
The Black Wizard

In a new fantasy realm, Cain finds himself reborn as the son of a high-ranking Marquis. Hoping to become a Holy Knight and live his life in peace, he is shocked to discover the existence of a group known as wizards, whom even the strongest Holy Knights pale in comparison to. Follow Cain's journey as he sets out to become a dark wizard, determined to ascend to the pinnacle of this world. .............................. As a new writer, this is my first novel, and as a non-English speaker, there might be some errors so please bear with it. Thanks.

Lucifer_Arcnine · แฟนตาซี
20 Chs

Chapter 6

Cain's POV

While everyone was ready to take action, the black-robed man, uncaring, started talking with a carefree voice. "I am the wizard responsible for taking you all to the wizarding Continent. You can call me Wizard Bach. Now, among all of you, those with tokens can come forward."

After hearing him, all of us relaxed our battle stance. And then, counting me, four other people came out from their group.There were three boys and one girl among the other four.

After we showed the wizard our tokens, he told us to get on the boat. As he said this, a ladder-type propulsion extended from the boat.

Before climbing the ladder, I looked towards Alfred and nodded to him.

"Take care, young master," said Alfred as he waved at me.

As we reached the top of the boat, a group of sailors approached us.

"Arrange the rooms for them," Wizard Bach instructed the sailors before disappearing.

"Yes, Sir Wizard," the sailors bowed, even though Wizard Bach was gone.

"All of you, please follow us," the leading sailor said, turning towards us. After saying this, he led us to a room just one floor below. After asking the sailors, we learned that the boat had three floors, with the topmost for Wizard Bach, the one below it for us and the others with token, and the one in the bottom was for sailors and other workers. While taking us towards our room, the sailors explained where all the places like the dining hall, sailor's room, etc., were located.

"Can you tell us how much time it will take to reach the wizarding Continent?" asked the only girl among us, addressing the leading sailor.

"Um, after this, we have to travel to two more continents, and then we will set off towards the wizarding Continent. This whole journey might take up to three months."

Hearing what the sailor said, we all went to our respective rooms. Opening the door, I saw a room with a single bed, a table and chair, and a porthole window. After freshening up and taking a short shower, I got into bed. As I pondered about the future, there were knocks on the door.

After opening the door, I saw a boy about 12-13 years old with light blue hair and blue eyes. He was one of the people who came from the Czar continent with me.

"Hello, my name is Jack Esper, the third prince of the Esper Kingdom," said Jack, extending his hand for a handshake.

"Well, my name is Cain Ravenclaw from the Augustus Empire," I replied, shaking hands with him.

"Oh, you're from the Ravenclaw family," exclaimed Jack, as the Ravenclaw family was equally famous to other kingdoms and Empires.

"Well, aren't you also from Esper Kingdom?" I asked, as the Esper Kingdom was considered only one rank below the five Empires.

"Putting that aside, why are you here?"

"Well, the thing is that..." continued Jack. After talking with him for a while, I understood why he was here.

According to him, the wizard continent where they were going was not a friendly place. And he came with a proposal to form a group until we reach the wizarding Continent. As even though there was Wizard Bach on the ship, he might not pay attention to wizard apprentices all the time, so in order to prevent harassment, they needed to form a group to deter others.

"Okay then, I will be happy to cooperate until we reach the wizarding Continent," I said after thinking for a while. Although I was a knight, there might be other people on the boat who were stronger than me.

After that, we both continued to talk for a while. As Jack's family had contact with a third-rank wizard apprentice, he knew some news about the wizard continent.

Firstly, the continent they were going to was called the Isle continent. It was a continent that housed a third-order

wizard academy and many second-order academies. According to Jack, a third-order academy should have at least a 3rd Order Wizard, while second-order and first-order academies have second and first-order wizards respectively.

Then, regarding the situation in the academies, Jack further explained the difference between a wizard apprentice and a wizard. Even after becoming a peak wizard Apprentice, it is very difficult to be promoted to an official Wizard. Out of hundreds of apprentices, there might be a few who might be promoted to an Official Wizard. The status of wizards was hundreds of times bigger than a peak 3rd-rank wizard apprentice.

Furthermore, according to him, the wizarding Continent followed the principle of equal exchange. Aside from some free resources provided by the academies at the start, other resources were to be obtained by the apprentices themselves by paying with magic crystals, a type of currency in the wizarding world.

After talking with him for a while, we headed towards our rooms, agreeing to have lunch together later.

Once inside my room, I sat on my bed and began practicing the knight breathing method, knowing that even a slight improvement in strength could potentially save my life in the future.

As I focused on my breathing exercises, I lost track of time. After practicing for about an hour and a half, I decided to take a short nap until lunchtime.

Unknowingly, I drifted off to sleep as soon as I lay down on my bed.

**Knock, knock, knock**

The sound of knocking on the door woke me up.

Going to open the door, I found Jack standing there with two boys and a girl, the same ones from the Czar continent.