
The Billionaire C.E.O in love

Love is a beautiful thing, but when one among the both can't really define their want and reason for love. That alone will end in tears and cause heartbreak. Olivia and Charles are raised in Alabama in the United States, where they were brought up by their rich parents. Oliva, Charles Fiancee loved him not until she betrayed the love she had shared with him for her political career to fulfill the promise she made to her father, who was murdered a month after resuming the office of Alabama Governor under the Republican Party. Her career as a young politician could only be successful by going into agreement with Governor Hudson, the incumbent Governor of the state, if she could get married to Jonathan, his son, since he refuses to follow his footstep in order to have Alabama governed by the family. Getting married to Jonathan seems possible because Jonathan has long loved her and needed an opportunity where he will make her his wife. Breaking up with her billionaire lover, Charles the CEO, leaving him with pain and the reflection the juicy time they have spent together while still together. Charles then vow not to give his heart to anyone, or getting married, he became rude to every ladies that tried getting his attention. Moreover, keep ready to get the aftermath of the both character. But at the end, Charles got to fall in love with his secretary, Deborah, whom he slept with while drunk in a club, sometimes in California on his personal assignment trying to expand his oil and gas company beyond Alabama. He knew neither who Deborah was nor that he had a son with her, Kingston, whom she had after the one night stand she had with him, as she was attracted by his handsomeness and fell in love with him on the first date.

Charles_Nwafor · สมัยใหม่
42 Chs

Jonathan pays Olivia back

As Jonathan saw how mean Olivia had become in maltreating him and refusing to let him make love with her, She has almost become a problem for him. He then spends most of his time where he drinks to his full after work. And when he returned, Olivia would allow him to sleep in the parlor. This kept happening on a daily basis until he met with his mother, Isabella. "Mother am dying silently in my own house; Olivia has become something else; she has denied me everything, including my food. And this time around, I don't know what to do." He said to her.

Isabella watched him say what was on his mind and thought of sending him back to his house since he had listened to his wife and had her leave the house because of Olivia. "If not for the fact that you are my son, I would have sent you out of my house. You have hurt me a lot with your so-called wife, olivia, and now you have come to seek help, from whom you have driven out of your house. Why not do that with your father?" She asked him. Jonathan then told her how he was not happy with his father, Hudson. "He is the cause of the problem, and because he failed to do his part properly, I am the one receiving the punishment." He spoke, with his hands resting on each other. Isabella went in get him something to eat and made him feel comfortable and welcome in his father's house, as at that time Hudson wasn't at home because he had gone for an important meeting, after which he would be heading to the hospital to check on himself. "There are many ways to deal with her type, and bet me, when one of these ways is applied, she will surely return to you." Isabella told him. He wonders what exactly will make Olivia return to her senses. " Calm. Down son, just be through with your food; we have much to talk about."

Jonathan relaxed and ate to his satisfaction. Isabella watched him as he felt okay; she intentionally asked him not to return home that very day because she wanted to know how heartless Olivia is when she fails to check on her husband.

Jonathan tried not to play along. "Don't be stupid, son; I am helping you here. And you want to please a woman who has no feelings for you. Allow me do my job; then you will enjoy your home with her in the future." She advised him. They continue talking even with Hudson , who arrived and joined in the conversation. Jonathan passed the night in his parent's house without Olivia reaching him to know where he is.

The next day, Isabella sat him down and had a plan with him along with Hudson. "With your eye, you see how heartless that lady is, and just as I have said, there are many ways of dealing with her type." She repeated her words.

And went even further. "I will arrange for Harper your cousin sister, I believe Olivia haven't set eye on her, she was writing her final year exam during your wedding of which you know was the reason she didn't attend the wedding, however, she will act to be your lover, that will make Olivia feel so jealous and pains. I believe that since she has lost all, she will hardly ignored the action, she will return back to her sense. In case you don't know son, she is aware that you loved her so much and ready to tolerate her behavior's, but once this is implemented, she will surely realized her mistake and give you attention.

"If it had been left to me, I would have asked you to divorce her, but I saw the love, and I put her mother in my shoes. If she was to be my daughter and had to be divorced after losing it all, what will be my gain? So I brought this up for us to make her correct her wrongs." She added

Jonathan thought about how he would offend Olivia with such an act; he loved her and was not ready to hurt her.

"Son, I will advise you to do as your mother has just said. Olivia won't give you peace until she is hurt all around, and before she divorces you, take this action." Hudson spoke. Yet Jonathan still holds to his love for her; he refuses to do as he is told.

So in order not to keep wasting time, Isabella and Hudson allow him to do as his heart directs him. He got home, and Olivia didn't say a word to him, not even offering him breakfast until he left for the work of the day. The same happens when he returns after work. The silence continued, until he was almost fading up.

One faithful day, Jonathan sat alone in his office and thought of how he had planned his life with Olivia, as well as his continued ignoring of her attitude. "Is it not better that she serve me the divorce papers? I am almost giving up on her; she has continued to have a bad attitude toward me.The more I try to make her happy, the more she keeps maltreating me and denying me everything." He speaks alone.

Also remember the idea his parents have given him to display. "I can't do that to the woman I love; I love her, and I can't watch her see me doing this to her.No, but since I am hurt all the time, should I take their idea?" He asked himself and was more confused.

