playboy and likes to play with women's hearts. But what can she do, if she doesn't remember Mom's threat forcing Yuki to marry a thug boy who is the son of a rented landlord if Yuki doesn't get a job. And that's where this cliche story begins. Where Yuki finally gets involved in a complicated love with her ex-lover, Lucas Hadiwijaya. Also misunderstandings in the past that made their relationship run aground in the past. The truth will begin to unfold one by one.

Eshaa_ · สมัยใหม่
23 Chs


Yuki packed up her things before leaving to get out of the room. But Mark first shouted making her turn her head, "What? That bastard isn't all that different, is he?" he asked, glancing at Lucas flatly.

"No, you don't have to worry," Yuki replied calmly. She could feel Mark's secretary, Melati, glanced at her sarcastically. Ah, she seems to know the clichéd story of what happened between them.

Melati who likes Mark while the one she likes turns out to be secretly in a relationship with a famous model Yeriana.

"Don't worry Mark," Lucas raised his voice, the man smirked, "I won't do anything to Yuki. I've left the past anyways,"

"You can say that because you're not the victim here," Mark gritted his teeth because he was too annoyed, the man approached Yuki and then brought the girl to stand behind his back, "I'll warn you again, Lucas Anggara, don't ever do anything to you Yuki. You just have to destroy her first."

"Fine. I'm not going to do anything to her. After all, she's also my subordinate," Lucas replied calmly.

"You really don't want to work at my place, Ki?"

"If you want to give me a salary equal to the director's, I'll just want to," Yuki replied casually.

"Yes. I'll give you a salary equal to the director as long as you resign from this office," Mark answered quickly.

Hearing Mark's answer, Yuki suddenly panicked, the woman shook her head, "It's okay, you're already big, Mark," she said as she pushed her friend's back out of the meeting room, "Just go back, go away,"

"Remember if he did what you did, you had to tell me straight away,"

"Yes, I'm fussy," Yuki nodded slightly, "Miss Melati, please bring this lion's incarnation back, yes, it's a bit scary if you leave it here,"

"Yes Miss Yuki," Melati replied flatly, without even turning her head.

Yuki rolled her eyes lazily, approaching Melati before whispering a little, "Your rival is not me but a model. You're so beautiful and judging by your behavior, you're not really Mark's type. Keep dreaming Miss,"

"What do you know about Mister Mark," Melati jerked slightly, inviting Yuki to chuckle.

"He's a friend of mine from elementary school and I quite understand how he behaves. And his girlfriend, she's way above you. So stop being rude to people close to Mark," Yuki replied casually, the girl glanced at Mark who was also looking at her. She smiled lightly, "Done Mark,"

"Okay, thanks Ki," Mark smiled back, "Luke, I'll leave my sister with you. Just watch out for what happens to you,"

"You've said that many times," the woman snorted, "Just go back,"

"Tsk yes,"


"Let's go home," Lucas came out of his room with Logan sleeping in his arms.

Yuki turned around and nodded curtly. She grabbed her bag and car keys that were on his desk and immediately followed Lucas.





"For everything I've ever done," the man replied.

Yuki took a deep breath before nodding, "As mister said, the past is the past. Everything has happened. It's been five years after all. There's no need to think about it anymore."

"Yes. Thank you for forgiving me. At the right time, maybe I will explain everything. Five years is not a short time for you to believe in all these misunderstandings,"

The girl frowned, staring at her boss in disbelief. But before she could ask, Lucas had already entered the elevator for company officials.

Yuki snorted, choosing to immediately enter the employee elevator with annoyance, "What does he mean? Misunderstood? It's obvious that he was out with Deva that night. Playing at the club so drunk... duh, why do I even remember that," she muttered to herself, "Luckily Kienan said at that time—wait she's Deva's friend, why did he tell me that Deva is with Lucas, it's not that he betrayed Deva, right?"

"But it's really stupid. After all, it's in the past. It could be that Kienan is already close to Deva," again Yuki monologued to herself. Then there was silence until the elevator dinged and before long the doors opened.

The girl stepped out, Lucas was already in front of her official car.

Yuki immediately opened the door, allowing the boss to enter before he followed suit.

"Yuki, what you saw earlier wasn't quite right," Lucas said as the car they were traveling in drove smoothly on the busy streets.

"I don't care about what happened, mister. The past is the past, the present is the present. It has nothing to do with it anymore. And I think there's no need to bring up the past anymore,"

"But I feel I need to explain everything. Everything that happened was a mistake. Even so, Logan wasn't a mistake. Deva and I were at fault," Lucas said as he patted Logan's head several times until the toddler was disturbed from his sleep.

"Daddy shut up Logan again with beautiful aunty," the boy mumbled.

Yuki glanced at Logan out of the corner of his eye then smiled a little, "He looks a lot like mister,"

"Yes. He is my son Ki," replied the man, "One day when I am ready I will explain everything. Now it seems too soon for that. We even met yesterday after five years,"

"Although I don't care what really happened, I quite appreciate mister's intention to clear up any past misunderstandings that occurred," Yuki replied sarcastically.

Lucas chuckled, "Yeah. I know you're disappointed, it really hurts,"

"It's good if mister understands my position,"

"And please understand my position Yuki. I was in the wrong sphere. That night, not in my control,"

Yuki snorted, pulled over the car she was driving and then turned to Lucas, "Regardless of what happened that night. Everything has happened. Logan is already here. There's nothing for you to explain, mister,"

"But I felt the need to explain. Even after Logan's mother chose to leave and left Logan in the hospital alone on our agreement. She kept the child in exchange for Deva left after our child was born. Leaving Logan with me,"

"Deva must have a reason for that,"

"Just as you didn't allow me to explain what had happened, I also don't want to know the reason why Deva left Logan just like that. For me, whatever the reason is, she's the one who left Logan,"

"That is an injustice," Yuki replied disapprovingly.

"And that's what you did to me Yukira. By not caring about what happened and choosing to be blind is it justice?" and suddenly Yuki fell silent over what Lucas had just said to her.