
The Book that Changed Me

Ten years ago, the world underwent a profound transformation. Humanity found itself bestowed with an extraordinary "gift" - the ability to shatter the once-confining limits of human potential. It became the fervent desire of every individual to lay claim to this extraordinary power. Although this newfound ability doesn't bestow the gift of magic upon its wielders, it endows them with unimaginable strength, enabling them to level buildings with a single punch. Regrettably, this gift is far from common; a mere one in fifty people can count themselves among the fortunate possessors. Even among this select few, their newfound abilities typically stretch only 1.1 to 2 times beyond the norm. And even if one boasts a favorable limit, it serves merely as an end point. True power demands unyielding dedication and relentless training. But that's not all; let's not forget about skills. These abilities are a rare commodity, enhancing statistics, unleashing specific attacks, and much more. Only one in a thousand gifted individuals is blessed with such skills, and a even a more minuscule fraction claim multiple. Destiny seems to follow a predetermined path, with combat-oriented skills giving rise to a surge in criminal activities. Only a select few police officers boast growth limits above the average, while an enigmatic "alliance" actively recruits promising talents. For some, the weight of this reality proves too overwhelming, driving them to contemplate the unthinkable – suicide. Yet, for Oren Hashigana, a broke, weak, and diminutive high school senior, life undergoes a seismic shift thanks to a fateful act of benevolence from an unknown force. The serendipitous discovery of a mysterious book grants him a power previously inconceivable – an infinite growth limit, surpassing all others in the world. Gradually, he begins accumulating strength and acquiring skills, embarking on a mission to dismantle the criminal empire that lurks in the shadows, threatening to corrupt the very fabric of reality.

CallMe_MFor · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs


I sprinted across the lot towards the Deputy, my heart racing, knowing that a single attack will bring this encounter to a decisive end. The harsh glare of overhead lights cast long, stark shadows across the vast expanse of my mind were closing in. With each step I took, my body somehow looked calm.

The Deputy unleashed another powerful right haymaker. This one was unlike anything I'd seen before. The sheer speed and strength behind the blow was astonishing, the whoosh of his knuckles cutting through the night air like a freight train passing by. This power had to reach the low hundreds! My mind raced, grappling with the urgency of evading this impending attack. How in the world was my body going to dodge this ferocious strike?

As doubt began to creep in, I found myself ducking at the very last possible moment, just as the Deputy's clenched fist sailed overhead, the air disturbed by its passage. In that split second, as the Deputy's fist narrowly missed me, my body moved. My adrenaline-fueled reflexes kicked in, and I lunged forward, extending my index finger like a rapier. With a precision that defied human capabilities, I drove it through the Deputy's throat, a deadly strike that brought him to an abrupt halt.

Struggling for breath, the Deputy's eyes widened in shock and disbelief. He attempted to speak, but the words came out as rasps. I managed to utter a few trembling words, "You outclass me in every way, but you forget one thing. Even with your skill 'Unbreakable Skin,' parts of the body are dozens of times weaker than others. Specifically, your throat. Even a child could kill an adult if they finger-pierced the Adam's apple with all their strength. Goodbye, Deputy."

The Deputy stammered, attempting to break my grip by squeezing my wrist with his immense strength. But before he could put strength in his hands, he slumped to the ground, bloodied and defeated, his body spasming.

I was left in a state of bewilderment, the echoes of the intense confrontation still ringing in my ears. "How am I able to talk? I used a skill which 'gives up free will' as the Deputy said." I pondered, my voice trembling as I questioned my sudden loss of control.

Just as I contemplated this enigma, my perspective abruptly shifted back to my own eyes, and the quest board reappeared before me.

Quest 5: Deputy Destruction (COMPLETED)

Good work. Although you defeated him by abusing

your skills, it is still a win.


8000 points

Free Book Upgrade


Train your martial arts already.

Happiness coursed through me as I finally completed the arduous quest, my lips curling into a triumphant smile. My gaze then shifted to my clenched fist, which inexplicably began to reveal subtle, pulsating patterns, like a roadmap of nerves intricately etched beneath my skin. An odd sense of disconcertion washed over me, tinged with the fear that I might be losing my grip on reality. It felt as though I had developed a form of X-ray vision, my vision penetrating beyond the surface of my hand, examining the network of veins and tissues.

