
The Binding Fates

Season 1: The death of her parents made Elyse enter the Academy in order to revive her family back to life using the help of the old Master of Empire. But with a stroke of bad luck, The Old Master mysteriously disappeared one night. She made a deal with Maria to bring her family back to life to find the old master. In the depths of hatred from other students, Elyse finds new friends to stay and protect by her side. Not forgetting her goal, she went back to the past in a search of the old master. Season 2: They are not best friends, but they treated each other like sisters. Elyse has finally turned the clock back to the past. She now finally meets everyone again from her past, facing all the fear she had back in the day and the freedom she has never tasted as "Aniya". As she helps to amend her mistakes from Tina, will those "turning back time to the past" really amend her mistakes as Aniya? Finally, meeting Tina as Chrystiana — will she finally be able to convince her to come back?

siella_spring · แฟนตาซี
73 Chs

39 | Consume

For days I endured Louisette's little pranks. From a sudden bucket of cold water falling from the door of the cafeteria, death prank threats, my name is written in my locker using blood, breaking the strings of my bow, mixing different kinds of chemical things into my pot in every chemistry class and their mocking stares at suddenly laughing at me whenever I enter a room when they're inside.

There's even a time when some students who still hate my guts went into Louisette's side and sabotaged my sword fight with other people using the students from Rahania. I already see through their little pranks but I have never thought she would come to this far.

The student from Rahania, my enemy for this round, almost killed me because we used real swords. I'm still lacking in many ways when using swords and daggers — it's a piece of sweet information for Louisette because she's also skilled in every weapon in the world on par with Raymond's skills.

She deliberately used this information to prank me. At that time, I realized something — it is not a prank but a warning. I clench my fist as I grit my teeth, what warning is it this time? I have not done any single thing to her and yet here she is, stirring trouble in every possible way.

That day, as I clench my fist and grit my teeth, the host announced my defeat and that the one who won is my enemy. I can still clearly remember what my enemy's face become. He was smirking at me as if he was disappointed since I am Lucia and Aniya's, Descendants. That I should've been skilled in everything, especially bows and swords.

I feel pathetic as I walked away stomping my feet from the training ground. I sigh.

Calm down, Elyse. There's no good to get mad at her. I should find a good time and place to make her pay for what she's been doing to me. I want good and sweet karma to come into her life.

I sigh again and starts walking when I accidentally bumped into someone.

"Ah! Sorry I didn't see you there —" I spoke but my words were cut off when a familiar and annoying figure pooped in front of me.

"Oh my! I'm so sorry, Miss Elyse!" Louisette said while her voice echoed in the empty and silent hallway. I didn't react and stare at her with my piercing gaze, she smiled back at me.

That smile of hers is full of mockery for me. It's getting on my nerves.

"My, how pitiful you look, Miss Elyse, here let me help you —" Louisette continues when she noticed a cut on my hand — the cut that the Rahania student gave me when we were fighting earlier at the training ground. As she was about to grab my hand, I quickly slapped her hand away from me and smiled brightly — also faking my smile.

"No. I shouldn't trouble you more, Miss Hildegarde. It would be bad to be seen from other students helping a lowly commoner of the traitor's descendant by the almighty Hildegarde." I spoke and it made her feel enraged but her smile didn't fade away.

She scoffed, "My look at your nerve in there, Miss Elyse." I scoffed too.

"Yeah sure. I know you've been faking your kindness towards me, Miss Hildegarde. Although I don't know your history with Aniya. There is no confirmation yet if I am indeed her Descendant or not." I replied. Her expression changed and glares at me full of rage and hatred.

She grabs my face closer to hers and gave me a deadly glare.

"Yes. That's right. I've been faking my kindness towards you. You, a lowly birth became Aniya's Descendant. Well, I don't have any problem with that because that's what she deserves for fvcking destroying the Alphas because of her greed and her fvcking weak self. But what I hate the most Elyse is why you became Tina's Descendant! You, a lowly born became her Descendant. Tina the almighty Alpha." Louisette whispered in my ear.

