

Ken, becomes angry with the family and stood up, saying, "I am leaving."

"Oh no, you are staying right her to complete your meal," Sam reply.

Alex being so caught up with the conversation he had completely forgotten he was feeding Champ.

When the child shakes his hand saying, "Uncle roni," Alex returns his attention to the feeding of the child.

Margret said, "Joash honey, that is your Papa."


"Yes, your own papa."

"My Papa like Ian and Andy Papa?"


Hearing him clapping "I have my own Papa." When Joash stroke his face asking, "Uncle, you, my papa?"

Alex closes his eyes thinking, 'This is real," hugging him "Yes Champ, I am your Papa, and I love you very much?"

Sam hug Diandra seeing the tears as she whispers, "Thank you."

After every one was settled down Sam said, "Ken now that we are all together, you are going to be the first to hear this.

If Maria and I decides to move to Brixton with Dee, will you and Beverly come and live here instead of that apartment?

As you know now Dee have her own house, Margret and Natalia don't want to return home, and I don't want to sell."

"Sam this place is so big."

"Ken, don't you want to start a family?"

Hearing him ask Beverly, "Honey what do you say?"

All eyes turn to her, "I like it, but the final decision is Ken's, anywhere he is I am happy."

When Sam said, "Then it is finalize, this is the best news I have heard in a while."

"Sam, please, I will need some time to think." Ken, replies to Sam.

When Beverly said, "I believe here is a good place to start a family, and if Diandra could change and improve her lifestyle.

I can certainly make an extra effort and learn the work at the radio station. That way, we can be with each other."

"You will?"

"Yes, but I thought you hated the radio station?"

"Ken that's because I was jealous of Diandra. Now that I know she is a sister.

I am sure things will be different and I don't see why I can't support you now?"

"Oh honey, that is so wonderful to hear."

When Beverly said, "I also want to take this opportunity one time to say a special thanks to Alex.

Ken, Alex was the person responsible for getting me back on the right path."

Alex looks at Beverly, 'Angry, because she had to open her big mouth. I only hope Ken don't become angry?'

Hearing Ken says, "Beverly, I didn't know already met Alex?"

"Ken, Alex and I had dinner a few times."



When Diandra said, "Ken what is the matter?"

"Just mind your business, Dee." seeing the way, he was angry, turning to Beverly.

"What is going on Ken?" Sam asks.

"Ken is angry, I had dinner with Alex." Beverly responds.

Diandra knew immediately this was going to become a problem. "Aye bro, don't be like that, Beverly had joined me while I was having dinner with Alex."

"You are not lying to me?"

"Why would I lie to you about that? It was when I was working for Alex."

"Are you sure?"

"Ken trust me, I won't lie to you about something like that? She was with me, when I was having dinner with Alex."

"So, answer me, why didn't you tell me that before tonight?"

"Hello, you know me better than that, do I look like I am working in the postal service?

It was a nice dinner, so what was I to do report everything to you?"

Beverly looks at Diandra recalling, 'How dreadful the evening was, and what an embarrassment it was for her?'

Looking at Alex, wondering, 'If he told Diandra, of the evening Roxanne and I plotted to get to him?

He is very intelligent never divulging anything. I wonder if Roxanne knew that he and Diandra is husband and wife?

Since my visit to his office and we had our last discussion, I never call or met Roxanne.

Things between Ken and I have changed so much. Glimpsing at Alex then the other.

I could see from Alex facial expression; he was dissatisfied with how I reveal our meeting.

Look Ken I am sorry, I didn't think it was important at the time and it had slipped my mind, but now you know?"

"Thanks Dee, I should trust my wife and not be angry."

When Beverly said, "Diandra I know we have not gotten along, but that was because I was a jealous fool.

Must thank for understanding, a please forgive me for my behavior."

"Beverly, there is no need for that, you are my sister-in-law and everyone make mistakes, so let us start afresh."

"Thank you very much, I will like that."

"Now that the truth is made known and the air is cleared up, we can sleep comfortable.

Sam I must say tonight turn out to be a grand celebration, thank you. And it is late and I am very exhausted and I need someone to escort me to my home.

Oh, Beverly you can stay tonight, my room is available."

"Diandra, I didn't walk with any extra clothes."

"Don't worry Beverly, my room have clothes; just don't use the blue dress, every other piece is new that is bundle up in a corner so use what you need."

"Thanks, Diandra."

"Not a problem, it will be really nice to see the whole family in church together for the first time."

Turning to Maria, "Maria will you keep him with you tonight for me please?"

Seeing the nod, Diandra hugs and kiss everyone whispering to Ken, "Good night my sweet brother i hope you know I love you very much."

Holding Champ, Alex heard Diandra said "This way Alex, you can put him in this bed."

Bending Diandra kiss him, "Goodnight sweetie, mummy will see her baby in the morning, and be a good boy for grandpa."
