
The Book that Changed Me

Ten years ago, the world underwent a profound transformation. Humanity found itself bestowed with an extraordinary "gift" - the ability to shatter the once-confining limits of human potential. It became the fervent desire of every individual to lay claim to this extraordinary power. Although this newfound ability doesn't bestow the gift of magic upon its wielders, it endows them with unimaginable strength, enabling them to level buildings with a single punch. Regrettably, this gift is far from common; a mere one in fifty people can count themselves among the fortunate possessors. Even among this select few, their newfound abilities typically stretch only 1.1 to 2 times beyond the norm. And even if one boasts a favorable limit, it serves merely as an end point. True power demands unyielding dedication and relentless training. But that's not all; let's not forget about skills. These abilities are a rare commodity, enhancing statistics, unleashing specific attacks, and much more. Only one in a thousand gifted individuals is blessed with such skills, and a even a more minuscule fraction claim multiple. Destiny seems to follow a predetermined path, with combat-oriented skills giving rise to a surge in criminal activities. Only a select few police officers boast growth limits above the average, while an enigmatic "alliance" actively recruits promising talents. For some, the weight of this reality proves too overwhelming, driving them to contemplate the unthinkable – suicide. Yet, for Oren Hashigana, a broke, weak, and diminutive high school senior, life undergoes a seismic shift thanks to a fateful act of benevolence from an unknown force. The serendipitous discovery of a mysterious book grants him a power previously inconceivable – an infinite growth limit, surpassing all others in the world. Gradually, he begins accumulating strength and acquiring skills, embarking on a mission to dismantle the criminal empire that lurks in the shadows, threatening to corrupt the very fabric of reality.

CallMe_MFor · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs


With my right hand blocking his left fist, I fired a left hook towards his head, my knuckles cutting through the air with a whooshing sound. However, his right hand, with its lightning-quick reflexes, swiped my fist away effortlessly, leaving me momentarily exposed. It was in that split-second opening that he seized the advantage.

In a fluid motion, he executed a front kick that propelled me backward through the lot. The impact felt like a freight train slamming into my chest, the force sending shockwaves through my body. The world spun as I struggled to regain my footing.

As I skidded to a halt, I knew I had to recover quickly. Following up on the momentum of his kick, he created more distance between us, a tactic he had honed through his venture as a villain. I instinctively brought my hand to my chest, feeling the rapid rise and fall of my heart beneath my sweat-soaked shirt. Damn it... he's strong. That might've been the single strongest attack I've taken yet. Stammering, my breath coming in ragged bursts, I got ready to engage him once more.

With renewed focus, I squared off against this obstacle, knowing that I had to dig deep and find a way to turn the tide. His stats are just higher than mine.

Health: 2100 (-400)

Running forward, I unleashed a relentless barrage of fists, each punch carrying the weight of my full power. My goal was simple: land a hit, any hit, on him. Yet, he seemed to move with an almost supernatural grace, dodging and parrying my attacks with infuriating ease. His mocking words only fueled me, "Is this what my underlings were worried about? You're nothing!"

Deaf to his taunts, I continued to launch punches with reckless abandon, my focus sharpening with each swing. My joints screamed in protest as I pushed my body to the limit. Slowly but steadily, I closed the distance between us, making my punches harder to predict and parry. His expression shifted from mockery to surprise as my relentless assault began to break through his parrying.

Amidst his laughter, he exclaimed, "Yeah! This is better!" But before he could finish his sentence, I made a costly mistake. He decided to open his defense just long enough to throw a crescent kick aimed at my liver. The impact was excruciating, and I could feel my body protesting against the pain as I gasped for air.

As I crumpled to the ground, helpless and vulnerable, he seized the opportunity to rain down hammer fist strikes upon me, each one a heavy blow that felt like a wrecking ball crashing down. His relentless assault was accompanied by a relentless monologue, "You won't be able to protect anything, you're nothing! Just because you beat up a few workers, you think you're jack s**t? Die, die, die!"

