
The Best Student Is Reincarnated In Another World

When one of the best students in Japan, and in the world, is met with an unfortunate demise, he is offered a reincarnation by a divine being. Follow his journey as he descends into a brand new world, and meet some fun characters along the way.

MrPlam · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs


"We're here. This is the adventurer's guild."

Ryuu was amazed by the large building. It was completely made out of marble, with two tall pillars decorated by snakes made of stone that were wrapped around them. Above the entrance door was the same snake insignia as seen on knight armor in the castle.

"What are you waiting for? Go inside.", said Mira as she lightly pushed Ryuu inside the building.

"Alright, alright. I'm gonna get to the gold rank as fast as I can!"

"That's the spirit."

The boy entered the building. It seemed even bigger from the inside, with many people of all kinds, creepy skulls on the walls as throphies, and a couple of women that worked there. Ryuu then slowly approached one of the women.

"Hi, I'd like to apply as an advanturer."

"Ugh...great. Not even two minutes pass an' another one comes." the woman rolled her eyes.

"What...do you mean by that?"

"Don't act dumb. All ya kids wanna be advanturers, but then ya go home sobbing when you lose an arm or leg."

"That ain't happening to me."

"That's what everyone says."

"I assure you."

The woman sighted.

"It's not my problem, y'know? I ain't your momma. Just sign the papers if you may."

Let's see..."By signing this document I aknowledge the risk of mutilation, limb loss, disfiguration or/and death. The sights you may encounter can inflict everlasting mental damage or/and lifelong trauma."


"Are ya signing, or backing out?" The woman asked.

I can't let Zych down. I'll do it.

Ryuu signed the paper.

"Okay then, complete this checklist and you're all set. Just check the things you can do, and leave empty things you can't."

Alright...magic...check. Sword fighting, check. Magic affinity...plant.


"That would be all. Here's your advanturer card. Your rank is wood. There are 6 ranks: wood, bronze, silver, gold, and diamond and platinum. Depending on your rank you can take more dangerous jobs.

"What jobs can I take at the wood rank?"

"Mostly material harvesting. But as you rank up your jobs will start being more like, I dunno...monster killing and stuff. Also, always have your card with you. That way we can indentify your body if you die."


"You can check the list of jobs on the big pannel. When our scouts notice your tasks are too easy for you, you'll be ranked up. Good luck out there." said the woman as she turned her back to Ryuu and started doing some other paperwork. The boy analyzed the job pannel.

Wooden rank jobs...help with a garden work, mine a kilogram of iron, help clean dishes...oh, an interesting one. Keep watch from monsters. Let's see the details.

He unpinned a piece of paper off the board. It said the following:

"We need an advanturer of any kind to keep watch for monsters for 2 days while we contruct a fence around the town. Details will be discussed in person."

Seems like a good start.

"Uh...excuse me?" a soft voice spoke behind him.

Ryuu turned around to find a green eyed girl with pointy ears behind him. She was wearing thick, green robes and some kind of a leaf crown on her head.

"I wanted to take that job..."

"Oh. I'm sorry, but I took it first." Ryuu said.

"oh...okay..." she said with a sad expression.

As she turned around to leave the guild, Ryuu couldn't help but feel bad.

"Hey, maybe we can take it together and split the rewards?" Ryuu suggested.

The girl turned around and looked at him.

"Only if I get to keep any monster loot we may find."

"Sure." Ryuu accepted, not really caring for anything besides getting ranked up.

The girl approached him.

"My name's Yana. I'm a healer, wood rank, but that's soon to change. You?"

"I'm Ryuu. I'm a wood rank swordsman, but I can also use some plant spells."

"Oh, nice! What spells do you know?"


"Anything else?"




"Blossom is useless in combat, unless your opponent is alergic to flowers." said Yana, rolling her eyes.

"My sword skills are good, though."

"If they're as good as your magic, I might regret doing this."

"Trust me."

"Alright, alright! Can you check the location of the job?"

"Sure. It's a....village few kilometers away from the city." said Ryuu, reading the paper.

"We'll need to arrange a chariot, huh?", said Yana. "It shouldn't take too long. We should arrive there in the evening. Ryuu, meet me in front of the guild in an hour."

Ryuu nodded.