
Title at the end

In a dim ally a young boy boy can seen creeping along while clutching a small cloth bag to his chest as if trying to incorporate in into his being. The boy periodically looking behind him, as if worrying any kind of entity may pop up behind him and take the small bag he was holding, failed to pay attention to his path bumping into a large object and falling down.

"Hey boy what are you doing" Said a gruff voice that penetrated the young boys ears like nails on a chalk board. He looked up expecting an angry Thug from one the many gangs that roam this area, fighting to see who would control this district and incorporate it into their territory, but he was met with a large man in shiny armor, sporting a Large Warhammer, as tall as the man himself, and an insignia of a coiling dragon on his chest plate indicating his affiliation to whatever army or mercenary company he came from as far as the young boy could tell.

Shocked the failed to respond causing an annoyed expression to befall the mans face. Letting out a snort the man addressed the boy again in an attempt to knock him from his reverie.

"Hurry up boy speak, you deaf or some'tin" the boy finally getting his bearings responded in a timid voice befitting that of someone his age in such a situation " s-sorry sir i didn't notice you, I was just on my way to get food for my mom to cook supper" Which was obviously a lie he learned tell early on seeing as he's an orphan and any orphan roaming the streets without being in an orphanage tends to be taken off the streets by any unlawful person to either be a slave for some shady noble, or organization.

"What's your name boy?" Said the gruff voice again in an inquisitive tone as if interrogating a criminal, obviously spotting the lie through his vast experience in his field, though the boy unaware he was seen through carried on with his lie in order to escape his predicament "Oh my name is Gerald sir, Gerald Stone" he iterated using the name of a deceased young boy that was around the same age as him. He was used to using this name to get away from his to be kidnappers.

"oh, Gerald huh? well 'Gerald' my name is Fredrick Cypes and you know its dangerous to be walking around here by yourself at your age, how about I help you shop then bring you home" Said Fredrick testing the boy a little to see how far he could take this lie. Panicking a little 'Gerald responds in a hurried tone " No, no thank you I would be fine on my own I've done this plenty of times", While putting on a big Smile in order to appear more confident, which if not for being seen through in the beginning would have fooled anyone that he really was 'Gerald'. 'Gerald' seeing the man's insistence started to look around the small alley for anyway to escape his immediate problem. Fredrick being a veteran could practically smell the boy's unease, fed up with his lies Fredrick moves a speed unperceivable to the young boys eyes grabbing his neck while lifting him " Now now boy, you can either stop your lies and tell me what a little boy like you is doing around here with a pouch full of valuables that are obviously not yours, or I can drag you off to the guard station where they will cut off a hand and lock you down in the mines till you die" Fredrick said in a menacing voice; his face so close 'Gerald' could smell the tabacco hanging off his breath as he chocked from the hand softly squeezing his neck. Finally realizing the severity of his situation 'Gerald' is stricken, a pungent smell wafts out from beneath him presenting the release of his bowels. Fredrick, realizing what has happened drops the boy in disgusts showing his clear displeasure " hurry up boy I don't have much time" he said in an impatient tone. Scared at his situation the boy's facade suddenly drops, when he sees there is no way out of it he starts to sob while speaking out his situation in fear of becoming a slave. "I'm so..rry, please d..ont take me to the guards I was just trying to collect enough money to pay off the local so that they would not bother me" the boy says through his sobs, trying to get the man to feel bad for him. "hmm, tell me your name boy, and not that fake one you gave me earlier" Fredrick says in his gruff voice obviously not moved by the boy's speech. Seeing this getting him no where the boy's crying suddenly stops " umm, M..mmy name is Je'od, Je'od Amon" he stutters out from embarrassment from his failed act. A sudden silence prevails over the duo, If someone were to walk upon the two they would see a big man who looked shaken while looking at a little boy in horror and the boy in question looking clueless at his reaction. " Aa.. Amon?" Fredrick stuttered out, his speech not projecting his earlier confidence and disregard, his countenance instantly switching from that of astonishment to him projecting a dangerous aura " Boy you better not be lying, tell me who your parents are" he said in a dark tone promising death at any sign of a lie. Scared and confused at the change in atmosphere around the man " um, I don't know I'm from the local orphanage, I was never adopted because anyone who tried was told by the patron that they were not allowed to change my last name turning away any possible adoptions" he says in a sullen voice showing his clear sadness at the topic. (If what he said is true, does that mean that the Empire has abandoned him?) Fredrick thought while a young couple flashes through his mind, Caught up in his reminiscing he barely notices the boy, who may be the child of his dear friends, trying to slip away.

Title: Je'od Amon

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TigerBlooImmortalcreators' thoughts