By this point, I was reeling, my body unable to muster any defense or recovery. I descended further into the ground, my shoulders bearing the brunt of the punishment

Health: 1100 (-1000)

Every strike he threw seems to have a purpose, a calculated intent behind it. As he prepared to unleash another thunderous hammer fist upon my vulnerable back, desperation ignited a spark of innovation within me. With a burst, I utilized both my legs and arms to forcefully punch the ground beneath me, creating an explosive shockwave that propelled me upward, narrowly evading the impending blow.

My body was a canvas painted in shades of crimson, blood seeping from various wounds, but I couldn't afford to dwell on the pain. As I soared through the air, I clenched my fists, gritting my teeth in sheer frustration at my weak self. Mid-flight, I twisted my body, adjusting my orientation to face downward, a sense of everything burning in my eyes. It was time to use Skill Combination once more.

Soul: 50 (-45)


Lvl. 2 Skill Combination (Sledgehammer + Triple Strike) - Stacked the Sledgehammer and Triple Strike skills. The cooldown has activated for both of these skills, and for skill combination too.

Just as I'm poised to execute the attack, a bright red notification screen suddenly materializes on my right, signaling an intriguing development within the system. Could this be...?


Lvl. 1 Sledgehammer and Lvl. 1 Triple Strike have unmatched synergy with each-other! The parameters of the skill combination are altered. The combination of these skills is made into; "Lvl. 2 Triple Hammer" To use this skill as intended, fire three downward leg thrusts or wild haymakers!

I'm plummeting downward now, the ground spinning in a dizzying blur, and it's becoming increasingly difficult to focus. My instincts scream at me to attack, to seize the opportunity that presents itself. I unleash three light-fast downward leg thrusts aimed directly above the Deputy. He looks up, attempting to block but it's a futile effort.

My kicks slice through the air with precision, finding their targets in rapid succession - the solar plexus, his face, and his right shoulder. My attacks unfolded successfully. The Deputy is sent hurtling towards the ground, his back making a huge crater.

Without a moment's hesitation, I capitalize on the opportunity, landing atop him with a resounding stomp. My relentless assault continues, each stomp devoid of mercy. He rolls out to the side in a desperate attempt to escape, but I follow him ruthlessly. In a cruel twist of fate, my boot connects with his chest just as he attempts to rise, propelling him through the warehouse doors, which shatter upon impact, the metal splintering and scattering in all directions.

Breathing heavily, I put my legs on both of my knees, momentarily focusing on regaining my stamina. I can't help but gloat inwardly; it feels like victory is within reach. I continue forward, ready to deal the finishing blow.

However, my confident stride comes to an abrupt halt as I lay my eyes upon him once more. To my disbelief, he stands there, seemingly unhurt. The Deputy moves with deliberate slowness, placing his hands on his hips, an eerie and enigmatic smile playing on his lips.

He speaks in a measured tone, his words carrying an unsettling weight, "By the way you fight... it's unnatural. You see, me, I have one skill. It is true, you have many. Having more options isn't necessarily good, as you take time to decide which one to use." His words hang in the air, leaving me momentarily dumbfounded.

But I refuse to let his taunts deter me. Reacting on pure instinct, I dash forward and attempt to deliver a punishing punch to his face. Yet, he's faster than I anticipate, grabbing my hand with an iron grip just centimeters from his face, sending sharp bolts of pain coursing through my arm.

Desperation fuels my next move as I spin my leg toward his chin trying to escape, hoping to catch him off guard, but he's one step ahead, blocking my leg with precision. I find myself trapped in an awkward position, struggling to regain my balance.

Frustration boils within me, and I yell, "Take me seriously! I'm here to kill you and make you suffer for what you've done!" His response is cold, his face drawing nearer to mine, and he casually remarks, "You'll die, though?"

As he utters those ominous words, it becomes apparent that he's picked up an uncanny speed, a swiftness that I could have reacted to before but can't now. Something strange happens. He nonchalantly slips his hands into his pockets, an enigmatic move that leaves me baffled.

Before I can comprehend his intent, he places his palm against my face, and in an instant, he exerts pressure. It doesn't feel "slight" at all; it's an overwhelming force that propels me through the air. I somersault uncontrollably, the world spinning around me, until I crash with bone-crushing impact at the edge of the now-destroyed fence.

