
The barber:Dc

Jayden, a talented and ambitious boy, has always dreamed of becoming a Barber. However, his aspirations seem out of reach in his ordinary life. One fateful night, as Jayden was walking back home he encounters a woman in danger and tries to save her...unfortunately, because of his recklessness, he died... But that wasn't the end for him as he awakens in a realm beyond imagination, finding himself reincarnated into the DC Universe. Now trying to live out his lifelong dream, Jayden must navigate this new reality where superheroes and supervillains coexist. . . . . . My last story wasn't really starting off well so I decided to change it for this dc one while I fine-tune and mark out the other one that I'll upload into another story category. I'll be honest here I've never read a dc comic in my life but I love the movies and have been reading up on my favourite characters. I'm still confused about the whole rebirth thing and the new 52 but I'm trying. In any case, most of my knowledge will be from the movies, some videos I've seen from Kinglion, variant YouTube and of course the wiki. I've been recommended to watch the young justice TV show, static and other animated stuff so while writing this I'll watch some of that stuff in my free time. Also just a reminder, I'm not a professional writer and don't claim to be, I'll make mistakes, so pointing out those mistakes would be much appreciated. Then with nothing more to say I hope you enjoy my story, and if not then thanks for trying it out. ......................

John_Len_2493 · อื่นๆ
92 Chs

Chapter Thirty-Four

Jayden walked leisurely along the streets of Gotham, taking in the evening air after a satisfying day at his barbershop.

The sound of his footsteps mingled with the gentle hum of the city, creating a serene atmosphere.

As Jayden made his way through the dimly lit streets of Gotham, he noticed a patrol car approaching from behind.

He paid it no mind at first, assuming it was just another routine police presence. But as the car drew closer, the flashing lights and blaring sirens shattered the tranquillity of the night.

The patrol car screeched to a halt, blocking Jayden's path.

Two officers emerged from the vehicle, their stern expressions casting an intimidating shadow over Jayden.

The atmosphere instantly changed, and Jayden's heart raced with unease.

"Stop right there! Put your hands up!" One of the officers barked, his voice dripping with aggression.

They had their guns drawn on Jayden ready to act If he tried anything funny. One of the officers barked, pointing a finger at Jayden. "What's your business in this neighbourhood?"

Jayden's eyes widened slightly, surprised by the accusatory tone. Nonetheless, he kept his composure and calmly replied, "I'm just taking a leisurely stroll from my barbershop. Is there a problem, officers?"

The second officer, a burly man with a disdainful expression, sneered at Jayden. "We've received reports of a suspect matching your description involved in criminal activity. You fit the profile."

Jayden raised an eyebrow in disbelief. "I assure you, officers, I am not involved in any criminal activity. I own a legitimate business and have no reason to engage in such behaviour."

The first officer, seemingly enjoying the power dynamic, stepped closer to Jayden. "Save it, punk. We've been keeping an eye on your kind around here. It's time someone like you learns a lesson."

Jayden took a deep breath, his instincts telling him that arguing would only escalate the situation.

He maintained a calm demeanour, refusing to be provoked. "If you have a legitimate reason to detain me, I will cooperate. However, I know my rights and demand to know the exact accusations against me."

The second officer exchanged a glance with his partner before smirking. "You'll find out soon enough, Punk. Let's see how well you hold up at the precinct."

With that, the officers forcefully handcuffed Jayden, ignoring his protests of innocence. They escorted him to the awaiting police car, their rough handling an unnecessary show of authority.

Throughout the ordeal, Jayden kept his cool, knowing that remaining composed was the best way to challenge their harassment.

He could have used his powers to do something, but one there were witnesses all around and two he had spotted a few cameras nearby, so his best bet was to just cooperate for now.

What Jayden hadn't noticed was Raven up on the rooftops glaring at the two officers.


Inside the precinct, Jayden found himself in a small, dimly lit holding cell.

He leaned against the cold, metal bars, contemplating his next move. The atmosphere was tense, with officers rushing around and conversations filled with frustration and anger.

As he tried to make sense of the situation, a young woman with fiery red hair caught his attention.

She approached the cell with a curious yet concerned expression. Jayden couldn't help but feel a sense of relief at the sight of a friendly face amidst the chaos.

