
The bay of black dolphins

Not many knew, that before Victoria disappeared out of public sight and from newspaper front titles, she used to keep a rigorous diary. Detectives found it in the basement of the residence of Pierrot - the infamous terrorist, who vanished at the same time as his girlfriend in crime. The diary started with the first mentioning of Victoria's promising career ambitions as a psychologist, and also of her beloved brother, who was kidnapped soon after his wedding. As it turned out - and it helped to understand next step of a few key participants of the case - Victoria soon quitted her job and joined the criminal world not out of her professional interest to psychopaths, but because it was her plan to become one of them in order to find her brother, from the start.

Linda_Tint · สมัยใหม่
13 Chs


When I saw Gilbert for the last time, he looked determined. Murdered with love and loneliness, but not apathic anymore.

I wondered, how could Eve not even leave a single note? After all, she, of all people in this non-creative family, was into writing.

Her instagram was erased from existence - I checked it, probably, 5 times per every day.

Poor Ghosty, he did love this girl. But I also loved my brother, so I was aimed to get him back on track, out of this misery, depression and chronical drinking.

I asked my supervisor, who was a clinical psychologist, to help him.

Of course, I did not understand, that nothing could help him, except for any knews from Wyse police department about Eve.

But they kept their silence, looking at us every time we showed up in their office with new suggestions, with a shadow of empathy.

Gilbert believed that his future wife was kidnapped.

"By whom?" - I asked.

He just rolled his brown eyes and snuggled to his beer bottle, like a big abandoned baby. I could never hate all kidnappers in the world more.

"I don't know, Vicky, but I'm sure police is hiding something" - he said, his underlip curved angrily.

He watched marathon of "Matrix" all night, and in the morning it was supposed to be the first day of his psychotherapeutic session.

Gilbert looked better, as if he was aimed to do something great. I was drinking coffee, while he was writing something down in his laptop.

When he left, I felt that it was a morning I would never forget. Smells in the kitchen mixed strangely with Gilbert's perfume, as if he poured out the whole bottle of Lacosto accidentally.

That day, Gilbert never showed up for the session.

Writing this, I feel ridiculously calm. It happened so much time ago, that the past turned into a parallel universe, and I forgot the shock of the phone call from the police department.

"Miss Vendetty? - wooden-like voice barked at me from the other end of the line.

"Yes?" I was ready to hear some updates on Eve.

"We have information that tonight at 9 p.m. Gilbert Vendetty stole police helicopter, with many witnesses. He left Wyse in unknown direction."

"He would never do that. You probably have mistaken him for someone else" - I said, feeling defensive and agitated.

"Miss Vendetty, did mr Vendetty tell you about his plans? And when did you see him last time?"

That night, I answered all their questions.

Gilbert's social media accounts were erased. Next weeks, I was checking his tiktok, where he had around a million followers - but it was not there anymore.

For the first time in my life, I was alone in Wise - and, I knew it, not for a while.