I smirked and pulled Louisette closer to me as I glared at her too.

"Whatever praise you have for the almighty Alpha you adore — I don't care. Just don't give me a fvcking trouble because of your fvcking personal issue towards Aniya. Don't blame others for your own mistakes, Miss Hildegarde." Louisette froze and she slowly let my face go.

I pulled away back from her and starts fixing my clothes — crumpled from her tightened grip earlier.

"If you get what I mean, Miss Hildegarde. I suggest stopping what you are doing." Louisette glares at me even more.

"No matter what happened in the past, it won't change a thing. I don't know what happened but I am sure Miss Hildegarde. I am sure you won't like what would happen next time," Elyse paused and turned her back away from her.

"I am only wasting my time with the likes of you. No matter what I say, you won't understand." I whispered — enough for Louisette to hear and finally walked away leaving her speechless as her eyes filled with rage and hatred as she watched me walk away from her.

Well, that's surprising, she didn't say anything and become silent because of a mere word. If she has hatred toward me or Aniya, she should have said something to defend herself.

Or, was I right when I told her about the mistake? It is obvious, that everyone has a mistake since Tina killed them all realizing she was mistaken and deeply regretted what she did. Nevertheless, the fact that Lewis ignored the innocent Tina in the past won't change the fact that Tina changed too because of her painful past within the household of Zues.

And Louisette knows this very well. But prideful as she is she didn't accept the fact it was also her fault.

I took a last glance at her and sigh. Look who's pathetic now. I just hope she won't trouble me anymore.

And so that's how my day went on the sword fighting contest in the training ground. It was horrible and I even got defeated by a Rahania Student. It's embarrassing but I will do better next time.

It's also been days since my conversation with Hezelle and everything is peaceful. Far from the fact that I am avoiding the Student Council itself. I know it wasn't their fault, I know I shouldn't stay away from them. Especially Eli. She's been worrying about me these past few days because she would always wait in front of my room and brings me food always. Or even snacks sometimes.

I think they already found out why I am acting like this so they let me have some alone time.

There's a part of me that I should trust them while there's another part of me, that I shouldn't trust them anymore. After the truth came to light, I don't know what to do next. All my entire life here in Academy has been a lie. A trap that has been made by the district leaders themselves. But I also cannot deny the fact that everyone in the Student Council gave me a good time inside the Academy although it was full of prideful and greedy students who hates my guts because I am her Descendant.

But I shouldn't lose hope. There's still the King of Chetan Kingdom and the Flower Festival is a month away; I should be meeting him sooner. After my family has been revived, I will run away with them. Away from the District Leaders, Gods, and Goddesses — everyone.

"Don't you want to avenge them?" The words Hezelle said that day suddenly came into my mind while I was in a daze in my world while looking at the beautiful scenery of The Capital City on the rooftop.

From above, I could see the Academy's Garden and heard Eli's laughing from afar as I glance in their way and smirked. I watched them as how they played with each other. Arrow puts her shoulders into Eli's arms and held her hand while Arbor chills beside them. Luna and Raymond talking to each other — their topic seems important. It's best not to disturb them. Odelle and Kai are talking too while Dain is under the shade of the huge tree with his eyes close. He looks like he's sleeping while leaning into the tree.

He suddenly glances in my way and I flinch. He didn't react much and only stared at me for a minute then closes his eye.

Did I do wrong?

Suddenly, the image of them reminds me of the past. It felt like Deja vu watching them play under the beautiful blue sky.

Later on, I noticed a woman with a black coat watching them from afar like what I did right now. She was far away that even Dain or Kai noticed her presence. Suddenly our eyes met when she glanced at me as her piercing purple eyes glared at me, I flinched.

Who was that woman?



