
The CEO’s Daring Wife

The Hacker X was known as the #1 hacker in the whole world. While being chased, this mysterious hacker entered the #1 corporation to hide in. The cold and distant CEO of the company watched her every move, and decided to see what she would do inside his company. Little did he know, after watching her, he was entrapped in her beauty and personality, and decided to observe and help her behind the scenes. One day, the two cross paths Little by little, they got to know each other and became closer. Join this adventure of the beautiful hacker and handsome CEO as they uncover more about each other and develop feelings for each other!

Kittyhisokaeow · โรแมนซ์ทั่วไป
43 Chs


'What??! If there are no other so called 'high-class' offices available, why doesn't he just let me stay with Ali??! We've obviously worked together for a long time now, and we get along excellently! Something just doesn't make sense!!' Mei's brain has definitely exploded at that point..!

"If you are unsatisfied about your place of work, you can talk to Sir Boss about it." The guard replied, this time, his voice was going back to normal

"But right now Sir Boss has instructed me to take you to your eatery place."

'Eatery place? Does he mean the cafeteria..?' Mei was still confused, while Ali looked like she didn't give a care in the world

Seeing the confused look on Mei's face, the guard said "You two have a separate eating place than the rest of the employees, as requested by Sir Boss. Now, please follow me this way." He led them to a room that was facing their offices sideways.

It looked pretty well decorated, and it definitely looked new

"There will be waiters out in a moment, but after you finish eating you both have to report to your workplaces and start your jobs." And with that, the bodyguard walked out of Mei and Ali's personal eatery.

After sitting down, Mei looked at Ali, who looked like she was about to explode with gossip!

"Sooo~~~ You get to work with Sora!! Hehe..." Ali was definitely shipping the two of them

"So?? The bodyguard even said it was because there were no other rooms" Mei was definitely denying her own thoughts

"Buuttttt... don't you find it weird?? I mean, how can ALL the so called 'high-class' offices be full! There's no way! If you hadn't noticed, this place is MASSIVE!!" Ali was trying to make Mei admit that something WAS up

Mei didn't want to admit it, but something was DEFINITELY happening..

But why, why the question

Why would CEO Sora do so much for them, and why was he letting Mei work in HIS office, and why would he let both of them actually LIVE with him??

"Ahem. What would you two like to eat?" The waiter interrupted their train of thoughts

"Oh, I would like a.." And so both of them ordered their food, and the waiter left

"Okay, now that the waiter is gone, let's continue our previous topic!" Ali definitely wasn't gonna give up on this issue

'Ugh.. I better hurry up and eat so I can leave this topic.. but then I would actually be in Sora's office, most likely with him...'

Mei looked at Ali

'Now which option would be better...?'

I really want to try my best to upload daily, so here’s another chapter!!

Also their music career isn’t over yet, I just haven’t had a place to talk about it yet in the story.. Ali and Mei might discuss it during lunch..

Thanks so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed!!

Kittyhisokaeowcreators' thoughts