Pain radiates through my body. My face is a mask of blood, my joints scream in agony, and I can feel the unsettling sensation of cracked bones. The specter of death looms dangerously close. My vision starts to fade, and in my dazed state, I see the health monitor pop up again.

Health: 200 (-900)

"Ah, seriously? 200? That's on death's door," I exclaimed in a desperate tone, my heart pounding in my chest. I'm sorry, Aroha.

The Deputy approached me once again. With deliberate calmness, he settled down, positioning himself across from me. The gravity of the situation was palpable as we locked eyes, two men on opposing ends of a perilous battle. He acknowledged, his voice tinged with reluctant admiration, "You're a prodigy, kid. You really are something."

Despite the ominous circumstances, I couldn't suppress a flicker of pride at his words. The realization that even my sworn enemy recognized my potential filled me with a bittersweet sense of accomplishment. But the Deputy's next words were like a cold, harsh reality check: "Too bad I gotta end your struggle here, though. Goodbye!"

His words hung in the air, heavy with the weight of finality. As he rose to his feet, a menacing aura surrounded him. I braced myself for what came next. He lifted his leg, poised to deliver a lethal kick aimed at my head. The impending doom of that moment was suffocating, and I knew that if that kick landed, my head would come flying off.

Resignation reached me. At that moment, I was at a breaking point, a juncture where I cared little for my own life. My determination remained unshaken, but it had transformed into something different. I whispered to myself, almost as if to reassure my own resolve, "I don't care anymore. I will kill you, just without free will."

With those words echoing in my mind, I steeled myself.

Soul: 0 (-50)


Lvl. 1 Rage - Sacrifice your free will and attack anything in your sight for the next minute. In return, your speed is increased by 200%. 50 soul to use, one day cooldown. (Activated) The one day cooldown has commenced.

The Deputy halted his kick abruptly, freezing halfway through the motion. He fixed his intense gaze upon me and remarked in a voice tinged with intrigue, "There it is. That's what I wanted to see—your eyes changed. You sacrificed it, didn't you? Your free will!" His words acknowledged the monumental choice I had made. My decision to relinquish my autonomy for the sake of power.

In a display of strange exuberance, the Deputy spread his arms wide and unleashed a triumphant scream that seemed to pierce the heavens. "Yes! Now this can be fun!" The newfound exhilaration in his tone was unsettling. As if guided by some mysterious force, my body began to rise slowly, its movements deliberate and controlled, devoid of any stumbling or disorientation. Yet, despite my loss of control over my actions, I still perceived the world from my own vantage point, a surreal perspective that offered both a sense of detachment and hope.

The Deputy's gaze dropped to meet mine, and before he could react, my body surged forward, a sudden burst of kinetic energy slamming my fist into his face. He staggered backward, several steps taken involuntarily, under the sheer force of the impact. My body then straightened, standing rigidly before him, a curious stillness in its demeanor. Confusion danced across the Deputy's face as he muttered, "Why aren't you attacking?" His uncertainty gave way to frustration as he launched into a relentless barrage of punches. I evaded them in ways that defied conventional logic, each movement marked by an unnatural grace and inefficiency that confounded my opponent.

Seizing an opportunity, I delivered a swift and unorthodox slap across the Deputy's cheek, leaving a fiery red welt in its wake. His cheek stung with the unexpected strike, and he retaliated with a left hook that should have hit its mark. However, my body twisted and somersaulted, evading the attack with uncanny agility, only to seamlessly return to its original position. With a full smile, the Deputy remarked, "Well, aren't you... 'cheeky'?" He then declared, "It's time I activate my skill too. Unbreakable Skin!" The mere mention of this skill made me remember something important. I'm not the only with skills. As for what it does, he just gave it away.

Summoning all my remaining strength, I extended a single finger, flexing it with murderous intent. The Deputy's eyes widened as he exclaimed, "A finger... is that how strong your skill is? Let's see!" Tension hung in the air as we both prepared for the next clash, fully aware that it would decide the outcome of this fight. I refused to look away, determined to see this battle through to its harrowing conclusion.