"Hey there," the red-haired girl said, her voice filled with genuine concern. "Is everything alright? I saw them bring you in, and I couldn't help but wonder what happened."

Jayden glanced at her, appreciating her kindness. "Thanks for asking. Honestly, I'm not even sure why I'm here. I was just on my way home from the barbershop when the police stopped me. They claimed I matched the description of a suspect they were looking for."

The girl's eyes widened in surprise. "That's strange. You don't seem like someone who would be involved in any criminal activity."

Jayden shrugged, frustration evident in his voice. "Tell me about it. I was just minding my own business, and suddenly I find myself in this mess."

The girl leaned closer, her voice dropping to a whisper. "I'm Barbara, by the way. It's nice to meet you."

Jayden paused confusing Barbara, but he quickly got himself together and gave her his name.

Jayden smiled, grateful for the introduction. "Likewise, Barbara. The names Jayden. Thanks for checking up on me. It's good to know there are still decent people out there."

'So this is Barbara Gordon, looks like she hadn't become oracle in this universe.' Jayden thought while looking into Barbara's eyes.

Barbara's expression turned thoughtful. "I've seen my fair share of injustice, and I believe in standing up for what's right. If there's anything I can do to help, please let me know."

Jayden nodded, a glimmer of hope igniting within him. "I appreciate that, Barbara. Maybe you can help me make sense of all this."

As Jayden shared his side of the story, Barbara listened intently, her brows furrowing in concern. She couldn't help but feel that something wasn't right about the situation.

"This doesn't add up," Barbara said, her voice laced with determination. "It sounds like a case of mistaken identity or, worse yet, harassment."

Jayden's eyes widened, grateful that Barbara shared his suspicions. "You think so too? I thought I was going crazy for a moment."

Barbara smiled reassuringly. "No, you're not crazy. I've seen the corruption within the police force firsthand. Let me look into this further. Maybe we can find evidence that will help clear your name."

Jayden felt a surge of gratitude and relief. The presence of someone willing to stand up for him brought a renewed sense of hope.

' Well if anyone could bail me out of here, it's probably her.'


Barbara couldn't shake off the nagging feeling that there was more to Jayden's arrest than met the eye.

She had just finished some work for college and she had come to the gcpd to catch up with her old man...but instead Of going straight to him, she made a detour to Jayden.

The way those officers looked at Jayden just rubbed her the wrong way.

Determined to uncover the truth, she excused herself and made her way through the bustling precinct, her mind racing with possibilities.

Inside the precinct, officers hurried about, seemingly unaware of the injustices that unfolded within their ranks.

Barbara observed their interactions, searching for any signs of corruption or misconduct. She knew she had to be discreet, as exposing the truth would require careful manoeuvring.

After finding the office where they keep Camera footage of police officers, she bumped into the officer in charge of the room.

"Oh my goodness, I am so sorry..." She apologised and the officer was about to shout at her for not paying attention but the moment he got a good look at her he shut his mouth right up.

" Oh, no it's me who should have been paying attention, I've still got a clean shirt In my locker, you have a good day Miss Gordan.

Barbara smiled and apologised again before the officer left, the moment he did Barbara smirked while swiping the key card she had just stolen from the officer on the door.

' I've not got long so I gotta make this quick.'

As she discreetly accessed the precinct's database, Barbara's agile fingers danced across the keyboard.

She searched for any records or reports that might shed light on Jayden's situation. Her heart skipped a beat when she discovered discrepancies in the arrest report, inconsistencies that raised red flags.

Taking note of the details, Barbara accessed the CCTV footage and determined to find evidence that would clear Jayden's name.

She meticulously reviewed hours of footage, in minutes at almost 10 times the speed, her eyes scanning for any hints of wrongdoing. And then, she found it—a video clip that revealed the truth.

The footage captured the moment of Jayden's arrest.

It showed the officers stopping him without probable cause, their demeanour aggressive and hostile. It was clear that this was not a case of mistaken identity; it was a targeted act of harassment.

With the evidence in hand, Barbara knew she had to act swiftly. She returned to Jayden's holding cell, her expression filled with determination.

