
the blessing of the sinister moonlight

NMRisthebest · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

"city" 3

the houses were mostly ruins that were connected to eachother with alot of tubes and wires, the streets and the roads were wide, and near he sidewalks there were series of lines and runes that sightly lit up the street, there weren't many people at the place they were at, but the few that were walking the streets were in tattered clothing or falling pieces of dark lusterless armor,

yet still ths was senias first time seeing so many people, so she stared at them with alot of curiosity, of course the pedestrians couldn't care less

"dont fall behind" gerhard grabbed senias hand

as they were walking deeper into the city gerhard slowly whispered into senias ears while crouching "dont talk, nor ask questions, just nod whenever someone asks something of you understood? play mute" senia nodded indicating she understood

"good" gehrard kept walking while holding senias hand, the deeper they went into the city the more they saw people, and gerhard started to point at each induvial

"those guys in capes who carry light weapon around are hunters, they hunt beasts and sell whatever they scavanger from them" 

"those hypocrites with capes and shining armor are pure bloods, they are also a part of the hunters, but they also hunt other humanoid races and are pretty religious, be wary of them"

"you see the beggars on the street corners? yeah no those are also part of a faction, scavenger faction, they sell shit they stole, shit they heard, and shit they saw, i was also part of the faction"

"see those guys in big black and rusty armors? those guys are law enforcers, dont be in their sight, strong pigs, but pigs non the less" 

senia nodded after everything gerhard said in understanding

"the golden card i gave you is big man shit, others cant really read anything from it other then who the owner is, dont lose it or i will beat the shit... just dont lose it K?" senia nodded while slightly shaking

'i swear to the golden hexagon if she loses that  thing'

"im going to teach you the art of swindling while we reach our destination got it?" senia nodded in understanding

"good, im going to buy 3 rooms houses for the next 13 years, wanna know why 3 houses?" senia nodded

"good, the first house is merely a storage, got it? storage, you put your shit in the shit storage got it?" senia nodded

"good, we get the first house in an unanimous name, so nobody would find it and put it in the center of city so nobody would dare to get in, the second house is in your name, its supposed to be where you live, when others ask where you live, the second house is supposed to be for those investigating you, we don't go in neither of those houses got it?" senia shook her head

"which part you didn't understand? you can talk"

"where would we live then?" senia asked but was instead met with a glare

"the  fucking streets, the woods, somewhere where people wont look for us girl... just don't talk"

"we get it for 13 years because thats when you are legal, what does being legal mean? it means older than a popsicle" senia stared at gerhard in a questioning gaze but nodded nonetheless

"pull your hood down we going in, you are mute k?" senia nodded

as they entered the building what entered their vision was a barely functioning android with a broken voice 

"how may i help you today?"

"I want to buy 3 houses for 13 years, one of which i want to be in the center of the city and a un anymous purchase for it, the other 2 i want to be named after this girl"

"any otherrrrr.... requirements?" the android said while shaking

"cheapest ones" gerhard said

"it will be 19,500 credits, you can pay it using the terminal on my palm, miss?" the android extended both of its hands

senia put her golden card into one of the andoird pals while gerhard tocuhed the other palm directly

"do you wish for me to give the miss some of the free softwares? she seems to be lacking some plugins" the android asked while staring at the golden card infront of him, the numbers on the card could be read by androids and it would tell them what sofware their clients were using, and how their clientele looked like

"install them i dont care" gerhard said while staring at the golden card

the card started to vibrate slightly, and the amount of numbers on it changed, with it changed their size, as if making room for the new numbers

"here it is done"

gerhard snatched the card back and handed it back to senia

"girl follow me im going to teach you some stuff"

with that they went out of the building and out of the city 

please vote/gimme stones, im poor

NMRisthebestcreators' thoughts