
Chapter 19

Meiling had disappeared behind a bend in the underground tunnel into which she had gone after the squirrel she claimed to have seen. Xiang and his companions were startled and ran after the girl whom they saw to their relief after a few moments.

“Meiling! Wait for us! Do not separate from us.”

Knowing that she had been reckless, the girl remained still and when her companions reached her, she was sad.

“Sorry, but the squirrel ... has now disappeared.”

“It is likely that there are animals inside this cave and they may not all be friendly.” Laszlo applied this mild reprimand adding, “We are in unknown territory, it is more than ever necessary that we stay together to face possible dangers.”

Jean Luc added with a worried gesture.

“It must have stopped raining. It would be nice to go back to the entrance under the tree we entered and go outside. This cave gives me a feeling of confinement.”