
Chapter 7: The Big Boss

Nina has just gotten to work when her secretary told her that the big boss has called for a meeting at an hour time in the conference room.

The big boss was the name given to Mr. Melton, the owner of Melton Media and according to the information, she gathered he rarely calls for a meeting unless it's important.

She has sent Divine the 19 years old part-time secretary the company has employed for her back to her office to prepare for the meeting.

She was going through files and typing away on her computer when her phone rang. She looks at the phone screen and smile.

Standing up as she walks to the window, she answers the call.

"Hello! beautiful damsel! To what do I owe this pleasure of you calling me so early on Monday morning" She said sarcastically.

"Hiya back! Just wanted to thank you for yesterday I'm very grateful and to show my appreciation, let me buy you lunch"

" Lily? See I need to go " I heard her huff on the phone.

"I need to be in a meeting for the next 15 minutes,

I'll call you when I'm free for lunch".

"Ok! Don't forget to call, unless I will come there and spank you" She threatened, knowing her she's not lying.

"Yes ma?, I will make sure to call"

" Bye!" She hung the call.

Just then the door opens and in walk Sam.

Sam is a freelance reporter, who rarely comes to work but when he does is bad news.

He's a pervert that thinks because of his six packs abs, that the whole female will fall at his feet and beg for his attention.

" The meeting is about to commence, just wanted to remind you," He says as he walks off.

Imagine the nerve of him, he's not even included in the meetings list. So arrogant!!.

Exactly 15 minutes later I walk into the conference room carrying some files that needed urgent attention to discuss and found out that everyone was seated awaiting the big boss.

The conference room consisted of editors and journalists. Everyone busy sorting out their files barely acknowledging each other with a nod.

I sat beside Mrs. Crowsby, my editor she's a 50 years old woman who has been with the company for a long time. She assigned my editor to help me with the big assignment everyone has been talking about non-stop since the time I've been here.

The door to the conference room open and an elderly man of 55 years old walk in. He's quite tall and light-skinned, well most Americans are light except the black Americans.

He is putting on a dark blue suit, which fitted him like a second skin. Immediately, he was seated that's when I notice who follow him closely.

I met her eyes and she smiles at me. I don't know why she's here? Yes! Debbie was seated by Mr. Melton's side. And I kept wondering why she's here?

"Maybe she's looking for a job?" My inner voice said

"But she never tells me she was a journalist" I scream at her cos she was behaving as Mr know. It. All.

"Neither did you" She retorted.

"Good morning ladies and Gents" Mr. Melton greeted us as he sat down at the head of the table. While Debbie sat down beside him.

I wanted to tell her not to sit down there that it was meant for the big boss's daughter's but she avoided my eyes.

" I'm sorry for this impromptu meeting, but as we all know that my daughter will be getting married soon". He pauses to see the effect of his word on us. Most of them were not affected. They all seem like they were aware. They nodded " Yes"

But I was surprised, I mean Who wouldn't? have never met his daughter before. Hell! I'm just meeting him for the first time now. Though I've heard a lot about him before on the news.

"And my soon to be son-in-law has agreed to give us an exclusive. I'm here to inform you all that Miss Miller will be conducting the interview"

Every other thing froze on my mind. The only word that makes sense is "Miss Miller will be conducting the interview". Wow, I'm so happy!. I smile genuinely since I've entered the conference room.

I mean why shouldn't I be happy? This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I get to interview the son_in-law and daughter of Melton Media. Wow! I can't wait to tell Lily and my dad.

"Do you have any reason to refuse, Miss Miller? " His eyes focus on me. I gulp nervously under his gaze.

"No sir. I accept it" I told him nervously.

"Good then this meeting is over. I leave you in the hands of my daughter, Deborah Melton, to fill you in on the other".

I zone out, the only word I heard before he left was Debbie is his daughter, that is I will be interviewing Michael and her." Oh my God! Why this?"

The trip back to my office was a blur, I was walking like I was in the air, my feet barely touching the ground.

Debbie was unusually quiet by my side. Sometimes I wonder if she knew about Michael and my history. But looking at her now so lost and lonely makes me feel a little sympathetic to her even though she stole my man.

I sat down on the chair and she sat opposite me and looked at me.

"So?" I ask looking at her.

"So?" she repeated back. keeping eye contact with me, with outside it will seem like she's challenging me. I break eye contact and began shuffling papers nervously on my desk.

" What question do you think I should ask Michael and you at the interview"

Instead of answering me she took a piece of paper on my desk and Wrote some of the questions she thinks I should ask Michael down. We went through it together and after I confirmed it good, I stretch my body after we're done.

"Wow! that was fun"

" Yeah" she stood up and was about to leave.

"Yeah. I will just leave this with Mr. Melton" Gesturing to the paper with the question. She nodded and left after refusing my offer to go home together saying she has a Dinner appointment with Michael and his parents.

I left Mr. Melton's office after dropping the file with Mrs. Esther his secretary having been told he has left for an appointment.

