
The Best Student Is Reincarnated In Another World

When one of the best students in Japan, and in the world, is met with an unfortunate demise, he is offered a reincarnation by a divine being. Follow his journey as he descends into a brand new world, and meet some fun characters along the way.

MrPlam · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs

Rank Up

Time until the royal ball: 4 days

A day has passed since Ryuu and Yana completed the watchout job. They were awarded with 40 bronze coins, which they split 50-50. The two also got to know eachother better, however Ryuu didn't give any details on his otherworlder origins. He did learn that Yana is originally from the country of Urlokia, and that she became an advanturer to earn enough money so she can travel the world. The money they earned from the previous job was barely enough for them to afford a motel for a night. After a good night's sleep, they are now walking towards the guild.

"How is Urlokia like?" Asked Ryuu.

"It's pretty messed up." she said. "I mean, it's my home, but living there was hell."

"Really? How bad it is?"

"When I was seven my next door neightbour got stabbed by her boyfriend. I've seen everything. Still remember the screams. Once when I was in a general store, some bandits tried to rob the place and threatened to blow it up with explosion magic."

"That sounds terrible. Did they arrest them?"

"Yeah. But I heard they let them go later because the father of one of them knew the head officer."

So its corrupt as well. I'd like to stay out of there.

"Poverty is really that bad there, huh..."

"Yup. That's what happens when there's so many people and not enough productive work to make up the economy."

The two had arrived at the guild now. The same woman working there greets them heartly.

"Hehehe, its the heroes of the village that no one gives a fuck about!", says the woman laughing. "Yall had a job to just watch out for monsters an' ended up slayin' a bunch of 'em. For real though, how the hell did ya beat those ogres? Folk who were there said the boy had enormous strenght and the girl was invincible to damage."

"That's right...! We are strong...!", says Ryuu proudly. "So...! Would you please...rank us up?"

"Well, if the reports are true, yall should be in Silver rank right now, skippin' bronze. I see ya ain't messin' around. Congrats on the rank up."

Some people who listened to the conversation cheered or applouded. Ryuu was only seeing this as a natural stepping stone to his goal of achieving the 'Gold' rank, but Yana was overflown with joy. She made two small jumps in place and hugged Ryuu.

"Ryuu! We got a double promotion! I knew it was a good decision to join you!

It wasn't that Ryuu wasn't happy, he just didn't understand the over the top celebration Yana was performing.

"Now we can take some serious job for serious money.", said Ryuu confidently.

Yana nodded, dragging Ryuu to the job board.

"Oh, this one seems fun...check this out, Ryuu."

She handed the slip to him.

"The travelers entering the city from southeast, who pass by a cave there heard some strange noises sounding like cries from it. This phenomenon was reported from multiple people passing there. Investigate the source of the noise and report back to the guild."

"Shall we do it? The reward is 15 silvers..." Yana said.

"Sure. We just need to find the source and report back. Maybe kill some monster on the way if we find any. But after those ogres yesterday I'm sure no monster is match for us."

Yana giggled at his positivity.

"Yeah. Let's go."