
The best female doctor: Abandoned woman is also arrogant when taking c

[Hilarious and cute story] Gu Changsheng, who was born as a military doctor in the special forces and is proficient in both Chinese and Western medicine, feels that this journey through time is a rip-off! A son is given as a gift when traveling through time, well, this feels good. Having a son to take care of you in your old age, and having a permanent property at home, it is not difficult to be rich and prosperous. Your bad dad is coming back? Sorry, I don’t like to go back! Son, what kind of dad do you want? There are handsome and rich boys in the world, let’s pick and choose... This is a story about a crazy top-notch female doctor who plays around in ancient times with a bun!

wina_aubre · แฟนตาซี
41 Chs

Chapter 9 The Du Family’s Daughter-in-law with Difficult Labor

"Mr. Du, wait a minute!" Gu Changsheng took a quick step and stopped Mr. Du's staggering figure.

  Mr. Du did not even look at her, his eyes were filled with sadness and confusion that could not be concealed, and he waved his hand to push away the obstacle in front of him, "Get out of the way, Wan Niang is still waiting for me, she will be fine! She will definitely be fine!"

  "Mr. Du, you'd better calm down and listen to me." Gu Changsheng grabbed the arm that was waving at him, and rarely straightened his face, "Mr. Du, for a pregnant woman, if she has a miscarriage and a premature birth and encounters a difficult birth, it is really a matter of life and death."

  Isn't this nonsense! Xiao Cui took Xiao Roubaozi in one hand and Han Mo in the other hand and stepped forward, and said with a worried look on her face: "Madam, human life is at stake, if you can…"

  "Yes! Human life is at stake." Before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by Gu Changsheng, "I wonder if Mr. Du can afford the ten thousand taels of medical fee?"

  Xiao Cui decisively took the two children and took a step back. Madam, this is not good. Madam, are you sure she is not taking advantage of the situation? Are you sure you're not after the 10,000 taels of silver?

  "Can you save Wan Niang?" The worried and distracted Master Du finally came to his senses, twisted his fat body with difficulty, and said in disbelief, "If you can save my first wife, let alone the 10,000 taels of medical fee, even if you want my entire fortune, I won't say a word."

  "Deal!" Gu Changsheng let go of his arm and waved to the people behind him, "Xiao Cui and Han Qiu, pack up your things, take the two kids with you, and go to the Du Mansion. I'll go first."

  After that, he led the way out. The Du family members who came to their senses remembered to run forward to lead the way.

  The entrance hall of the old mansion was also very noble. Gu Changsheng's pace was very fast, and the servant who led her was jogging all the way, sweating profusely.

  "Prepare catgut. If you don't have it, use silk thread for sewing clothes. Soak it in strong liquor and boiling water in turn." Gu Changsheng instructed the people behind him, his voice more serious than ever. She was a military doctor. Even if she was a little cynical, she still had the ethics of a doctor. She couldn't watch the patient die in front of her. On the battlefield, she could wield a knife and shoot for the country without hesitation, but off the battlefield, she was just a military doctor, a qualified doctor!

  "Ginseng 15 coins, Chinese yam 20 coins, Atractylodes macrocephala 10 coins, Ophiopogon japonicus... plus 10 big red dates to boil the medicine, prepare it quickly for me." Gu Changsheng followed the leading servant, his voice steady and measured.

  "Big red dates?" Is this a medicinal material? The servant who was responsible for recording behind him was puzzled.

  "It is recorded in the "Ben Jing" that red dates are sweet and warm in nature, and have the effects of nourishing the middle and replenishing qi, nourishing blood and calming the mind. There is no time to tell you in detail now, go and boil the medicine." Gu Changsheng waved his hand and stepped into an exquisite courtyard gate.

  The courtyard was already in chaos. The maids and old women were in a panic, and their cries and shouts filled the ears. A woman in the house brought out a basin of blood. Gu Changsheng ignored the eyes of the old lady in gorgeous clothes next to him and looked at the woman holding the blood. He said seriously, "How is the condition of the woman in labor in the room?"

  "The lady's water broke a long time ago. The baby's position is not right. She can't be born. She has started bleeding..." After answering, she cried in fear.

  "Shut up!" Gu Changsheng shouted loudly, and the noise in the courtyard stopped. Even the old lady in gorgeous clothes was stunned for a moment and looked at her in confusion.

  "Are you Mr. Du's mother?"

  "Yes!" Old Madam Du replied intuitively.

  "From now on, anyone who cries again will be kicked out!" Gu Changsheng said this coldly, and took off his coat while walking into the house, "Also, prepare strong liquor, hot water, cotton cloth, and hemostatic herbs, and bring them into the house for me."

  There was no sterile suit left, so she could only take off her coat to reduce the chance of bringing in germs.

  Without bothering to look at Madam Du, Gu Changsheng strode into the inner room.

  A bloody smell hit her in the face, and the temperature in the room made Gu Changsheng suffocate for a moment. She didn't bother to think about anything else, and walked to the delivery bed in three or two steps, pulled up Madam Du's wrist that was clenched on the mattress, and carefully checked her pulse.

  Madam Du's limbs were cold, her lips were pale, she was sweating profusely, and her pulse was fine and smooth, floating and large with a slight root, which was a precursor to metrorrhagia. The situation was too critical and she couldn't wait a moment.

  "Mrs. Du, Mrs. Du, can you hear me?" While talking to Mrs. Du, he opened the secret pocket on his waist and quickly inserted several silver needles into the Hegu, Sanyinjiao, Zhi**, Du**, and supplemented with Tanzhong, Xuehai, Shenmen, and Neiguan.