Questions swirled in my mind, echoing my growing unease. "What the hell is happening to me?" I muttered to myself, unable to ignore the growing sense of unreality.

Just as my anxiety peaked, a sudden, unexpected development snapped me out of my reverie. The luminous, translucent screen materialized to my right, catching my immediate attention. In a rush of anticipation and curiosity, I look at it.



As I contemplated the bizarre development, as I've never seen this before, a creeping dread settled in my mind. I guess my Soul did go down to 0? I delivered in a hushed, disbelieving tone. The X-ray vision that had manifested earlier suddenly took on a more ominous significance, seeming like a harbinger of said grave consequences. I couldn't help but wonder what lay ahead.

An unfamiliar voice, echoing through the depths of my consciousness, responded to my question, sending a shiver down my spine. "Yes, but hundredfold," it intoned ominously. Where the hell have you been? My frustration and anxiety flared, and I couldn't contain the exasperation.

Then, the inexplicable agony returned, far more intense than the first time I upgraded by strength and speed. My body began to spasm uncontrollably, my knees buckling under the relentless assault of searing pain. It felt like a barrage of bullets piercing my every molecule, over and over again.

Desperation fueled my attempts to fight back. I clenched my teeth and attempted to flex my muscles, struggling against the torment, but my efforts were in vain. Each gasping breath was a battle, and I couldn't help the involuntary tears streaming down my cheeks. It was as if my body was weeping on my behalf.

The pain intensified with an unrelenting ferocity, akin to being struck by .50 caliber bullets, far surpassing the earlier agony I had experienced. My vision began to dim, the world around me slipping into a haze of obscurity. Panic set in as I realized the direness of my situation, and I crumpled to the ground, overwhelmed and utterly helpless.

I abruptly sat up, my senses slowly returning to me as I scanned my surroundings. The harsh, sterile glow of fluorescent lights above and the rhythmic hum of medical machinery were the first things that registered. IV tubes snaked their way into my arms, confirming my location. I had a sinking feeling; I was indeed in a hospital. My gaze shifted to Aroha, who was seated in a chair next to my bed, her eyes filled with concern. "Wait, am I in a hospital?" I murmured, as the realization began to sink in.

"Yeah, those fluorescent lights and IV fluid prove it," I confirmed to myself. My arms bore evidence of the medical intervention—bruising and a couple of needles protruding from my skin. I'd always loathed needles, and without second thoughts, I began to tear them off, a grimace of discomfort contorting my face.

Turning to Aroha, I inquired, "Are you awake?" Her response was swift, and she jolted up even faster than I did, her eyes locking onto mine. "Oh my God! Oren!" Aroha exclaimed, her relief palpable as she enveloped me in a heartfelt embrace. I reciprocated the hug, grateful for her presence.

She punctuated the moment with a playful punch to my arm, her voice filled with both worry and frustration. "This is the third damn time you've come close to death. I really thought you were going to die." I couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt. "I'm really sorry," I replied, my voice laced with sincerity. "I got lucky, the other people... they were more brave than me."

Aroha's expression turned somber as she moved back and reached for the Book. I couldn't help but be surprised. "She brought it here?" I asked, curiosity creeping into my voice. "I thought you might be able to use it to get a healing skill or something, you know?" Aroha explained her reasoning, her eyes still filled with concern for my well-being.

Glancing at the clock, I couldn't help but wonder about the passage of time. "How long was I out?" I inquired.

Aroha provided a detailed account of the events, "A day or so. The police arrived shortly after the battle, and right after I came to see what happened. I saw you half dead and muttering 'strength' over and over. The warehouse was abandoned, and everything was taken too, although the police are still investigating. You're a VIP by the police's standards and were brought here. The Operation was 'a complete failure.' Or was it a 'success' since you killed the Deputy?"

She handed me the book, and I accepted it, my fingers tracing the ancient pages as I contemplated what I could spend my new points on.

Book Level: 3

Name: Oren Hashigana

Health: 2500

Strength: 25

Speed: 25

Defense: 5%

Soul: 150


Lvl. 2 Skill Combination - Able to stack two skills for a heightened soul cost. No soul by itself to use, rather, it is based on the skills you're combining. Two uses before cooldown, one hour cooldown.

Lvl. 1 Strength Booster - Increase your strength by 150% for three seconds. 20 soul to use, one minute cooldown.

