
The Battles of Hearts (Naruto)

Honestly, I designed Naruto's personality in opposite the Manga/Anime. Although Naruto is my favorite, I wanted to craft a character who experiences betrayal from a loved one and becomes cold hearted, this is the story of Naruto the Military Commando. In my story, his son, Aqua Hoshino, differs from the original Oshi No Ko character. I wasn't fond of how Aqua toyed with Akane and Kana's hearts, so I created him to be the son that Naruto truly deserves. I hope you enjoy my narrative.

The_Mystry · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
72 Chs

The Tale of Naruto's Past

The atmosphere inside the car was tense as they all awaited Naruto's arrival. Ai, her eyes filled with tears, couldn't help but blame herself for Naruto's current state. Kota, trying to reassure her, spoke up, "Mother, don't give up so soon. I can feel that there is still good in him. Father didn't fully succumb to darkness, just like Aqua."

Ruby, riddled with guilt, shared her own thoughts. "It's all my fault that father is like this. I used to think that he was only after mother's money, but I was wrong. He genuinely cared for everyone." Their words hung heavy in the air, a testament to the deep concern they all felt for Naruto and Aqua.

Naruto arrived with his iconic Harley Davidson, the sleek machine revving with power. Kubo, taken aback by its impressive appearance, asked, "What's wrong with the car?" Naruto, with his usual cold demeanor, replied, "Nothing. Shall we go?" Kubo, slightly intimidated, nodded in agreement. As Naruto glanced at Kota, he issued a stern warning, "Just make sure you don't let your guard down, son. We don't know what we'll be facing." Kota, determined, affirmed, "As you say, father." With a nod to Kubo, Naruto started his bike and zoomed off into the distance.

As Naruto's bike roared ahead, Ai sat in the car, gazing at him thoughtfully, filled with regret for letting him go. Meanwhile, Kota meticulously inspected his katana, ensuring it was in top condition. Kana, attempting to ease his worries, remarked, "Don't stress. You're with family, not on some military mission." Kota, offering a small smile, replied, "I know, but it's always better to be prepared in advance." Intrigued, Kubo then asked Kota about the circumstances of his and Aqua's reunion with Naruto. Kota explained, "It was just before mother was kidnapped. We were given the task to rescue her. Father initially wanted to handle it alone, as he prefers solo missions. But when he learned that Aqua and I were also part of the team, he agreed to our involvement."

Kubo was taken aback by Kota's revelation, and he asked, "You truly went through a lot." Kota replied, "Sometimes, the odds are what forges a warrior." Kana, gripping Kota's hand, urged him, "Kota, you're not in the military now. You're not just a warrior; you're Kota Hoshino." To this, Kota responded firmly, "Not Hoshino, I'm Kota Uzumaki." The group was stunned at Kota's declaration. Ai, visibly surprised, inquired, "Uzumaki?" Kota met her gaze and explained, "It's Father's surname, Mother." Realizing the weight of the situation, he added, "It's a long story, everyone, and I think I should start from the beginning."

Kota delved into the poignant story of his father, Naruto Uzumaki. He recounted how Naruto's parents, Minato and Kushina Uzumaki, tragically passed away when he was young, leaving Naruto and his two siblings alone. They were then adopted by the Namikaze Family, who mistreated Naruto due to his perceived lack of skill. However, his grandparents' words about the true nature of strength stayed with him. As Kota continued, he explained how Naruto's life took a sharp turn after the passing of his grandmother, leading to abandonment by the Namikaze Family and even his own siblings. Naruto was shattered, eventually finding solace in the military, where he became an unyielding soldier.

He met Ai during one of his missions, and they fell in love. Kota expressed how Naruto concealed much of his pain from Ai, not wanting her to bear the weight of his suffering. As Kota recounted these heartbreaking events, Ai wept, realizing the extent of her own mistakes and feeling deep regret.

As Ai wept uncontrollably, overcome with remorse, Ruby, too, found tears streaming down her cheeks, unable to contain her emotions. Ai held Kota's hand tightly, expressing her profound apologies. "I'm sorry, Kota. It's all my fault. I caused him to revert to his former self, and now he's like this because of me," she lamented.

Kota, in a comforting tone, assured his mother, "The past is the past, Mother. I believe there's still love within Father, and despite everything, I can see how much he loves you. Even Aqua has faith that Father can come back from the darkness. If we can help Father find his way back, then there's hope for Aqua too." His words provided a glimmer of hope in the midst of their emotional turmoil, strengthening their resolve to bring Naruto back from the brink.

Kota's hopeful words resonated deeply within everyone, sparking a glimmer of optimism in their hearts. As the car continued its journey, their determination to rescue Naruto and Aqua from the darkness grew stronger. Each of them silently made a promise to themselves to do everything in their power to bring back the Naruto and Aqua they knew and loved. Their shared resolve became the driving force behind their upcoming efforts to save their beloved family members.

Upon their arrival in the Philippines, Aqua and Izumi immediately set out to search for Sasuke's last known location. Izumi turned to Aqua and asked where they should begin. Aqua contemplated for a moment and responded, "There must be some connection to the zombies. We'll use that as our starting point to track down Sasuke's location." Izumi nodded and expressed his hope for Sasuke's safety. Aqua, with determination in his eyes, vowed, "I may not have been able to save my own family, but I will do everything in my power to rescue Akane's family from their suffering."

While Aqua and Izumi were advancing towards the scene, they stumbled upon a pile of corpses, evidence of recent zombie attacks. Aqua's trained eyes swiftly noticed the precise sword slashes on the bodies, and he immediately recognized the distinct mark of the Dark Breathing technique, one that he knew was used exclusively by Sasuke. Izumi, observing the situation, suggested, "We might be getting closer to him, sensei." Aqua nodded in agreement, and they continued their search with a newfound sense of urgency.

As Aqua and Izumi made their way towards the site, Aqua suddenly felt a distinct presence nearby, causing him to tense up. Izumi, catching on to the situation, let out a frustrated sigh, commenting, "Can't believe they followed us all the way to the Philippines." Aqua, his expression turning serious, muttered, "This is going to be troublesome," before addressing the unseen individuals. Both of them turned to find Akane and Shikimori standing there.

Aqua leveled a firm gaze at Akane and chided her, "I told you this isn't something a civilian should see. You two have already seen enough of this mess." Before he could continue, Rose's voice interjected, "It's been a while, Aqua." Taken aback, Aqua inquired, "Ms. Rose, why are you here?" Rose responded resolutely, "Sasuke is here, and this time I won't let him go."

Izumi cautioned them, "It's too dangerous," prompting Shikimori to express her concern for Izumi. Aqua let out a sigh and turned to Rose, asking, "Is there any other way to stop all of you?" Rose was resolute in her response, explaining that she had waited too long for Sasuke and that she wouldn't let him slip away this time. Aqua warned them, "Just don't get into trouble. It won't be as simple as you all think."

As they moved forward, Aqua addressed the group, advising, "Try to stay in safe spots, and we'll do what's necessary." All the girls nodded in agreement. While they continued their journey, Aqua stole a glance at Akane, his expression turning grave. His mind raced with thoughts, acknowledging that it wouldn't be an easy task with them all here. Nevertheless, he remained determined to save everyone, even if it meant sacrificing his own life.

Aqua's determination mirrored that of his father, Naruto, while his resilience seemed to echo that of his mentor, Sasuke. Meanwhile, Aqua saw his own resolve reflected in the unwavering determination of his student, Izumi, who was now committed to supporting him wholeheartedly. As they pressed on, it was evident that the ties between master and student had created an unbreakable bond of mutual respect and trust.