  "Chenzhi, is that you..." Mrs. Du opened her eyes weakly and murmured, confused and out of focus.

  "Mrs. Du, since you have woken up, I want to tell you now that your condition is very bad." Turning around and pressing on her lower abdomen, up and down, left and right, carefully, he lifted the sheet covering her lower body and carefully checked it all over.

  "Madam Du, I am your doctor now, Gu Changsheng." Gu Changsheng rubbed the acupuncture points on her lower abdomen and said, "If you want both mother and child to be safe, cooperate with the medicine and maintain your strength."

  Gu Changsheng's words were calm and powerful, which made people unconsciously feel convinced. When Madam Du heard that both mother and child were safe, her eyes instantly brightened a lot, "Can you save me? No! Can you save my child? Please, save my child, don't worry about me..."

  "Madam Du, don't worry, I am a doctor. If there is any possibility, I will not watch my patients die in front of me." After saying this, Gu Changsheng walked out without looking at Madam Du. She had the obligation to tell the patient's family the truth.

  Outside the door, Master Du, Xiao Cui, Han Qiu and others were all there, and even the little meat bun looked at the door nervously.

  Gu Changsheng held up a pair of bloody hands and spoke seriously, "Mr. Du, your wife is in a very bad condition now. She was born prematurely and the baby is large. She is already suffering from metrorrhagia. If the birth canal is not opened in time, there may be two deaths."

  "Madam, please, you must save Wan Niang. I kneel down for you." Mr. Du knelt down without saying anything. His eyes were red.

  "Madam, please, you must save my wife. This is the only root left for our Du family. I kneel down for you too!" Madam Du got rid of the old woman who was supporting her and knelt down tremblingly. Her eldest son died young and left no children. Now she only has this young son, but he is the only hope for her Du family.

  "You two don't have to be like this. You invited me here. As a doctor, I will do my best." Gu Changsheng looked reluctant. She couldn't bear to see the patient's family members in such a state of separation. "Han Qiu, write a document saying that I tried my best and I am not responsible for whether the patient can be saved or not. Let them sign. Do you two have any opinions?"

  "No, I'll leave everything to you, my lady." An old and powerful voice came from outside the hall door.

  Gu Changsheng glanced at the person who came. He was in his sixties. His wrinkled face had the majesty of a superior. He was wearing a purple silk robe embroidered with a large golden flower. He must be the retired Du Ge Lao.

  People of such status are naturally the ones who have the final say.

  Gu Changsheng stopped looking at him, gave Xiao Cui, Han Qiu and the others a reassuring look, and led the old woman who held the things she wanted back to the delivery room.

  After rechecking the situation, he quickly removed the silver needle. "Mrs. Du, Mr. Du and the others are waiting outside the door for the news of your baby. Your amniotic fluid is about to run out, and there are signs of heavy bleeding. If you delay any longer, the baby will suffocate and die. I can only cut your birth canal and help you give birth to the baby. Under the current circumstances, I can save your baby. As for you, I can only do my best."

  Gu Changsheng did not hide anything. Patients also have the right to know. Hiding will only increase her fear of the unknown.

  "Thank you..." Although Mrs. Du was weak, she still squeezed out a relieved smile.

  As a mother, nothing is more important than the safety of her child.

  "Then I will give you acupuncture now, which can effectively reduce your pain. You should bear the pain. When I ask you to exert force later, even if it hurts, you have to cooperate with me." Gu Changsheng said as he kept inserting the needle and instructed the maid beside him to massage the area between the eyebrows, the lower part of the tiger's mouth, and the entrance of the wrist.

  Mrs. Du, who was holding the ginseng slice, had her hair and sweat stuck together, but she nodded with difficulty, indicating that she knew.

  Time was tight, and she had no time to prepare the Ma Fei Powder. The pain of childbirth is defined as the twelfth degree in modern medicine, which is unbearable pain.

  Compared with this, the pain of cutting the skin can be endured.

  Ignoring the horrified eyes of the midwife, Gu Changsheng took out a row of surgical instruments he usually used from his waist, various scalpels, suture needles, retractors...

  Without time to experience this familiar feeling across space, Gu Changsheng threw the scalpels and suture needles he needed into the strong liquor, then roasted them on the fire and wiped them dry, then leaned over and squatted beside the delivery bed, avoiding the large blood vessels, and the scalpel quickly cut the perineum side incision, which was the simplest minor operation. "Cotton cloth!"

  The midwife came back to her senses in Gu Changsheng's serious voice, and tremblingly handed over the cotton cloth.

  "Help me, wipe the bleeding."

  "Crush all the hemostatic herbs for me, quickly!"

  "Mrs. Du, do you hear me?"

  "Yeah..." a weak response.

  "Mrs. Du, you are a great mother. Don't be nervous. I will do my best to ensure that both you and your child are safe."

  "Hot water."

  Gu Changsheng washed the blood off his hands, pursed his lips and reached into the birth canal with one hand. The baby's fetal position was not correct, and it was too difficult to deliver naturally. He found the position of the head accurately and pulled it out with skillful force. Gu Changsheng squatted on the ground with a stiff body, and was now sweating profusely.

  "Mrs. Du, the baby's head is close to the birth canal. Listen to me. I will count to three. Push with me. You will definitely give birth to a healthy and lovely baby."

  "One, two, three!"

  "Ah..." A heart-wrenching cry echoed over the delivery room.

  The people who were anxiously waiting outside the delivery room were all shocked and rushed to the door of the delivery room.

  There was no expected baby crying. The people outside the delivery room, including Gu Changsheng who was holding the newborn baby in his hands, were also stunned.