"Jayden, I have something that might help you," Barbara said, her voice laced with urgency. "I've found evidence that proves your arrest was wrongful."

" I think I'll be able to get you out of here soon, just wait here patiently okay." Barbara said with a smile while also whispering so none of the other officers nearby could hear what she had said.

"You did? That's incredible, Barbara. Thank you." Jayden said great full for the help.


Barbara went to her father, Commissioner Gordon. She knew that if anyone could right this wrong, it was him.

Barbara found her father in his office, poring over paperwork.

She closed the door behind her and presented the evidence she had uncovered. Commissioner Gordon looked at his daughter, his face a mix of surprise and concern.

"Barbara, what is this?" he asked, studying the documents and video footage she had gathered.

"Dad, I stumbled upon something unusual regarding an arrest," Barbara explained.

"The evidence I found suggests that he was wrongfully targeted and arrested. I believe there is corruption within the precinct, and those officers clearly targeted this young man on purpose."

" I mean, not even the description of the alleged criminal matches Jayden in the slightest."

Commissioner Gordon's brows furrowed as he absorbed the information. "This is troubling, Barbara. If what you're saying is true, we need to address it immediately."

"I thought it would be best to bring this to your attention first," Barbara continued. "I want to make sure that justice is served, and that the innocent are protected."

Commissioner Gordon nodded, his expression grave. "I appreciate your diligence, Barbara. I'll launch an internal investigation into the matter right away. No one should be subjected to false accusations or harassment."

As the wheels of justice were set in motion, Commissioner Gordon assured Barbara that he would handle the situation with the utmost care.

He recognized the importance of maintaining trust between the police and the community they served.

With a newfound sense of hope, Barbara left her father's office, knowing that Jayden's fate now rested in capable hands.

She felt a weight lifted off her shoulders, grateful that her father shared her commitment to justice.

As Jayden stepped out of the interrogation room, his mind filled with a mix of relief and frustration.

The charges against him had been dropped, but the encounter with the corrupt officers had left a bitter taste in his mouth.

He couldn't shake off the realization that, no matter the world he found himself in, discrimination and harassment would always persist.

Walking through the precinct, Jayden glanced around, observing the officers as they carried on with their duties. He couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment, knowing that within their ranks, there were those who abused their power.

As he made his way towards the exit, lost in thought, he noticed a young woman with fiery red hair observing him from a distance.

Reuniting with Barbara, Jayden expressed his gratitude. "Barbara, I can't thank you enough for what you've done. You believed in me and fought for me. I owe you a debt."

Barbara smiled, her eyes sparkling with mirth. "Jayden, it was the right thing to do. No one should be subjected to injustice and no one should be subjected to that kind of treatment."

Jayden sighed, a mix of gratitude and weariness in his voice. "I appreciate your understanding. It's a sad reality that discrimination and harassment still exist, no matter where we find ourselves in."

Barbara nodded, her gaze meeting his with determination. "You're right. But remember, there are those of us who are fighting against it. We won't let injustice prevail."

Jayden's spirits lifted slightly, touched by Barbara's words. "I'm glad to hear that. It's comforting to know that there are people like you out there, ready to make a difference."

" So what's gonna happen to those two officers, I'm guessing they're just gonna get a slap on the wrist."

" Not exactly..." Barbara said mysteriously, and knowing who her dad was she had probably asked him to discipline the officers that had harassed him.

" Hey I know this may sound sudden and you can reject the offer if you want, but I know a mean Chinese place...can I take you out as a way of thanking you?"

" That is, I'm not trying to ask you out, I'm already sort of in a relation...well it's complicated but if you have a boyfriend I understand if..."

Barbara just patted Jayden's shoulder and chuckled, before replying." No need to explain...your not gonna be stingy with the sides are you."

"Of course not...by the way it's all you can eat today," Jayden said already salivating at the thought of food.

"Then I accept...well then Jayden, lead the way." Barbara said and the two started walking side by side while getting to know more about each other.

And so Jayden had not only made a new acquaintance...but in the future a lifelong friend.












Suprise! here's another chapter. This chap is over 2000 words...Batgirl has officially made her first appearance...

John_Len_2493creators' thoughts