Entering my office I couldn't help but huff and sat down heavily on the chair. I let the tears flow heavily, I couldn't keep it in any longer. " I mean who does that? Why is love so cruel? Why do I have to interview Michael with another woman?.

"Love is not cruel, it is we humans that are" I was surprised I quickly wipe my tears and turn to see Lily, she was standing at the doorway on the verge of tears.

" I'm so sorry. I never knew" She started crying. She keeps saying she's sorry. I don't know what she's sorry for, but I let her be. Knowing Lily, she never likes someone to interrupt her when she's doing something even when she's crying.

After wiping her tears with the baby wipes on my table, she clears her throat and turns serious. I envy her. The way she changes her mood, you wouldn't even guess she was crying a while back. But I'm still a mess.

"Love is not cruel Ina. Love is beautiful" She held my hands across the table and smile "Love is kind. Love is what Danny and I share. Love is what our parents share".

"I know "I withdraw my hands from her and stand facing the window she continues anyway

"I'm sorry, I've been busy with the wedding preparation that I neglected you. But tell me I will kill that son of a b**** that makes you think that love is cruel"

I heave a sigh of relief. For a second there I thought she heard me say the last part out. Thank God she didn't know that is Michael.

"No one actually" I shrug and sat down.

"Really?". I nodded." Then why were you crying"

"Nothing "She didn't believe me so I had to say something to make her believe me.

"Okay, I'm to have an exclusive interview with Mr. Derrington who has just lost his wife. So I was getting emotional after reading about their story".

" Oh!. The special adviser to the president? "


" Wow!, how did you do it? he has refused to speak to anyone about it"

" I didn't do anything, it takes one who has lost a loved one to know how it feels to lose someone you love dearly"

Lilian probably thinks I was talking about my mum but I was referring to Michael.

"Enough of this losing a love one talk. It killing the mood. Since you miss lunch, I'm here to take you out for dinner".

"Really!. You'll do that for me"

"Of course, yes. Now get up let's go before will be late for our reservation".

" Wow! girl, you look shorter than I've known you?"

"That's because I'm not putting on heels" She huff.

"That's what I'm asking. Why? "

"Because Danny doesn't like it "She drags me out of my office.

"And I guess, Danny is the reason you're dressed like this?". Gesturing to the dress she is wearing. She was putting on a blue and white striped maxi gown.

"What's wrong with what I'm wearing?"

"Nothing! is just that, you've not been one to put on long dresses. Always on the short side".

"People change," She said silently.

we were now standing beside my car while I search around for her car.

"Where is your car"

"Didn't bring it "

"How do you get here then"

" Danny drop me off"

"Danny again!!? "

We both laugh and get into the car.

On the way, Lilian was telling me about her trip to Paris.

"Babe! You need to see my wedding gown. It's so lovely" She said excitedly as she grips the steering tightly.

"Really?. I can't wait to see it then" I smile at her.

She glances at me briefly before focusing on the road.

"Look who's talking. I'm still annoyed with you anyway"

"I'm sorry. You know I just couldn't leave my work. Moreover, Danny went with you"

"But I wanted you to go with me and Danny didn't follow me to shop for my wedding gown, the groom is not supposed to see it before the wedding remember?. And you are my bestie for crying out loud"

"Yes, mam. I'm sorry. I promise to be there for your wedding"

"No, don't be there. Ok," she said sarcastically.

I roll my eyes at her, making her laugh loudly. I couldn't help but smile too.

"I miss this. I miss us" she said just as her phone rang, she picks it up.....

"Hey! Baby boy" she called smiling, I rolled my eyes at her obviously she was on phone with Danny.

"I'm good" she continues "I'm just taking this stubborn girl out for dinner" She glances at me and smile.

"Who are you calling a stubborn girl," I said poking her gently on her shoulder and sticking my tongue out at her, she stuck her tongue too at me and call something to Danny before hanging up.

"What was that for?" I ask immediately she hang up.

"Nothing. He just wants to check up on me" she replied

"Hmm!. He really loves you. I'm so happy and jealous of you"

"You don't need to be darling. I know there's a man for you somewhere out there and we're going to find him together" She said as he grips my hands firmly.

I couldn't say anything due to the lump that was on my throat. She notices but chooses to ignore it and I'm very thankful for that. I wouldn't want anything that will make me cry tonight.

"That reminds me, you've never said anything about that guy you were with that night"

I paled. My breathing increases as my throat constrict." Are you sure you didn't see the person I was with that night"

"Of course. Yes. I was so much into Daniel that I didn't notice"

I calm down"OK. Well, he left without saying anything. And I don't even know how to reach him" I turn to face the window to avoid her eyes. The night was getting darker and the street light illuminates everywhere.

"Not even a name" I felt her eyes on me but I refuse to look at her.

"I told you. I was caught up in the moment. I forgot to ask if his name and in the morning he was gone" I snapped at her, my voice rising a little.

She stops questioning me and went back to focusing on driving. The silence was killing me cos she wouldn't talk to me after that.

" Where are we going to" I change the topic, she smiles happily at me

"It's a surprise," She said and drove on without saying another word........