The seat he sat upon wasn't comfortable to him anymore, so he stood and moved around his office. Still thinking on what to do to see that Oliviareturned to herself and loved him. "Drinking won't solve the problem; what else can I do?" He asked himself, moving around and wondering. His phone rang; it was Isabella calling. She called to know if he was ready to do as she had told him. "Mother, I can't do that to her; I love her. Yes, I know she can be so heartless and act stupid, but she remains my wife.Let me give her more time to change; I believe she will, and if she fails, then I will consider taking your idea." He said. Isabella answered him, "If you say so." She ended the call while he continued wondering alone in the office.

Jonathan Unable to control and condone Olivia bad attitude, he then agreed with his mother's idea.

Moreover, Harper, who is his cousin from his maternal home, is said to be strong, being the only lady who is capable of taking the task. She is as beautiful as a morning star, which can't be compared among her other siblings and cousins. And be the only Jonathan cousin whom Olivia didn't know about.

As Olivia kept doing what she thought was right for her. Jonathan meet with his mother who have already arranged Norah for him. Before that, Jonathan had started displaying unpleasant attitude to Olivia; he also ignored her and refused to please her in any area she wanted. making the whole house look dull and quiet.

Olivia became surprised when he brought Harper in; she yelled at him. "Who is she? I know she must be one of the ladies you have been cheating on me with." She blocked the way, saying, "You are going nowhere with her until you tell me who she is." She added. Jonathan, the gentleman, moved her out of the way, took Harper to her room, and made her relax comfortably.

While Olivia kept shouting, she moved around the room, calling his name. "Don't deal, call one; what were you expecting when you were putting on all those attitudes? I have endured them, enough and not ready to keep on with it". He spoke. You can as well serve me the divorce papers as planned, and please don't wait until I ask you to leave before you leave my house." He told her. Olivia, be speechless, looking at the man she never knew would turn out to be this toward her. "Anyway, don't tempt me; I am dangerous and bite like a snake. Better avoid this now else you won't like my display." She warned him. Harper and Jonathan went to the dining table to eat, with Olivia sitting and watching them. When she saw how he was feeding Harper, she couldn't hold it. She rushed on Harper and was about to fight her. "You think you will come here to destroy my home.See, you have to leave now; I mean now." She said. Harper hissed and moved her aside. "This should be the last time you set your hands on me; the next time you do that, I will make sure you don't live to see tomorrow." She warned Olivia be so serious. "You have heard the woman of the house; she takes charge now and not you." Jonathan told her.

"You should be ashamed of yourself. You left me for her; what does she has I don't have." She asked, "Be so jealous! in a hurry. "You are in the best position to give yourself the answer." He told her.

Be unableble to condone it, Olivia met with Hudson and wife in their resident she related all to them. "What are you expecting? So you want my son to die silently in his house by your constant ignoring and bad attitude towards him?" Isabella speaks.

Olivia, got to know the root of the problem. "I know you are aware of this, but get it right inside you I will pay you back double for your plans, and for your son and his side chick, they should get ready for my anger; I will bite like a wounded lion, and none of you will be able to withstand my anger this time around." She shouted at them.

"Olivia, in my own decisions, I think we're done trying to please you and seeing to our strength that you recognize Jonathan as your husband, but you, with your hands, have proof that our help is abortive.The young man is our only son, our only child, he deserved the best." Hudson speaks. Olivia looked at him; she remembered the wound he had caused her, speaking it out to make her cry and regret being on earth even more. She remained silent, wanting to stammer. "I.I...." she stopped.

Isabella interrogated her and asked her not to say a word. She also asked Renee to leave her house urgently. "Leave my house, you daughter of a desperate heart. Just leave." Isabella gave her a command; she turned with boldness and said. "I will deal with you all; I remain his wife; after this battle comes my real color." She spoke up.

"What color haven't you displayed? You have displayed it all, and I have come to conclude that you are not human, but rather a beast in the form of a human. This is one of the reasons why you lost the election." Isabella again speaks.

The manner in which Isabella has insulted her has penetrated her bones; she regrets knowing the family and has promised to take revenge at last. As she finally left the house, Hudson and Isabella sensed that she was beginning to be jealous and now want to be with her husband. "She addressed herself as Jonathan wife boldly for the very first time after losing the election." Hudson said. "Truly your idea will go far in restoring our son's joy, including changing Olivia for good." He added.

Isabella praised herself: "I have always come up with great ideas; nothing is difficult for me to handle, and when it is, I relate it to my creator. Just watch and see how, with her leg, she will kneel to plead for forgiveness. She will also confess her sin to us." She made an effort to move forward, bringing the matter that goes in line with Renee being responsible for her last miscarriage to light. "She knows what she has done to her pregnancy; that lady is evil; I have known that from the very first time I set my eyes on her." She continues saying this until Hudson asks her to remain calm.

"She isn't what I thought she was; imagine how she talks to me like a child. Olivia thinks she can succeed in Alabama with this attitude." Hudson speaking, even after he has asked Isabella to maintain calm.

He added his conversation with smiles and later laughed as he remembered how Olivia had challenged him in his own house. threatening to deal with him and his family. "She is still a child. She has no knowledge of who I am. She better remain herself before calling for my anger." He spoke.