Lvl. 1 Speed Booster - Increase your speed by 150% for three seconds. 20 soul to use, one minute cooldown.

Lvl. 1 Triple Strike - Attack three times in succession with enhanced speed and strength. 10 soul to use, thirty second cooldown.

Lvl. 1 Cross-Arm Guard - Cross your arms when guarding and mitigate an extra 10% of damage. 1 soul to use, one second cooldown.

Lvl. 1 Critical Hit (Passive) - Every hit you land on an opponent has a 0.003% chance of increasing the potency of the attack by an insane amount. 0 soul to use, one hour cooldown after proc.

Lvl. 1 Sledgehammer - Attack in a downward motion with enhanced strength. 20 soul to use, one minute cooldown.

Lvl. 1 Rage - Sacrifice your free will and attack anything in your sight for the next minute. In return, your speed is increased by 200%. 50 soul to use, one day cooldown.

Lvl. ??? Infinite Growth Limit (Passive) - No growth limit.

Points: 10233


Stats: 95p

Lvl. 1 Stealing Skills - 10% chance of stealing one skill from an opponent you defeat. 0 soul to use, one day cooldown. 1250p

Lvl. 2 Guaranteed Dodge (Passive) - Automatically dodge an attack that would've killed you once. 0 soul to use, one day cooldown. 800p

Lvl. 2 Danger Sense - Sense danger when it's nearby by closing your eyes and focusing, locations of the enemies of God will appear in your mind. 10 soul to use, thirty minute cooldown. 850p

Lvl. 1 Passive Healing (Passive) - Heal much quicker when asleep. 0 soul to use, one day cooldown. 500p

Lvl. 2 Peeking - Peek into other's stats and skills by squinting really hard. 10 soul to use, thirty minute cooldown. 1000p

Lvl. 3 Roulette - Spin a roulette wheel for rewards. 50 soul to use, one week cooldown. 3500p

Lvl. 3 Protection - For each person you are actively protecting in a fight, gain much higher defense and strength. 0 soul to use, one week cooldown. 3000p

Upgrade Book: 25000p

The array of options and skills on my profile was nothing short of overwhelming. Each choice represented a different path or potential power, and it felt like a labyrinth of possibilities. I couldn't help but reflect on the weight of my decisions and their far-reaching consequences.

"God forbid, that's a lot of options," I muttered to myself, a tinge of frustration in my voice. Saving points for any reason is useless, as I will not be around the book in a fight. Sometimes I'm an idiot. A different allocation of my points might have made the battle against the Deputy considerably easier.

A mental checklist of essential skills formed in my mind. Stealing Skills, Peeking, Passive Healing, and Guaranteed Dodge are must-gets. They are actually useful and will save me in the future." Despite the undeniable benefits of these skills, my profile had become cluttered and unwieldy, a visual cacophony of options. I couldn't ignore the need to streamline my interface for practicality.

I turned to the enigmatic voice within me, the one that often guided my choices and provided insights. "Sometimes you leave me," I began, my tone carrying a hint of vulnerability, "but can I ask you to lessen the amount of skills I see on my own profile? It's getting cluttered. The screen is almost as big as a door."

The voice responded, its cryptic assurance resonating in my mind, "Whatever the user says," leaving me with the promise of a more manageable and efficient interface.

Book Level: 3

Name: Oren Hashigana

Health: 2500

Strength: 25

Speed: 25

Defense: 5%

Soul: 150


Lvl. 2 Skill Combination

Lvl. 1 Strength Booster

Lvl. 1 Speed Booster

Lvl. 1 Triple Strike

Lvl. 1 Cross-Arm Guard

Lvl. 1 Critical Hit

Lvl. 1 Sledgehammer

Lvl. 1 Rage

(+) Lvl. 2 Danger Sense

(+) Lvl. 1 Stealing Skills

(+) Lvl. 2 Guaranteed Dodge

(+) Lvl. 2 Peeking

(+) Lvl. 1 Passive Healing

Lvl. ??? Infinite Growth Limit (Passive) - No growth limit.

Points: 6823


Stats: 95p

Lvl. 3 Roulette - Spin a roulette wheel for rewards. 50 soul to use, one week cooldown. 3500p

Lvl. 3 Protection - For each person you are actively protecting in a fight, gain much higher defense and strength. 0 soul to use, one week cooldown. 3000p

Upgrade Book: 25000p

With a strategic mindset, I considered the distribution of my precious points, aware that I needed to make each one count. "I want to save some points for my stats," I contemplated aloud, my gaze fixated on the array of potential skills before me.

