
The Best Shinobi

A young man who suddenly got reincarnated into the ninja world from his class. He had no idea what happened but now that he was here, he needed to live a new life. Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, Sealing Jutsu, Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, he planned to master all of them. Being reincarnated into a normal clan, it would be extremely hard but he wasn't going to back down. This is the rise of Menma Izuno in the ninja to become the best shinobi. ................... Naruto will follow the same journey with a lot of new changes. Join my discord: https://discord.gg/uxhZZe8KdV Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/EvilParagon

Evil_Paragon · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
78 Chs

New Graduates BBQ Party

After leaving the training ground, four of them quickly reached the academy. When they reached the academy, they were spotted by Iruka Sensei and scolded by him.

Four of them didn't make any excuse and decided to listen to his preaching. After that, they were finally called for Graduation.

"Alright, Menma, you go first. You just need to make a clone to Graduate." Iruka Sensei called Menma in front of the class though there were only a few who failed to pass this exam.

But all Konoha 12 except Naruto had passed the exam already. They were only ten. But, considering the talent of Konoha 11, it wasn't surprising. The only surprising factor would be Naruto who had failed three times in the original.

Menma knew his influence had affected things even by a little bit. But, he didn't care much. He already knew things would change as soon as he was reincarnated here.

That's why he didn't hesitate to train Naruto.

After getting calls from Iruka, Menma walked in front of the class and made the hand signs.

"Clone Jutsu"

Slowly, an exact image of himself that also copied his action appeared next to him.

"Hmm…. There is no difference. You pass! Next, Okinawa"

Menma backed off and Okinawa also performed the same Jutsu. After that, Murasaki also made the same Jutsu.

"Alright, Naruto you try!" Iruka sighed. He doesn't expect much from Naruto but since Naruto has been hanging out with Menma and others, it wouldn't be a surprise if he has improved.

"Clone Jutsu!"

Naruto wasn't scared like in the original. That one year of training wasn't just to help him grow his Taijutsu. They also helped him control his Chakra as much as possible.

He wouldn't gain Chakra Control like Sakura but his Chakra control was astonishing indeed, especially after that training.

"Alright, all four of you pass the Graduation. Congratulation, from now on, you four are officially Genin."

Saying so, he passed down the headbands with the leaf's symbol on them.

"Wow! Naruto actually passed the exam."

"Damn it! Even he passed the exam, so what am I doing here?"

Those who failed the exams were disappointed in themselves. In their eyes, Naruto always comes at last so it wasn't surprising that they were frustrated.

"Guys, let's go and have some BBQ." Murasaki raised both of his hands and ran out of the class

Menma and others followed him.

"These kids! Hah…. It's good that they passed the graduation." Iruka sighed and slowly a smile appeared on his face.

Outside the Academy, Murasaki was leading everyone to the BBQ restaurant. But suddenly, a voice rang from behind which stopped them.

"So, you guys finally graduated huh? I thought you would even forget about it."

They all turned around and saw Shikamaru, Choji, Kiba, Ino, Hinata, Sakura, and even Sasuke. Of course, except for these, there were still three more people on this team.

Two of them were girls and one was a boy. He recognized one of them but two other girls were a bit unknown to him.

He didn't feel like he has met them before.

Shikamaru noticed his gaze and sighed "Explains this is such a drag."

"Menma, Naruto, Murasaki, Okinawa, are you guys going to the restaurant? How about we go together?" Choji who couldn't stop his hunger spoke.

Menma and others looked at each other and nodded their heads.

"Great! Let's go to Menma's restaurant." Choji led the group but there was someone who didn't go and instead walked away. The girls instantly noticed him and shouted.

"Sasuke, why are you leaving so soon?"

"Yeah, we are going to have the graduation party. You shouldn't leave alone."

Info and Sakura instantly called him. This attracted everyone's attention.

"Come on Sasuke, you said you will go with us. Why are you returning so soon?" Kiba couldn't help but frown.

"This is going to be a drag." Shikamaru rubbed his head and sighed.

Menma also sighed. This was Sasuke's style. He didn't like being together with others. But, Menma didn't want him to leave at this moment.

"Sasuke, I have something to tell you. Why don't you join us?"

Hearing Menma's words, everyone was surprised. Sakura and Ino got excited since Menma was someone Sasuke does listen to.