Hey guys! We're finally at Chapter 39! And season 2 is coming up very soon ~ that is why! For those who are still confused about the story, let me explain. So, this story was actually stopped for months since I wrote a fanfiction story on another writing platform and I was busy studying hehe. The story was originally meant to end at Chapter 50 but I changed my mind. So, I made a comeback and the story became a little confusing at first since it's a mystery, romance, or fantasy genre like that and it's also because I changed some plots here. So now! We will have Seasons! Hehe. Anyways, these are the character's profiles ~

1) Lady Arrow and Lord Arbor Willow, Artemis's Descendant the Alpha of Hunting. They are twins and Arrow is the eldest since she was born a second earlier before Arbor. They look exactly the same but the difference is their gender. Arrow is a girl with long wavy hair, same color to Arbor who is a man.

Arrow is an extrovert person. She likes going out with other people while Arbor is an introvert one. He likes being alone and he's having problem to his own emotions.

2) Lady Elizabeth 'Eli' Alina, Lovelia's Descendant, The Alpha of Light and Love. Inheriting the blond hair and yellow eyes from the first Ancestor, she was a beautiful gentle Lady who always hang out with Lady Arrow.

She's the daughter of Marquis Alina. Although Lovelia is the one behind the betrayal and allied with Cain — The Devil, we cannot change the fact that Lovelia's blood really has a beautiful and powerful background.

3) Thaddeus 'Chad' Reiki, Thaddeus's Descendant, Messenger of the Alphas a few people know he can heal too. He's a mixed blood with seductive red ruby eyes and beautiful shaped jawlines. He is an outgoing person and loves classical arts and music.

He inherited his Ancestor's name because his parents are bored and couldn't think of cooler name than Thaddeus (or just the author is lazy to think of other names).

The only woman in Chad's heart would always be Aniya and will be Aniya. (Naks naol.)

4) Elyse Valentina, Descendant of Aniya, Alpha of Wisdom and War. A commoner lady who other people hated because of her bloodline and the fake stories that was passed down to generation to generation that it was Aniya's fault.

She has ordinary brown hair and hazel eyes. She could also be known Lucia's Descendant, who knows? Hehe.

5) Lord Raymond Caelus. Descendant of King Samuel, Alpha of Skies and Thunder. Raymond inherited his captivating oceanic blue eyes and platinum blond hair from the King. He is a beautiful living god because of his facial features. He is currently the President of Student Council.

6) Odelle Vita. It is rumored to be Tina and Emperor Hiro's child, Descendant of the forgotten God of Life. Also rumored to be Hiro's Descendant who is also the alpha of Protection.

Odelle looks beautiful even if her features look ordinary. She has emerald green eyes and shining green yellow hair.

7) 'Luna'. The true Descendant of long-lost forgotten Sylvia. Born from a tribe she was sent to the Palace to act as Lucia's Descendant.

8) Kai Tasi. Descendant of Lewis, Alpha of Sea and Earthquake. Not much of information about him, hehe let's wait for the next future chapters ~

9) Lord Dain Hildegarde. The future heir for the Family of Hildegarde, Descendant of Hethan Hildegarde an Alpha of Death. He was a cold and mysterious man, no one knows what was going on with his mind.

10) Lady Louisette Hildegarde. Descendant of Lewis an Alpha of Battlefield, Dain's cousin. She loathes Elyse so much to the point that she keeps on pranking her with crossing-the-line threats. Unlike Dain, she likes to tease other people too much while Dain is simply there, watching everyone silently. In short, Dain doesn't really care as long as he lives and breathes.

Fun fact: her name sounds like the curse word in Filipino Language. If you're Filipino, try reading her name in Tagalog haha

11) Lu Wei. Alpha of Fire and Craftsmanship, it is said that her ancestor has no connection to the curse and was not accepted as one of the Alphas because of Vierra. Lu Wei is an introverted lady who likes to stay in her room all day without getting tired.

She is born a commoner but her family was respected due to their unique and amazing craftsmanship. She works with Raymond and Thaddeus and she is considered as a member of Student Council.

And this is just for the story recap! Before we began Season 2, there's still chapters left to publish. See you next time!]