
The Best Student Is Reincarnated In Another World

When one of the best students in Japan, and in the world, is met with an unfortunate demise, he is offered a reincarnation by a divine being. Follow his journey as he descends into a brand new world, and meet some fun characters along the way.

MrPlam · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs

Court of the King

Due to the direct order of the king, the guards took Ryuu in the king's castle. He was to be judged by His Majesty himself. As he was thinking about possible outcomes of this encounter and what he should defend himself with, guards halted. Two of them grabbed him by his arms and brought him into the throne room. It was unusually large, with beautiful drawings of some kind of a myth decorating the walls. The throne itself was not big nor small, seemingly made specifically to fit the king's size. His Majesty himself was sitting in the throne with a serious expression, looking down on the red haired boy. The king was an older man, maybe in his 50s, he had a long, pale beard and hair, was somewhat plump and had blue, tired looking eyes. He gave a quick hand signal to the guards, and so they left the room. He took a deep sight and looked at the boy.

"What do we have here. An intruder that, somehow, bypassed three levels of the castle's security without alarming anyone.", the king sighted again. "Listen kid. If you tell me how you've done it, I, king Leurupus Zue Rygerenn, promise you a quick and painless death. After all, for your crime only death can serve as the punishment."

Ryuu carefully considered his options. As he lacked information on the world he was in, he decided to speak the truth.

"Altrough I doubt you'll believe me, I was actually sent here by an angel.", said Ryuu while smiling akwardly.

"Angel? An angel sent you to my backyard?"

"Well, I'm not sure if she did it on purpose."

"Quit talking nonsense!", the king yelled. "I want a serious answer, and I want it now."

Ryuu took a deep breath.

"Does the concept of reincarnation seem familiar to you, Your Majesty?"

The king was thinking for a bit.

"Yes. We've heard of people claiming to be from other worlds. Don't tell me..."

"Yes, Your Majesty. I'm...from a country called Japan."

"That explains your sudden appearance out of nowhere. Altrough we haven't had an otherworlder in our kingdom for 200 years."

"Am I free to go, Your Majesty?"

"Not yet. You see, the otherworlder that appeared 200 years ago...was a menace. He served as a hero for long enough for people to trust him. But when he was offered immense power by a demon who shall not be named, his temptations couldn't resist. He became posessed, with a strong lust for blood and power. It took an allience of the best heroes from 3 countries just to defeat him. The people still fear otherworlders, even today. Due to that, your existance may cause panic across the entire kingdom."

"Is it possible for me to hide my identity of as otherworlder?" - Ryuu asked.

"An appraisal spell could reveal it anytime. And for that matter its quite a common spell, too, which means...people would find out rather quickly."

Ryuu carefully thought of what they could do.

"Your Majesty, do otherworlders have any notable skills?"

"Of course. It is said their mana capacity is twice the avarage human, and their physical capabilities are that of an Ogre Lord, even without any training."

Ryuu smirked.

"Alright then, how about I become Your Majesty's personal servant? I will protect Your Majesty, and in return I'd get food and a roof over my head."

The king looked at the boy. It didn't seem like a bad idea at first, but the king didn't trust Ryuu.

"What's your name, boy?"

"It's Reno Ryuu."

The king was hesitant. The kingdom was, in terms of military, inferior compared to its neighbouring countries. If Rygerenn was to be attacked all out, they would likely lose. The king also thought making the otherworlder an ally would be smarter than making him an enemy, and executing him would be a waste.

"Well, Reno Ryuu, our kingdom could use an otherworlder in our ranks. But your existance shall be known only to the higher ranks. And, just so you know, we don't trust you. If you attempt anything funny, you'll be executed on spot without any warning. Let me make that clear.

Ryuu gulped as he nodded. It's not like he had much of a choice. The king walked up to him and put his arm on Ryuu's shoulder.

"From now, Reno Ryuu, thee shall be my...personal butler."