"Alright!" Sasuke snorted and joined them. At this moment, Naruto couldn't help but think.

'Why does this guy keeps being so arrogant? Humph! Just because he is talented and handsome, Sakura-chan fell for him.'

Naruto held a bit of a grudge against him but unlike in the original, he didn't simp for Sakura. Of course, it was also due to Menma's interference.

Soon, they reached Menma's restaurant.

"Oh! Menma-San, you came to eat with friends. Welcome! I will make a room soon." One of the waiters spotted him and got excited. Menma was the son of his boss.

Menma asked as he walked inside "Dad isn't here."

"Boss has gone out to buy the new stocks." The waiter shook his head and answered.

Menma nodded his head and his friends finally went to a massive room.

"Menma, your restaurant business is growing. I recently ate BBQ at your new restaurant near my house. But, why did you make it so close to my house?" Choji asked with confusion.

Menma smiled and said "Of course, it is to rip you off. You guys love to eat a lot so I asked dad to open a new restaurant near your clan area."

"Oh!" Choji wasn't offended by his words instead felt happy that Menma established the restaurant near his house. His clan has been visiting that restaurant a lot.

"Anyway, let's order our food!" Choji hurriedly started choosing different foods. He alone ordered the food equal to three people. Menma and others also ordered a lot.

After ordering the food, Shikamaru looked at Naruto and said "I am surprised that you managed to graduate. You used to be bad at Clone Jutsu."

Naruto rubbed his nose and chuckled.

"Thanks to Menma, Murasaki, and Okinawa, I was able to learn how to control my Chakra."

"I noticed. You didn't hang out with us anymore. So, you have been training with them huh!" Kiba remarked as he looked at Menma with a burning passion for battle in his eyes.

Sasuke looked at Menma and snorted. He didn't like Menma. He didn't like anyone at all but for some reason, he didn't like Menma even more.

Menma turned his head at three new people and asked "Shikamaru, are you going to introduce them?"

Shikamaru sighed with a lazy expression and said "Kotaro Fuma, Jeme Nara, and Beni Sarotobi. Kotaro was a part of a Genin team who lost two of his comrades recently."

"Jeme is the daughter of Uncle Suzaku and I don't know much about Beni. Why don't you guys introduce yourself?"

Hearing his suggestion, Kotaro Fuma stood up and spoke "My name is Kotaro Fuma. My Fuma clan is a distant relative of the Uchiha Clan. Since Uchiha Clan only has Sasuke, I am going to be Jonin and once again establish the Police Force in Konoha."

There was a great determination in his eyes.


At this moment, Sasuke smashed the ground and stared at Kotaro with his Sharingan.

"Only Uchiha is the Police Force of Konoha."

His eyes terrified others and Menma decided to break the tension.

"Police Force is part of Konoha. The only reason Uchiha was chosen was because of their superior strength in Genjutsu. Police are supposed to end the battle without making any scene and so, Genjutsu is naturally best for it. But, it doesn't mean only Uchiha can become the Police."

"Anyway, since Kotaro has introduced himself, how about you two? It would be good to know each other since we are from the same generation."

Jeme Nara stood up and spoke "My name is Jeme Nara. I am Shikamaru's cousin but I didn't graduate from the academy. I was taught everything by my father and don't have much fighting experience. Though I am not lazy as my cousin."

After she sat down, Beni Sarotobi stood up and said "My name is Beni Sarotobi. Because my talent for ninjutsu wasn't good, my mother didn't want me to be a ninja."

"So, I ran away from my mother and I am currently living with Asuma Uncle until I become Genin and earn enough to live on my own. No matter my talent for Ninjutsu, I am going to be a ninja."

Hearing her words, everyone was surprised. They didn't expect this girl to be courageous. But, Menma was even more curious about her. Because if she is calling Asuma uncle that means she is Asuma's sister's daughter.

He couldn't help but open his mouth and ask "Beni, did your Grandfather has two sons and one daughter?"

His questions surprised everyone as they didn't understand why this matters. Even Beni was surprised but she nodded her head and said "My mother married a normal civilian. My surname from my father's side is Yuro. But Asuma's uncle told me to use Sarotobi surname."

"Ohh!" Menma didn't ask any further and the food arrived soon.