My decision became clear as I resolved, "so I will only get one more skill." This skill had to be a game-changer, something that stood a whole level above the others. The anticipation of acquiring such a skill brimmed with excitement and expectation.

In my mind, a plan began to take shape. "If I get that," I reasoned, "I can also invest 15 stats in strength and speed." My deliberations led to a final choice: "and the rest in health." I believed this allocation to be the key to achieving a balanced and formidable character build. The thrill of the impending upgrade and the possibilities it held for my future endeavors filled me with determination.

"Perfect," I whispered, sealing my decision with eagerness.

Book Level: 3

Name: Oren Hashigana

Health: 2900 (+400 Max)

Strength: 40 (+15)

Speed: 40 (+15)

Defense: 5%

Soul: 150


Lvl. 2 Skill Combination

Lvl. 1 Strength Booster

Lvl. 1 Speed Booster

Lvl. 1 Triple Strike

Lvl. 1 Cross-Arm Guard

Lvl. 1 Critical Hit

Lvl. 2 Danger Sense

Lvl. 1 Sledgehammer

Lvl. 1 Rage

Lvl. 2 Danger Sense

Lvl. 1 Stealing Skills

Lvl. 2 Guaranteed Dodge

Lvl. 2 Peeking

Lvl. 1 Passive Healing

(+) Lvl. 3 Roulette

Lvl. ??? Infinite Growth Limit (Passive) - No growth limit.

Points: 93


Stats: 95p

Lvl. 3 Protection - For each person you are actively protecting in a fight, gain much higher defense and strength. 0 soul to use, one week cooldown. 3000p

Upgrade Book: 25000p

I turned to Aroha, excitement brimming in my eyes as I shared the news with her. "Hey," I began, my voice tinged with anticipation, "I just got some new skills. One is one that will let me heal when sleeping, and the other one is one I can test right now. Can I test them on you?"

Aroha's eyes flitted to my profile, where the new skills were now prominently displayed. Her curiosity piqued, she inquired, "Oh, I do see a lot of new skills on your profile. Will 'peeking' allow you to see through me? The descriptions are now gone."

A soft chuckle escaped my lips as I reassured her, "Of course not, Aroha!" I wanted to allay any concerns she might have had about her privacy. She nodded in understanding and finality, "Then it's fine."

However, as I activated the skill and its effects became apparent, her expression quickly shifted. Squinting, she yelled, "It IS allowing you to see through me!" I rushed to clarify, my voice meek but earnest, "No!! It will allow me to see your stats." With a thought, the screen materialized, and I proceeded to view her stats, the numbers and information unfolding before me, revealing the intricacies of her character in this mysterious world we had become a part of.

Name: Aroha Kekoa

Health: 500

Strength: 4

Speed: 4

Defense: 2%

Soul: N/A

I spoke with genuine admiration, my voice tinged with surprise, "Wow, Aroha, you're pretty strong. At seventeen, you're already as strong as a full-grown woman." A sense of respect laced my words, acknowledging her.

In response, Aroha shifted her posture, crossing one knee over the other and averting her gaze slightly, her modesty shining through. "Thanks," she replied with a humble grace, the subtle smile on her lips revealing her appreciation for the compliment. The screen shortly began to fade away, and I found myself fully returning to reality. "Alright, well, that's a cool skill," I mused, recognizing the value of my newfound ability to assess others' strengths.

With a growing sense of curiosity, I turned my attention to another aspect of the mysterious world I now inhabited. "Now I want to use the Roulette," I expressed, my eagerness palpable. However, uncertainty crept in as I realized, "It never said how to use it, though?" As if in response to my unvoiced query, the screen materialized once more, its appearance nonchalant yet intriguing. Before me, a vivid Roulette board unfurled, its colors and numbers inviting me to explore its mysteries.

Welcome to the Roulette Wheel! There are various awards you can obtain! Spin the "wheel" (technically the screen) and begin!


+5 Strength

+4 Speed

+100 Health

+.5% Defense

+2 Strength

+3 Speed


Aroha reached for her phone, the screen's soft glow illuminating her features as she began to text. The curiosity got the better of me, and I couldn't help but inquire, "Who are you texting?"

