
The Broken Luna: Love or Duty

นักเขียน: Omokashe_Agboju
Fantasy Romance
กำลังดำเนินการ · 321 จำนวนคนดู
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What is The Broken Luna: Love or Duty

อ่านนิยาย The Broken Luna: Love or Duty โดย ผู้เขียน Omokashe_Agboju ที่เผยแพร่บน WebNovel.The day Jackia's dream of becoming a warrior came to pass is the same day she is chosen as the fated mate of the alpha. In a town where ladies are seen as baby makers, Jackia wanted to stand out but t...


The day Jackia's dream of becoming a warrior came to pass is the same day she is chosen as the fated mate of the alpha. In a town where ladies are seen as baby makers, Jackia wanted to stand out but the moon goddess had other plans. Would she allow her heart lead or choise to follow her dreams? Love or duty? Jackia is swept on her feet by the cold hearted alpha who also wanted nothing to do with her. Read and travel with Jackia on her journey of self discovery and love.

8 แท็ก

The Fallen Angel Book 1

The world is full of corruption, tragedy, and disaster. Rape, murder, embezzlement, human trafficking. You name it. There is nothing humans won’t do for money, power or self-gratification. More than that it always seems that the downtrodden and the good-natured always suffer the most. The cherry on top? All this suffering is supposed to be rewarded in heaven when you die…if you make it there that is. Sounds ridiculous, right? Don’t worry you aren’t alone. My name is Jasmine Peters and I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired as the world around me crumbles while Sky Daddy watches from his ivory tower. I was cursed with the ability to read minds and now I’m owning this curse on my own terms and saving whoever I can with it. If God won’t help us… I will.Gabriel: I’ll never understand The Almighty’s infatuation with these creatures. Humans demand so much, but yet they give so little and whatever they are given they destroy. The audacity of this human especially leaves me particularly annoyed. She dares to defy divinity and scoffs in the face of The Almighty when it was divinity that has gifted her with the ability to do so in the first place. Only a creature as lost as a human would be given a gift and label it a curse. Nonetheless, as the hand of The Almighty, I will do as I am asked by tending the flock and heard this lost sheep back to pasture. As troublesome as she may be, I fear there is something much more sinister at play and she appears to be at the epicenter of this chaos.

Shaniqua Hill · แฟนตาซี
18 Chs


El programa "Errores Sangrientos" fue creado con el fin de generar hijos de los asesinos más mortíferos del mundo, favoritos del equipo Bloodthirsty Training. Estos niños serían sometidos a numerosos experimentos con el objetivo de otorgarles talentos especiales. En el período comprendido entre 1800-1801, aproximadamente cien niños nacieron entre las sombras de Rusia y Rumania. Algunos de los asesinos se ablandaron y ocultaron a sus hijos. Entre 1802-1803 comenzó la búsqueda de todos los infantes de 2-3 años para criarlos, experimentar con ellos y convertirlos en asesinos de cobertura profunda e indetectables, capaces de infiltrarse en imperios y países enemigos. Estoy verdaderamente perdida, pero no me da miedo fue entonces cuando lo entendí, mi misión era esa ser la perdición de un imperio, ser una asesina, la ira y el dolor es un motivador para las asesinas principiante, lo que nos diferencia es que yo soy una asesina mi entrenadora no paraba de decírmelo "La ira es un motivador, pero siempre tendré en cuenta que no tienes lugar en el mundo y nadie debe importarte". Soy un arma que espera ser usada por su amo, por qué solo le sirvo a los que me crearon sus voces, no quieren engañarme, solo quieren guiarme. Las puertas del infierno me abrieron sus puertas, todo estaba de color de rosa como la ingenua que era entre quedando atrapada en un infierno lleno de dolor y sangre. Primer libro de la trilogía: Bloody Winter

RebeccaGS_16 · ไซไฟ
1 Chs

Crescent Moon: Ancient Prophecy

But as the ages passed, the gods' harmony was disrupted. Their rivalries and conflicts began to shape the world, and their powers, once balanced, now clashed. The land suffered, and the Kaleeki's magic began to wane. Terra, the guardian of balance, recognized the danger and took drastic measures. With a heavy heart, he chained the gods' powers, imprisoning them as stars in the sky. The world of Eridoria was forever changed. Terra, in his wisdom, foresaw a future where the balance would be restored. He prophesied that a child, born under the crescent moon, would wield the four powers of the gods. This child, named Ava, would be the key to unlocking the gods' chains and restoring harmony to the land. The prophecy was written on a sacred scroll, hidden in an ancient cave, and guarded by the priests of the Sanian caste. Centuries passed, and the prophecy was all but forgotten. But the oldest member of the Sanian caste, a wise and venerable Kaleeki named Kaelin Darkhaven, stumbled upon the ancient scroll while exploring the depths of the cave. As he unrolled the parchment, the words of Terra shone with a faint, otherworldly light. Kaelin knew that he had uncovered something momentous and hastened to share the prophecy with King Arin II. The king, intrigued by the prophecy, called upon his advisors and the leaders of the Kaleeki castes to convene in the great hall of the palace. Kaelin Darkhaven presented the scroll, and the assembly listened in awe as the prophecy was read aloud. The words spoke of Ava, a child born of a barren mother, who would wield the powers of the four gods and restore balance to the world. The assembly was divided, some doubting the prophecy's validity, while others saw it as a beacon of hope. King Arin II, however, was resolute. He decreed that the prophecy be spread throughout the land, and that the people of Eridoria prepare for the coming of Ava, the chosen one. And so, the kingdom awaited the arrival of the child who would bring harmony back to the world.

Daoist6QbrvM · แฟนตาซี
27 Chs


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