
Chapter 42

She left the boardroom with her secretary, feeling relieved.

"Debbie, how many days to the launching?" She asked

"Two weeks four days ma." She replied.

"With luck on our side, we should be able to meet up. Don t you think so?"

"Certainly, we should." She answered.

Mitchell turned to her secretary when they entered her office. "Make me another cup of coffee," she said to her.

Minutes later she was standing in front of her with a cup of coffee, brewed just the way she likes it.

Mitchell took a sip from her cup and smiled in satisfaction.

"Thank you, Debbie,"

"Welcome ma," She replied, with a smile of her own.

"Let me know whatever the disciplinary committee decides on the culprit s case."

"Yes ma am"

"You may leave now." She added.

"Okay ma," she said, taking her leave.