Without missing a beat, she replied, "The police contact, to tell him you're awake. They gave me 'the strongest gifted officer's' number to let me know when you've awoken. He wants to talk to you."

I sighed with a hint of resignation, acknowledging the reality of the situation. "Alright, I guess the police have to intervene in what I'm doing," I conceded, my focus still fixed on the enigmatic Roulette wheel that awaited my next move.

Turning my attention back to the wheel, the rewards are actually good. It was an up-and-down wheel reminiscent of those seen on game shows, and I hoped for a stroke of luck, a random skill that might prove invaluable.

I gave the wheel a spin, its colorful segments blurring into a whirlwind of possibilities. Anticipation welled up as the wheel gradually slowed, and my heart sank as it came to a halt on the one skill I had wanted the least, leaving me with an unexpected twist of fate.

Congratulations! Here is your reward:

+2 Strength

Frustration gnawed at me as I contemplated the outcome of the Roulette spin. "Damn it," I muttered under my breath, my disappointment evident. The reward I had received wasn't necessarily a bad one, but it certainly wasn't the best. I knew it would be a while before I could spin the wheel again due to the week-long cooldown.

Aroha, having finished her text, informed me about the impending arrival of the police contact. She revealed, "He'll be here in a second. He came a long way when he heard of your strength, the strength that took down a deputy. Of course, he was able to do it too, arguably easier than you, but it's still an impressive feat." I acknowledged her update with a nod and replied, "Alright. Thanks for telling me," continuing resting for a bit.

A short while later, the hospital room's door swung open, and the aura that filled the room was nothing short of astounding. A man with disheveled brown hair and a lean, commanding presence walked in. My initial instinct was to leap to my feet, ready for a confrontation, fearing he might be one of the Criminal Alliance members. However, he quickly reassured me, saying, "Don't worry, it's me. The strongest gifted the police have to offer."

Relieved but still on edge, I eased back into my seat. He stood against the back wall, his gaze locked onto me, and he began with a stern tone, "The fight was recorded by a street camera. Of course, it was low quality as all of those are, but I want to tell you personally, you're going to die the way you are." In response, I tightened my fist, my pride resurfacing as I retorted, "What do you mean? I won!"

He pointed directly at me, emphasizing his point, "Barely, and almost dying at that. We did some research into your background, and you did boxing, but apparently you forgot almost everything you learned. Fight as you are, and some guy with even lesser stats will win just by being a better martial artist. I want to help you, though," he offered.

Aroha's leaned in, eager to hear more. "How? You gonna train him or something?" she inquired, her interest piqued by the police officer's proposition.

The officer's response held a surprising twist. "No. But I can enroll you in a school for the gifted. It's in Tennessee, and you will learn martial arts there as a special student." The term "special student" left me with a question mark. "Special student? What do you mean?" I asked, my curiosity aligning with Aroha's.

The officer moved towards the window, his gaze directed outward as he explained further, "You will enter as a transfer student, which is really rare. There are school rankings there, and we want you to become number one, then destroy it." The mention of "destroy it" fumbled my thoughts, a hidden agenda that begged further explanation. Perplexed, I pressed for clarity. "Destroy it? Why would I destroy a school?" I wondered aloud.

He continued to shed light on the proposal, his words gradually unfolding the complexity of the situation. "It's run by a Representative of the Criminal Alliance. That's where they recruit new soldiers, albeit it's just speculation, but a lot of workers have graduated from there, and there are no coincidence with those bastards. It's also useful to train you, as you won't even get into the top five as you are now." Not even in the top five? Surely he must be joking.

As the officer started walking towards the door, he left me with a lot to process. "We'll consider you a mercenary, and give you help wherever you go. But remember, we are investing in you. We'll help you with your goal, as long as you help with ours," he stated with a tone of finality.

With the door closing behind him, Aroha turned to me, her expression inquisitive. "Are you going to go? Technically you can go your own way," she reminded me. My decision was firm, a glint of determination in my eyes. "Yes, I am. This is my chance to get revenge for what they did to me. Are you going to come with me?" I asked, eager to know her response. Aroha's reply was resolute. "Do you really need to ask?" Her loyalty and support were unwavering, solidifying our relationship in the face of the unknown. Looking ahead, I reminisce that this is the point the tide of this war changed.