Princess Aasu, our king called you now may be he wants to discuss something serious with you.

Yaa I am coming, said Aasu

Dad, what happen? Are you alright? asked Aasu

My princess sit here. Princess I am not feeling good may be this is our last meeting so before I die I want to give you this blue stone ring to you it will save you from the curse of our kingdom you will stay safe from this disease. My daughter please wear it, it will always keeps you safe and protect you from all the problems. Whenever you stuck in the problem just close your eyes and concentrate your mind towards your problem you will definitely find the solution of the problem.

As the time is passing out I am losing out my breathes by the today's evening I will lost my life but before it I want to show you something my princess , took this sword when I died may be the enemy kingdom attack on us to conquer our kingdom, now this time you will fought against him and after the end of battle you need to go to the black sea to meet the my magician friend as he is only the person who can save our kingdom from the curse.

Dad, you are not going anywhere, I will call the doctor to treat you, Dad I need you ,I will be very alone if you leave me, Please dad don't lose the hope I will bring the best doctor for your treatment.
